Page 4 - June 17, 2019
P. 4

1.5 km setback from county landfills addressed at public hearing

by Dana McArthur

Yellowhead County
held a Public Hearing
on June 11 centered
around a land use bylaw
amendment that would
include the distance of
Class 2 landfills in
relation to existing
The bylaw pertains to
l a n d f i l l s f o r t h e
disposal of waste and
compost facilities,
neither of which would
include hazardous
The provincial gov-
ernment stipulates a
450 m setback from a
r e s i d e n c e . T h e
Yellowhead County
proposes a setback of
1.5 km (0.93 miles)
from a residence for any
proposed Class 2
landfills or compost
facilities in the County. Members of the public gathered at Yellowhead County council chambers for a public hearing on a bylaw amendment that would
This setback from include a 1.5km setback of Class 2 landfills in relation to existing residences. photo Dana McArthur
residence can be
reduced if written There were approxi- k n o w w e a r e you approve a landfill complaints." Jensen submissions with
c o n s e n t f r o m mately eight members protected." Mayor in this area you are concluded that he hopes regard to the proposed
resident(s) are provided o f t h e p u b l i c i n Gerald Soroka added, developing a legacy for council will make a amendment —none
to the County. attendance at the "This bylaw amend- yourselves that will "positive decision that were submitted. The
"This hearing is to hearing. ment just does not apply continue a long time, would respect and not Public Hearing was
allow persons to make Local resident Mr. to Secure but the whole which will have side harm local residents." declared closed. The
known their views with Robin Tangedal was the county." Tangedal effects. You will have to Mayor Soroka then bylaw amendment will
respect to the proposed first to address council responded that the deal with endless called for any written now move toward final
bylaw," stated Planning with his concern of County's proposed reading.
and Development whether the amend- 1.5km setback was
PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE M a n a g e r B r e n t ment went far enough to "way better than the Single-Use Items Reduction
Shepherd. "The general protect changes to p r o v i n c i a l 4 5 0 m
purpose of this district nearby water bodies. "I setback."
Professional Digital is to regulate landfill see no reason to have a Beverley Tangedal Strategies Workshop
a n d c o m p o s t i n g landfill 1.5kms from a added, "I totally support
Passport System development within residence as there is lots the buffer you have
Hosted by the Edson & District Recycling
photos ready Yellowhead County of crown land these proposed and I hope Hosted by the Edson & District Recycling
which is encouraged to could be located on.” you pass this bylaw to
Society (EDRS) at the Edson Galloway
Society (EDRS) at the Edson Galloway
in minutes be located on Crown Referencing to Secure's protect homeowners." Station Museum.
p r e v i o u s l a n d f i l l
Resident Eric Karlson
land, away from re-
Station Museum.
while you wait... sidential settlements." proposal, Tangdal voiced his agreement
The bylaw would stated, "Once that with the County's
· June 20, 2019 starting at 2:00 pm
stipulate the hours for [proposed] landfill is proposed setback as it · June 20, 2019 starting at 2:00 pm
The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor public access and full where is the next "follows industrial · June 20, 2019 starting at 7:00 pm Summers Drilling
Summers Drilling
· June 20, 2019 starting at 7:00 pm
restrict the operation of site location? He added, standards."
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson h e a v y m a c h i n e r y "I hope this change will Rheanne Monroe Water Well Drilling
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
Water Well Drilling
between the hours of help. I just find it odd addressed council
7:00 am and 11:00 pm. that Secure is allowed stating that her parents
This workshop will feature organizations
DROP IN AND SEE!ROP IN AND SEE! 780-723-5787 Extended hours may be to reapply for rezoning h a v e a f a r m i n This workshop will feature organizations BILL MITCHELL A proud Alberta business, since 1917,
that have made efforts to address the
that have made efforts to address the
considered based upon of this proposed site."
Saskatchewan and they
A proud Alberta business, since 1917,
consideration of site Amanda Tangedal have encountered NEW TRUCK SALES Summers Drilling specializes in water well
Summers Drilling specializes in water well
impacts of single-use items in their
characteristics, results spoke next, "We built increased noise, traffic, impacts of single-use items in their NORTH drilling and water well repairs.
drilling and water well repairs.
of a noise modeling our home not expecting and litter around a communities, as well as policies being
communities, as well as policies being
analysis, feedback from that it would be so close nearby landfill site. She
adapted by various levels of government.
landowners, and on-site to a landfill.” [referring added, "They believe adapted by various levels of government. Western Star Trucks (North) Ltd.
noise suppression to the Secure site]. their property values in 24210 114 Avenue
applications. Robin and Amanda the area have gone Acheson, AB T7X 6B9
Along with other Tangedal's property down and real estate List of speakers:
requirements, litter would be very close to agent feedback has Melissa Gorrie from Waste Free Edmonton Website:
catchment fences at a the 1.5km setback of been its because the Christina Seidel from the Recycling Council of Alberta (RCA)
minimum height of the previous proposed landfill is so close." Lindsay Seidel-Wassenaar from the Recycling Council of
4405 50 street
3.6m would need to be Secure landfill site. Mayor Soroka pointed Alberta (RCA) Toll Free 1-800-252-7500 4405 50 street 780-963-1282
Stony Plain, AB
i n s t a l l e d a n d a "There won't be anyone out the properties Local initiatives – Mountain Pizza and Steak House and Phone: 780-453,3452 Cell: 780-984-2224 Stony Plain, AB
b u f f e r / s c r e e n i n g within 5kms that will be Monroe mentioned are others Fax: 780-447-5317
consisting of a soil happy a landfill is there. a lot close than the
berm or tree shelterbelt I do think a buffer is 1.5km setback County Michael Kalmanovitch from Earth's General Store Edmonton
may also be required. A needed but we would is proposing.
program to retrieve appreciate something River Ridge resident Please RSVP with the EDRS via our website:
litter that accumulates more that would protect Jim Jensen stated, "I or
on site or any litter that our land values. We r e c o g n i z e d t h e through our Facebook event @edsonrecycling. For further
escapes from the site would love to develop challenge council faces information please call 780-723-1603 or email:
would also need to be our property more but but my concern is that if
included. we will not until we
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