Page 2 - June 17, 2019
P. 2
Professional Digital Passport System photos THE WEEKLY ANCHOR MONDAY JULY 4, 2016 PAGE 2
ready in minutes while you wait... PAGE 2 MONDAY JUNE 17, 2019 THE WEEKLY ANCHOR
Inside the new Parkland Lodge
continued from front
continued from front continued from front
continued from front
continued from front
continued from front
continued from front one bedroom complexes, and two independent unit rates will include
continued from front
continued from front that are double bedroom utilities and housekeeping with the
continued from front
continued from front complexes. These units are option to purchase a meal package.
continued from front
“In Jasper, the one and two
designed for a smoother transition
DROP IN AND SEE!ROP IN AND SEE! continued from front from independent living to Lodge- bedroom suites are starting at just
continued from front
continued from front
continued from front
continued from front
continued from front assisted living for seniors who are over $2000 a month and go up from
not ready to abandon independency there,” said Chambers. “We haven't
continued from front
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson continued from front but would like some of the services sat down and set rents, but it will
offered at the Lodge. definitely be over that $2000
780-723-5787 provide the opportunity for spouses Lodge residents will be required
These complexes can also mark.”
to live together when one requires to furnish their own rooms, as
The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE Lodge care but the other does not. furniture is not included. However, Some of the current Parkland Lodge residents were invited for a tour of the
Evergreens Foundation CAO Chambers mentioned, “We can
Kristen Chambers mentioned that a provide furniture to lower income
trial was conducted in Jasper ten seniors in the suites.”
years ago with five of these living Through the efforts of the new Lodge on June 12. photo Cassie Kushniruk
Professional Digital
Professional Digital c o m p l e x e s . “ I t h a s b e e n Parkland Lodge Furniture
Passport System tremendously successful in the Fundraising Committee, furniture
Passport System
community,” she said. “It's been will, however, be included in
photos ready
photos ready seen as a really good transition.” common areas throughout the BILL MITCHELL
Since the Evergreens Foundation Lodge.
in minutes
in minutes bases their wait list on greatest Following the media/Councillors NORTH NEW TRUCK SALES
need, low income seniors are tour of the Lodge, a few current
while you wait...
while you wait... automatically placed at the top of Lodge residents were invited for a
the list. “This was a way of us to tour themselves. Residents' faces lit
meet the needs of the community up when they entered the stunning Western Star Trucks (North) Ltd.
because we know we're funded dining room and seniors marveled 24210 114 Avenue
through the tax base and everyone at the size of the new living Acheson, AB T7X 6B9
should have the opportunity to stay complexes. “Now we can't wait!” Website:
in their community,” said said one of the Parkland Lodge
Chambers. residents.
The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor
T driven, it gives us an opportunity to wait list for the Lodge continues to Parkland Lodge's new dining area will allow for plenty of tables, a Toll Free 1-800-252-7500 Cell: 780-984-2224
Chambers mentioned that the
“With these units being market
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson040 3rd Avenue, Edson manage the wait list in a different grow every day, but the Foundation lounge/overflow area, and space for a band. photo Cassie Kushniruk PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE Phone: 780-453,3452 Fax: 780-447-5317
is glad to be able to meet Edson's
way,” Chambers explained.
Lower levels of the Lodge also need to some extent. T
The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor
780-723-578780-723-5787 feature a wing called 'Zone C', Parkland Lodge construction has THIS WEEK’S FEATURE 5
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson040 3rd Avenue, Edson
which is “designed that if we ever remained on track, despite a few
wanted to go into a contract with setbacks involving Zone C. “It
Alberta Health Services, we could looks like a January handover for Mint Homes Ltd. D 780-723-578780-723-5787
have a memory care type unit in us,” Chambers said. “But once we
D there”. Chambers said, “Those get here, there's a lot of work for us
have a little bit of a different layout. to do to get it operational. We're
They have a private upper patio and planning on moving residents in
also a private lower garden area.” April of 2020.”
“There's no bad rooms in this Although construction for the
building,” Chambers mentioned. Lodge has been focused more on ASSIGNMENT WRITER
None of the living complexes at the inside of the building, crews are
PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE the Lodge will require a purchase. hoping to make significant progress Enjoy getting out and meeting
Instead, seniors will be charged a to the envelope of the building. people?
monthly rent based on the square “There's a lot of work the The Weekly Anchor is looking for an
Professional Digital Passport System photos footage and type of living unit. community is going to see over the assignment Writer!
ready in minutes while you wait... Lodge rates will include utilities, summer months,” Chambers said. person with good writing skills to write about
The Weekly Anchor has an opening for a
maintenance, housekeeping, food “It will be a busy summer.”
