Page 11 - July 29, 2019
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he Weekly ANCHOR
Farm & Fieldarm & Field
News and Views
News and Views
PAGE 22 MONDAY JULY 22, 2019
T he Weekly ANCHOR
Farm & Fieldarm & Field

News and Views
News and Views

Regenerative Farming and Ranching Workshop featuring Gabe Brown

by Cassie Kushniruk workshop will also include the opportunity to
visit research plots and producer field plots in
From August 20-21, farmers and ranchers are Wildwood, Entwistle, and Brazeau County.
invited to participate in a two-day Regenerative “Instead of just one day of all classroom
Farming and Ranching Workshop featuring guest learning, we're going to try to break it up so each
speaker Gabe Brown. day there will be a classroom portion but then
Brown is a pioneer of the soil health movement most likely in the afternoon we'll be heading to
and has been named one of the 25 most our plot locations as well as producer fields that
influential agricultural leaders in the USA. At his we want to tour,” said Nay.
family-owned ranch, Brown's Ranch, Brown and WCFA is partnering with Gateway Research
his family practice Holistic Management, a part Organization and Lakeland Agriculture Research
of which is “farming and ranching in nature's Association to host this two-day workshop. “We
image”. decided to host this because we've heard a lot
“At the workshop we'll be covering from our producers that they want to know more
regenerative ranching and farming, so it's all about their soil health and basically about
about improving soil health as well as farming in processes they can be doing to be improving Gabe Brown will be featured at a two-day
a natural and sustainable manner,” said West their soil health and also maximizing their Regenerative Farming and Ranching Workshop.
Central Forage Association (WCFA) production,” said Nay. “We heard a lot about
Conservation Agriculture & Extension Program what Gabe Brown does and we thought it would Complimentary lunch and bussing will be
Coordinator Rachel Nay. “People will be able to be interesting to see what he had to say about our included in the registration fee. Check-in for both
learn strategies to increase their production and area up here and what we could do in our region days will begin at 8:30 am at WCFA's office in
profit while also benefiting the natural resources to improve soil health.” Entwistle and the day will end at 5 pm.
on their land.” Currently, there are six registrants for the “If people are interested in learning more about
Nay added that Brown will likely go into detail Regenerative Farming and Ranching Workshop, this event but also some of the other things that
about the different types of crops that work well with hopes to get as many people registered as West Central Forage does, they can look us up on
together and what to look for within soil. possible. our website or they can give us a call at 780-727-
While involving classroom learning, the Pre-registration for this event is required. 4447,” said Nay.

Success for Alberta agri-food exporters in South Korea and Japan

Recent trade missions have helped Alberta food and beverage

companies make valuable connections in new markets.

Korea: reputation as reliable producers of He says that the CPTPP continues Canada and Alberta brands in these
Five Alberta food companies high quality, healthy and safe food to provide tremendous opportunity markets,” Oujegov adds. “These are
participated in Alberta Agriculture is well deserved and aligns well for Alberta in Japan. “It is critically very exciting times and
and Forestry’s (AF) recent trade with Koreans’ preferences and important that Alberta companies collaborating with Alberta’s Japan
mission to South Korea. The interests. The mission participants build long-term relationships with Office helps provide Alberta
mission took place May 21 to 24, from Alberta reported establishing qualified importers and distributors. companies with local support and
2019. It aligned with the Seoul approximately 100 credible sales Tariff reductions benefit companies expertise. We are seeing increasing
Food and Hotel 2019 trade show, leads.” in both countries and provide the numbers and volume of Alberta
the county’s largest food and “By collaborating with Alberta’s opportunity to solidify and expand products available to consumers
beverage forum and one of the Korea Office, we were able to our market share in key segments.” here.” -AgriNews
largest in the region. Seoul Food provide a market overview for these “We continue to benefit from the
typically attracts approximately exhibitors to really gauge the
50,000 visitors focused exporting potential for their product and
PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE goods to South Korea. improve their understanding of PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE
opportunities, trends, and unique
“The Alberta exhibitors ranged
Professional Digital Passport System photos from new-to-market to established aspects of the Korean market.
Professional Digital
ready in minutes while you wait... joint ventures pursuing market Working together with the federal Professional Digital
expansion. Participating companies government was incredibly valuable Passport System
Passport System
project sales of $300,000 and made for providing business
further valuable connections in the matchmaking services and photos ready
photos ready
market - an important aspect of our introductions to potential importers
in minutes
diversification efforts,” says Vlad and partners while the companies in minutes
Oujegov, trade and relations officer were on the ground,” says Oujegov.
while you wait...
for Japan and Korea with the The next edition of Seoul Food while you wait...
International Relations and and Hotel takes place May 19 to 22,
Marketing Section of AF. 2020.
“The Canada-Korea Free Trade
Agreement continues to provide Japan: The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor
opportunities for Canadian Oujegov also participated in
exporters in the agriculture and meetings and trade events with
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
agri-food spheres. For some of the Edmonton Economic Development 5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
participants, the mission served as Corporation and Alberta industry in
their first trip to the South Korean Japan. They supported several
market and this, in part, has Alberta beverage manufacturers 780-723-5787
attributed to ongoing tariff establish new business relationships
reductions.” and promoted Canadian beef and
“South Korean consumers are well pork under the Comprehensive and
educated and health conscious,” he Progressive Agreement for Trans-
adds. “Canada and Alberta’s Pacific Partnership (CPTPP). DROP IN AND SEE!ROP IN AND SEE!


5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson

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