Page 28 - July 8, 2019
P. 28
T he Weekly ANCHOR
S ports
Edson Minor Ball season comes to an end
by Shaylyn Thornton
Edson Minor Ball teams have been practicing
hard and playing great games since late April,
where they started inside Repsol Place. By
May 14 the weather had improved enough to
move to Vision Park.
For most of the teams, the season ended June
27 after being rained out for their last three
nights of play.
Edson Minor Ball had over 267 kids register
this season, creating 25 teams in five different
age groups. Edson Minor Ball Vice President
Elizabeth Chamberland-Plante commented on
the “incredible amount of players” that
registered this season, noting that there were
“many returning players and a large number of
new, younger players.”
10 T-Ball teams, five 9U Rookie teams, four
11U Mosquito teams, four 13U PeeWee teams
and two 15-18U Bantam/Midget team made up
Edson's entire roster for the season.
This season, Edson hosted two home One of Edson Minor Ball's Bantam/Midget teams posed for a team photo during the 2019 season.
tournaments. May 25 and 26 they hosted a photo submitted
Mosquito, PeeWee, and Bantam/Midget
tournament. Four out of town teams travelled participated in the new 43/16 league that spans they experienced better weather this season
to participate in the event for a total of 14 from High Prairie to Jasper. Approximately six than they did last year, only having to cancel “a
teams. towns participate during this league, which handful of times” including once when the
June 15th, a Rally Cap and Rookie runs only during the regular season. fires created too much of a smoke hazard.
tournament was held. Four out of town teams This was the pilot year for the 43/16 travel Parents interested in getting their children
also came to Edson for this tournament, for a league, and Chamberland-Plante said there was interested in Ball should definitely keep an eye
total of 19 teams. “a few hiccups” but that overall it went well. out for registration next season. Edson Minor
Edson has three teams that participate in the Edson hopes to join again next season and Ball aims to provide a sports avenue for kids of
regular house league, but also travel to involve more age groups. all ages and incomes.
tournaments on weekends. As this regular season comes to a close, Being involved in any sport is fantastic for
Two of the travel teams are PeeWee and Edson's PeeWee and Bantam teams prepare for youth, and Edson Minor Ball provides a great
Bantam, and they participate in the 43/16 and Provincials. July 13 and 14, Edson will host organization for kids to learn and play.
provincial “A” league. The teams will play in one of the tiering weekends at Griffiths Park to Edson Minor Ball gives Edson the
two weekends of tiering to determine their help determine who heads to Provincials July opportunity to “showcase the talent of many
levels as they head into the Provincial 18-21. young athletes in our community,” said
weekend July 18-21. For the rest of the house league, it has been a Chamberland-Plante. “Edson is a ball
The other is a Mosquito team which great season. Chamberland-Plante said that community, and these kids are our future.”
One of Edson Minor Ball's Rookie teams posed for a team photo One of Edson Minor Ball's Rookie teams posed for a team photo during the 2019 season.
during the 2019 season. photo submitted photo submitted
T he Weekly ANCHOR
S ports
Edson Minor Ball season comes to an end
by Shaylyn Thornton
Edson Minor Ball teams have been practicing
hard and playing great games since late April,
where they started inside Repsol Place. By
May 14 the weather had improved enough to
move to Vision Park.
For most of the teams, the season ended June
27 after being rained out for their last three
nights of play.
Edson Minor Ball had over 267 kids register
this season, creating 25 teams in five different
age groups. Edson Minor Ball Vice President
Elizabeth Chamberland-Plante commented on
the “incredible amount of players” that
registered this season, noting that there were
“many returning players and a large number of
new, younger players.”
10 T-Ball teams, five 9U Rookie teams, four
11U Mosquito teams, four 13U PeeWee teams
and two 15-18U Bantam/Midget team made up
Edson's entire roster for the season.
This season, Edson hosted two home One of Edson Minor Ball's Bantam/Midget teams posed for a team photo during the 2019 season.
tournaments. May 25 and 26 they hosted a photo submitted
Mosquito, PeeWee, and Bantam/Midget
tournament. Four out of town teams travelled participated in the new 43/16 league that spans they experienced better weather this season
to participate in the event for a total of 14 from High Prairie to Jasper. Approximately six than they did last year, only having to cancel “a
teams. towns participate during this league, which handful of times” including once when the
June 15th, a Rally Cap and Rookie runs only during the regular season. fires created too much of a smoke hazard.
tournament was held. Four out of town teams This was the pilot year for the 43/16 travel Parents interested in getting their children
also came to Edson for this tournament, for a league, and Chamberland-Plante said there was interested in Ball should definitely keep an eye
total of 19 teams. “a few hiccups” but that overall it went well. out for registration next season. Edson Minor
Edson has three teams that participate in the Edson hopes to join again next season and Ball aims to provide a sports avenue for kids of
regular house league, but also travel to involve more age groups. all ages and incomes.
tournaments on weekends. As this regular season comes to a close, Being involved in any sport is fantastic for
Two of the travel teams are PeeWee and Edson's PeeWee and Bantam teams prepare for youth, and Edson Minor Ball provides a great
Bantam, and they participate in the 43/16 and Provincials. July 13 and 14, Edson will host organization for kids to learn and play.
provincial “A” league. The teams will play in one of the tiering weekends at Griffiths Park to Edson Minor Ball gives Edson the
two weekends of tiering to determine their help determine who heads to Provincials July opportunity to “showcase the talent of many
levels as they head into the Provincial 18-21. young athletes in our community,” said
weekend July 18-21. For the rest of the house league, it has been a Chamberland-Plante. “Edson is a ball
The other is a Mosquito team which great season. Chamberland-Plante said that community, and these kids are our future.”
One of Edson Minor Ball's Rookie teams posed for a team photo One of Edson Minor Ball's Rookie teams posed for a team photo during the 2019 season.
during the 2019 season. photo submitted photo submitted