Professional Digital services, and activities, while the local events
Pet of the Week
photos ready Pet of the Week Training provided. Great for added income.
Work from home and/or our office.
Call for information 712-6788
in minutes Call for information 712-6788 Grade 12 or Post Secondary Education
while you wait... Email: Left Unit 1392 sq.ft , right hand unit 1360 sq.ft c/w Resumes should be dropped off at 5040 3rd
Gorgeous Gemi has been waiting with EARS to find her 352 sq ft. unfinished bonus room over the garage. Avenue
perfect match for over a year now. We're not sure why she Vaulted ceilings thru the living /dining areas.
continues to be passed over- Gemi is a brainiac 3 year old (or sent to the Publisher by email at
lab-collie cross who loves to be intellectually and physically Open floor plan with country kitchen and main floor
challenged by her humans. She is a fast learner, is motivated bedroom. Main floor laundry,
to please and is gaining confidence in meeting kids, cats covered front and rear decks.
and other dogs. Find out more about Gemi on our website For these plans
at and help us get this girl home. Over sized single car garages.
Plans can be modified to suit lot .
UPCOMING EVENTS: June 22 EARS is having a BBQ at the Galloway Golf
Tournament. Come grab a snack between 9:00 am and 3:00 pm and support our cause! Member of National Home Warranty Program
Got a stinky dog? Stop by GM Bannister in Edson on July 13 from 12:00 to 3:00 pm and
get a wash! All proceeds go to support EARS rescue activities. Phone: 780-723-2330
Sponsored by:
Wills Fax: 780-723-5068 ASSIGNMENT WRITER
Real Estate
D 780-723-3245 Business Law Email: Enjoy getting out and meeting people?
The Weekly Anchor is looking for an assignment Writer!
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson The Weekly Anchor has an opening for a person with good
writing skills to write about local events
Training provided. Great for added income.
The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor Work from home and/or our office.
Grade 12 or Post Secondary Education required.
Resumes should be dropped off at 5040 3rd Avenue
(or sent to the Publisher by email at
Professional Digital Passport System photos THE WEEKLY ANCHOR MONDAY JULY 4, 2016 PAGE 2
ready in minutes while you wait... PAGE 2 MONDAY JUNE 17, 2019 THE WEEKLY ANCHOR
Inside the new Parkland Lodge
continued from front
continued from front continued from front
continued from front
continued from front
continued from front
continued from front one bedroom complexes, and two independent unit rates will include
continued from front
continued from front that are double bedroom utilities and housekeeping with the
continued from front
continued from front complexes. These units are option to purchase a meal package.
continued from front
“In Jasper, the one and two
designed for a smoother transition
DROP IN AND SEE!ROP IN AND SEE! continued from front from independent living to Lodge- bedroom suites are starting at just
continued from front
continued from front
continued from front
continued from front
continued from front assisted living for seniors who are over $2000 a month and go up from
not ready to abandon independency there,” said Chambers. “We haven't
continued from front
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson continued from front but would like some of the services sat down and set rents, but it will
offered at the Lodge. definitely be over that $2000
780-723-5787 provide the opportunity for spouses Lodge residents will be required
These complexes can also mark.”
to live together when one requires to furnish their own rooms, as
The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE Lodge care but the other does not. furniture is not included. However, Some of the current Parkland Lodge residents were invited for a tour of the
Evergreens Foundation CAO Chambers mentioned, “We can
Kristen Chambers mentioned that a provide furniture to lower income
trial was conducted in Jasper ten seniors in the suites.”
years ago with five of these living Through the efforts of the new Lodge on June 12. photo Cassie Kushniruk
Professional Digital
Professional Digital c o m p l e x e s . “ I t h a s b e e n Parkland Lodge Furniture
Passport System tremendously successful in the Fundraising Committee, furniture
Passport System
community,” she said. “It's been will, however, be included in
photos ready
photos ready seen as a really good transition.” common areas throughout the BILL MITCHELL
Since the Evergreens Foundation Lodge.
in minutes
in minutes bases their wait list on greatest Following the media/Councillors NORTH NEW TRUCK SALES
need, low income seniors are tour of the Lodge, a few current
while you wait...
while you wait... automatically placed at the top of Lodge residents were invited for a
the list. “This was a way of us to tour themselves. Residents' faces lit
meet the needs of the community up when they entered the stunning Western Star Trucks (North) Ltd.
because we know we're funded dining room and seniors marveled 24210 114 Avenue
through the tax base and everyone at the size of the new living Acheson, AB T7X 6B9
should have the opportunity to stay complexes. “Now we can't wait!” Website:
in their community,” said said one of the Parkland Lodge
Chambers. residents.
