Page 3 - June 3, 2019
P. 3


Eddie's Big Run coming up fast

by Shaylyn Thornton registered first served.
The pancake breakfast will also be
Eddie's Big Run has been a staple available to non-runners with a
of our community's summer activity donation towards upgrading the trail
list for years. This year will mark the system.
10th annual Eddie's Big Run and has The run offers multiple distances
events for everyone. including a Kid's Fun Run, 3 km, 5
The run is set to go on Saturday, km, 10 km, and a 2x10 km relay.
June 22nd starting at Repsol Place. Cash prizes will be awarded for the
Registration in this fun and exciting top three men and women in the 3k,
10th birthday celebration is 5k and 10k, and for the top three
encouraged. Race registration teams in the relay.
includes chip time, a special 10th Registration in the race can be
anniversary medal, pancake completed in person at Repsol Place,
breakfast, kid's activities, and of or online at or
course a lot of fun. Online registration Eddie's Big Run is set to go on Saturday, June 22nd at Repsol Place.
Depending on availability a t-shirt closes Wednesday June 19 at For more information, those at 780-723-4403 or via email at
and swag bag may also be available, 11:59pm. interested can contact the organizers
but supplies are limited and first

Activities and fun at Marlboro

Spring Fling and Box Social

by Cassie Kushniruk of the 25 , in which ladies auctioned
off meals to attendants, with the
Over the course of three days, highest bidder sharing the meal with
Marlboro Hall was the site of its preparer. “We had stew and
countless entertaining activities for all bannock in the evening for people
ages during the Kid Wolf Memorial that weren't involved in the Box
Lodge Foundation 2017's first Spring Social,” Belcourt added.
Fling and Box Social fundraiser on Sunday morning featured a
May 24-26. delicious pancake breakfast complete
The Kid Wolf Memorial Lodge with eggs and sausages. “YO-HO
Foundation 2017 is a newly-formed Museum donated 12 dozen eggs, so
PASSPORT non-profit society in Marlboro intent that was good,” mentioned Belcourt.
on caring for Elders and bringing
Belcourt was impressed with the
PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE PHOTOS & MORE youth and Elders together to create a turnout over the course of the three
day event, “For the size of the hall, I
Professional Digital vibrant community. “It's the coming
together of Elders and youth, so youth think it was just right. For the people
Passport System can learn things from Elders with that showed up, everybody had a The Spring Fling and Box Social was held at the Marlboro Hall from May 24-
Professional Digital photos ready knowledge about traditional ways, wonderful time.” 26, featuring a variety of events, including a Social. Attendants enjoyed
“It was a really good time …for
in minutes...
chatting with each other in a social setting complete with live music. photo
such as herbs and medicine and
Passport System survival in the wilderness,” said people to come out and socialize and Cassie Kushniruk
photos ready The Weekly Anchor Foundation President Loretta sit down across from one another and
tell stories and sing songs,” Belcourt
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
Belcourt added, “In the future we
in minutes 780-723-5787 want to get a lodge for Elders to look added.
As this was the Kid Wolf Memorial
while you wait... after our own people, because Lodge Foundation 2017's first time
hosting an event like this, the group
traditionally people always kept their
PASSPORT Elders at home and looked after will use feedback from attendants
when planning for future events. “We
The Weekly Anchor PHOTOS & MORE fundraiser was held with this goal in need more volunteers,” said Belcourt.
The Spring Fling and Box Social
“We have to get more younger people
Professional Digital
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson Passport System mind. involved and that's what it's going to
be all about —Elders and youth
photos ready
On the Friday evening, attendants
working together for a better and
DROP IN AND SEE! 780-723-5787 in minutes... participated in a game night complete brighter community.” Leaf Wise Medical will be hosting a one
with checkers, board games, and an
The Spring Fling and Box Social
organized crib tournament. “The crib
tournament was really exciting with came a little over a week after a fire day medical clinic in the Peers area on
the competition,” said Belcourt, threatened the community of th
adding that there were around 12-14 Marlboro and surrounding residences June 8 ,2019. This clinic brings medical
participants. on May 19. To commemorate the fact expertise to the surrounding area, avoiding
that no homes or residents were
Following the crib tournament, harmed during the fire, a 'smoky'
attendants were encouraged to sing a flavor was added to the beef stew the need for individuals to travel for
song or tell a story during the open- served on Saturday evening. “We
mic session. “Some of them are really called it Marlboro Smoky Stew,” said several hours to major centers. Just like all
The Weekly Anchor good singers and players,” Belcourt Belcourt. your doctor visits, your health care covers
said.“It was wonderful.”
Belcourt thanked the fire crews and
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson A few children's activities were set other teams responsible for 'doing the cost of the visit.
780-723-5787 up at the Hall on Saturday such a wonderful job' in protecting
morning.“There weren't that many their homes against the fire, and thus
kids there because of ball tournaments making this action-packed weekend
and other events going on,” Belcourt possible. Leaf Wise also provides trained nurses and
mentioned. clinicians to help answer your questions on
A bannock contest was
held during the Kids Make A Difference is sponsored by: how to use medical cannabis. There is no
afternoon for both fried
and baked bannock, fee for the education component of your
followed by a wolf th
calling contest inspired visit at the June 8 Peers Clinic.
by the Kid Wolf
Memorial Lodge
Foundation name. “4 or For more information on LeafWise please
5 people got up there
and it was pretty funny Sand & Gravel Sales/Hauling visit and to book an
the way some of them th
sounded,” Belcourt Quality Work appointment for June 8 please call
recalled. Serving Edson & District Since 1974 1-844-573-5323 or email
The Box Social was
held during the evening 780-723-5152
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