Page 12 - June 17, 2019
P. 12

PAGE 12 MONDAY JUNE 17, 2019 MONDAY JUNE 10, 2019 PAGE 11
37 steers sold at 4-H District Beef Achievement Day

by Cassie Kushniruk Canada.
37 steers were sold during the Steer
With 37 steers sold, this year's Sale at an average price of $3.27/lb,
Yellowhead 4-H District Beef not including the Grand Champion
Achievement Day Show and Sale on steers.
June 7 was another success. Weighing in at 1579 lbs and selling
The event commenced with the for $6.25/lb, this year's Grand
introduction of the Edson, Peers, and Champion steer was owned by Edson
Carrot Creek 4-H Clubs during the 4-H Multi Club member Arylea
Parade of the Clubs in the late Elzinga. “The buyer of her steer was
morning. Legacy Petroleum in memory of Jim
Club members then had the Madden,” DeLeeuw mentioned.
opportunity to present their cattle to a Madison Elzinga claimed the title
panel of judges for the chance to win for Reserve Champion Steer, Senior
a variety of titles for showmanship, Showmanship, Senior Grooming, and
grooming and rate of gain. “The kids Reserve Champion Rate of Gain at
get judged on how they groom their 4.41 lbs/day. Champion Rate of Gain The 2019 Yellowhead 4-H District Beef Achievement Day Grand Champion
animals and also on how they show was awarded to Milne Jansen Van Steer was awarded to Edson 4-H Multi Club member Arylea Elzinga on
their animals,” said Yellowhead 4-H Rensburg at 4.52 lbs/day. June 7. photo Cassie Kushniruk
District treasurer and Carrot Creek Rylan Davis was awarded Grand
Club leader Cheryl DeLeeuw. Champion Heifer, with Devin Eaton The rest of the profits from the steer volunteer at the event. “Most of the
The cattle show involved various claiming the Reserve Champion. cheques go directly to the 4-H volunteers that make it happen are
classes for judging, including 3 year Champion 2 year old cow/calf pair members, which are often put in parents,” said DeLeeuw, who has a
old cow/calf pairs, 2 year old was awarded to Laurianne King and savings for a college fund. DeLeeuw couple of kids enrolled in 4-H herself.
cow/calf pairs, heifers and steers. Champion 3 year old cow/calf pair mentioned that this money is also “We organize everything —we ask
This year's Beef Show and Sale was awarded to Tianna DeLeeuw. used to purchase a steer, as well as all people to volunteer and businesses
featured 37 4-H members, as well as Heidi Elzinga claimed the the food and other costs associated from town to donate.”
6 Cleaver Kids. “[The Cleaver Kids] Intermediate Showmanship Award with the care of the steer. DeLeeuw mentioned that kids can
are the little guys ages 6-8 that have and Junior Showmanship was 4-H members began their steer acquire many life skills through the 4-
the little projects like the lambs, awarded to Jillian Fossheim. projects in the beginning of H program, such as public speaking
goats, calves and sheep,” DeLeeuw Intermediate and Junior Grooming November. Steers were purchased through the Club's mandatory
said. was awarded to Kaitlyn and Shaelyn either through local farmers or feed communications event. “The kids run
After a delicious beef supper in the Coady, respectively. lots, or were acquired through family all the 4-H meetings every month, so
evening, 4-H Club members geared Each year, 4-H Club members farms. they learn all the executive positions
up for the highly anticipated event donate 2% of their steer cheques For 214 days, 4-H members throughout the years,” DeLeeuw
—the 4-H Steer Sale. towards a non-profit society chosen dedicated their time to raising their added.
West Yellowhead MLA Martin by each of the three Clubs. “For the steers in order to have a successful “The 4-H motto is 'Learn to do by
Long offered opening remarks prior Carrot Creek and Peers Clubs, they're candidate for the Show and Sale. Doing' and that's exactly what the kids
to the Sale, thanking local farmers for donating to the Alberta Cancer Not only were 4-H members kept do,” DeLeeuw said. “The whole
their dedication and pride in making Foundation this year,” said DeLeeuw. busy up until the Show and Sale, but program teaches work ethic and
the agriculture and farming industry a “The Edson Club is donating their 2% many of the parents also dedicated responsibility and just taking pride in
“backbone” of both Alberta and to the STARS Air Ambulance.” their time to plan, organize, and ownership of your animals.”

The board of Kid Wolf Memorial Lodge Foundation 2017
would like to extend our heartfelt thanks and
appreciation to all the volunteers that lent a helping
hand in making our Spring Fling and Box Social a
success. This event was held May 24-26, 2019 at
Marlboro Hall. Our ladies and men of the community and area
had some late nights and very long days preparing the hall and
meals, telephoning the performing guests, cleaning after the
weekend, putting tables away, packing things away and so much

Events including a crib tournament, Silent Auction, soup and
sandwich, kid’s games, wolf calling contest, bannock making
contest, stew and bannock and box social was loads of fun with
Rylan Davis was awarded Champion Heifer during the 2019 Yellowhead 4- our auctioneer Ernie Smith. Open mike with singing were
H District Beef Achievement Day on June 7. photo Cassie Kushniruk enjoyed by all. Sunday morning was a pancake breakfast with
sausages and scrambled eggs, along with piggy in a blanket.
We then had open mike, gospel singing to end the weekend.
We would also like to thank all who donated and contributed to
our first time event:

Edson Royal Canadian Legion, Galloway Museum, Medicine
Lodge Rodeo, Landmark Cinemas, Thymes Two, Sobeys,
Treasurey Branch, Freeda Loveless, Alberta Williamson, Mary
Plants, Audrey Bell Bare-foot Photographer, Dawn Mitchell,
Christine Plante, Tammy Huseby, June Hayman, YoHo Museum
(Bill and Isa), Jeanette Todd, Loretta Belcourt, Leisa Belcourt,
Stanley Belcourt Sr., Brenda Nelson, Jo Ann Baron, Gil Belcourt
and Tracey Friedel, Lac. St Ann Metis Local.

A huge Thank You goes out to all our volunteered entertainers:

Ernie Smith, Loretta Belcourt, Stan Belcourt Jr., Gwen Archibald,
Tammy Huseby, Bill Cartwright, George Plante, Alberta
Williamson, Freeda Loveless, and Jane Manary.
Colson Davis of the Carrot Creek 4-H Club shows off his steer for bids during
the Yellowhead 4-H District Beef Achievement Day Show and Sale on June 7. If we have forgotten anyone, the board sincerely apologizes.
photo Cassie Kushniruk
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