The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor
T driven, it gives us an opportunity to wait list for the Lodge continues to Parkland Lodge's new dining area will allow for plenty of tables, a Toll Free 1-800-252-7500 Cell: 780-984-2224
Chambers mentioned that the
“With these units being market
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson040 3rd Avenue, Edson manage the wait list in a different grow every day, but the Foundation lounge/overflow area, and space for a band. photo Cassie Kushniruk PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE Phone: 780-453,3452 Fax: 780-447-5317
is glad to be able to meet Edson's
way,” Chambers explained.
Lower levels of the Lodge also need to some extent. T
The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor
780-723-578780-723-5787 feature a wing called 'Zone C', Parkland Lodge construction has THIS WEEK’S FEATURE 5
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson040 3rd Avenue, Edson
which is “designed that if we ever remained on track, despite a few
wanted to go into a contract with setbacks involving Zone C. “It
Alberta Health Services, we could looks like a January handover for Mint Homes Ltd. D 780-723-578780-723-5787
have a memory care type unit in us,” Chambers said. “But once we
D there”. Chambers said, “Those get here, there's a lot of work for us
have a little bit of a different layout. to do to get it operational. We're
They have a private upper patio and planning on moving residents in
also a private lower garden area.” April of 2020.”
“There's no bad rooms in this Although construction for the
building,” Chambers mentioned. Lodge has been focused more on ASSIGNMENT WRITER
None of the living complexes at the inside of the building, crews are
PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE the Lodge will require a purchase. hoping to make significant progress Enjoy getting out and meeting
Instead, seniors will be charged a to the envelope of the building. people?
monthly rent based on the square “There's a lot of work the The Weekly Anchor is looking for an
Professional Digital Passport System photos footage and type of living unit. community is going to see over the assignment Writer!
ready in minutes while you wait... Lodge rates will include utilities, summer months,” Chambers said. person with good writing skills to write about
The Weekly Anchor has an opening for a
maintenance, housekeeping, food “It will be a busy summer.”
Professional Digital services, and activities, while the local events
Pet of the Week
photos ready Pet of the Week Training provided. Great for added income.
Work from home and/or our office.
Call for information 712-6788
in minutes Call for information 712-6788 Grade 12 or Post Secondary Education
while you wait... Email: Left Unit 1392 sq.ft , right hand unit 1360 sq.ft c/w Resumes should be dropped off at 5040 3rd
Gorgeous Gemi has been waiting with EARS to find her 352 sq ft. unfinished bonus room over the garage. Avenue
perfect match for over a year now. We're not sure why she Vaulted ceilings thru the living /dining areas.
continues to be passed over- Gemi is a brainiac 3 year old (or sent to the Publisher by email at
lab-collie cross who loves to be intellectually and physically Open floor plan with country kitchen and main floor
challenged by her humans. She is a fast learner, is motivated bedroom. Main floor laundry,
to please and is gaining confidence in meeting kids, cats covered front and rear decks.
and other dogs. Find out more about Gemi on our website For these plans
at and help us get this girl home. Over sized single car garages.
Plans can be modified to suit lot .
UPCOMING EVENTS: June 22 EARS is having a BBQ at the Galloway Golf
Tournament. Come grab a snack between 9:00 am and 3:00 pm and support our cause! Member of National Home Warranty Program
Got a stinky dog? Stop by GM Bannister in Edson on July 13 from 12:00 to 3:00 pm and
get a wash! All proceeds go to support EARS rescue activities. Phone: 780-723-2330
Sponsored by:
Wills Fax: 780-723-5068 ASSIGNMENT WRITER
Real Estate
D 780-723-3245 Business Law Email: Enjoy getting out and meeting people?
The Weekly Anchor is looking for an assignment Writer!
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson The Weekly Anchor has an opening for a person with good
writing skills to write about local events
Training provided. Great for added income.
The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor Work from home and/or our office.
Grade 12 or Post Secondary Education required.
Resumes should be dropped off at 5040 3rd Avenue
(or sent to the Publisher by email at