Page 7 - June 3, 2019
P. 7


County votes against motion ‘to decline

support for whistle cessation at rail crossings’

by Cassie Kushniruk at any crossings in the Yellowhead County,” other crossings that could come forward.”
said Director of Community Services The motion to decline support for whistle
At the May 14 Yellowhead County Council Christopher Read during the May 28 Council cessation at CN rail crossings across
meeting, Administration informed Council of a meeting. Yellowhead County was defeated following a
request from an area resident seeking a train A motion to decline support for whistle 4-4 vote.
whistle cessation at Highway 751 at the cessation at CN rail crossings in Yellowhead With no motion for or against whistle
MacKay crossing. County was made by Councillor Lavone Olson cessation, further requests would be dealt with
In County Administration's discussions with during the May 28 meeting, “There are three on a case by case basis.
CN relative to this issue, they advise that reasons that I feel this way. Number one is the
Transport Canada has rules and regulations liability issue that we take on as soon as we ask
Niton Rural Electrification
respecting train whistling, and to have this for this. Two, is that it's a provincial highway, Niton Rural Electrification
whistle removed from this crossing will shift and three is that there are many other crossings
Association AGM
liability away from the railway and over to in the County that might ask for the same.” Association AGM
the municipality. Councillor Shawn Berry stated he believes
June 12th
Administration was also informed that the those seeking whistle cessation should be given June 12th
County (at its expense) would have to prepare a the opportunity to speak before Council,
"Crossing Safety Assessment" prepared by a adding, "For me, it's a liability issue doing this Snacks at 6:00 p.m.,
Snacks at 6:00 p.m.,
railway engineer, and that any mitigation [cessation].” Meeting at 7:00 p.m.
Meeting at 7:00 p.m.
measures required in the report would be at the Councillor Penny Lowe echoed the
Beaver Meadow Hall,
sole cost of the County to implement. Councillors' comments, adding, “I also believe Beaver Meadow Hall,
It was noted at the May 14 meeting that that they have a right to present to Council. I Hattonford, AB
Hattonford, AB
additional mitigation measures may not be would like to defer this until they have a
required at this particular crossing as it is chance to do so.”
already equipped with control arms and lights, Yellowhead County Mayor Gerald Soroka
as well as advanced warning lights. said, “One of the questions that I don't think The Niton
The Niton
During the May 21 Governance and Priorities ever really has been answered is —if this is a
REA board is
meeting, the whistle cessation request was benefit to their quality of life why are we not REA board is
brought forward to Council for further asking them to cost share with us on the plan?” honoring
discussion and council concurred not to Soroka stated he would also not support the Lee Davis for
Lee Davis for
proceed with the request. The matter was motion because if it were to pass, the issue
40 years of
forwarded to the May 28 Council meeting for could not be brought back to Council for 40 years of
ratification. another six months. service!
“Council was unanimous in its position that Councillor Sandra Cherniawsky commented,
due to rail safety and liability issues, Council “I am not in favor of cessation at this time
was not interested in seeking whistle cessation simply because it opens up a whole bunch of
All members welcome!
All members welcome!
Council seeks more information

on Hemp Alliance initiative Edson Funeral Home

“The problem is there's too many unknowns”: Mayor Soroka

Foothills Memorial Chapel and Crematorium
by Cassie Kushniruk expectations, contributions, and
liabilities are unknown at this time A Caring Part of the Caring Group Corp.
In order to help move the hemp as there is no structure currently in PO Box 6358, 5040 6th Ave., Edson, AB T7E 1T8
industry forward, Yellowhead place,” he said. 780-723-3575
County Council was presented with As there is little information
a request for decision during the available on this initiative,
May 28 meeting regarding the Administration recommended that
formation of an Alberta Hemp Council send a representative to
Alliance with neighboring one of the group's meetings in order
Our Commitment
municipalities. to learn more about the proposed
Previously, at the May 21 concept and potential costs before Our Commitment
Governance and Priorities meeting, allocating funds for the initiative.
Drayton Valley Councillors Corey Councillor Anthony Geizen
Peebles and Councillor Bill Ballas asked, “If we don't commit a
Is To You.
along with Drayton Valley COO financial obligation and they're just Is To You.
Manny Deol (also with the Clean starting up and we're going to send
Energy Technology Centre) gave a somebody there to bring
presentation to Council, seeking information back, what information
support and funding from the will be brought back?”
County in order to form an Alberta Mayor Soroka replied, “The
Hemp Alliance consisting of the problem is there's too many Full Service
rural and urban municipalities in u n k n o w n s , s o I t h i n k
the area. Administration wasn't comfortable
“During the presentation, Council making a recommendation to spend Funeral Home Offering:
heard that for the initial set up, the $7000.”
Alliance is looking at potential Councillor Sandra Cherniawsky Traditional Funeral Services,
members having a membership fee comment, “I think this is a great Graveside Services and
of $1 per capita to a maximum of way to diversify industries here in Cremation Options with a Crematorium
$7000,” said Director of Alberta.” on site in Edson.
Community Services Christopher T h e m o t i o n t o s e n d a
Read. representative to an Alberta Hemp Cemetery Monuments.
Read added that there are many Alliance meeting was carried We also offer Prearrangement Plans.
'unknowns' relative to this initiative unanimously by Council, with
moving forward. “Future financial C o u n c i l l o r s O l s o n a n d
Cherniawsky offering to attend.
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