Page 13 - March 18, 2019
P. 13
A matter of honour: Former local MLA Bob Dowling remembered
Editor's note: Last week The Town of Edson lowered its
flag to half mast with the news that former MLA for the
Edson Constituency, Bob Dowling, had passed away on
March 4. As Dowling was a resident of Jasper, we asked the
Jasper Fitzhugh newspaper for permission to run this story
for our readers.
by Fuchsia Dragon, Jasper Fitzhugh
Jasper has lost a true gentleman.
The flag was lowered at Jasper Legion last week in
memory of Bob Dowling, who died on March 4 at
Dowling, a lifelong member of the Legion, was
“an amazing man who had a wonderful life with
many adventures.”
Robert Wagner Dowling was born in Camrose,
Alberta on September 28, 1924, the son of Harold (Right) Former Air Force pilot, MLA and Jasper institution Bob Dowling died March 4. A celebration of life is planned
James Dowling and Emma Maude Wagner. for the spring. Pictured on the left of this historical photo is Joe Clark MP for Jasper who would later serve as the
He was educated in Camrose, at the University of Prime Minister, and Mrs. Olga Dowling. photo courtesy Jasper Yellowhead Museum and Archives
British Columbia and at the University of Alberta,
where he graduated in 1955 with a BSc. in Canadian Legion.” significant to him. He was not a showman, just a
pharmacy. Godbout said that even recently, Dowling inspired very gentle and humble man.”
Dowling was a pilot for the Royal Canadian Air those at the Legion to continue to do “great Legion Ireland said Dowling was “one of those
Force's #418 Squadron during the war years, 1942 to things” - talking with younger veterans and individuals I think can best and most fairly be
1945, before working as a pharmacist, and later a continuing that lifelong support. described as a gentleman.”
member of the Legislature of Alberta. He said: “It became a matter of honour and “He just had that measure of gentleness,
Dowling married Olga Louise Yewchin in 1952 tradition that visiting veterans, and current serving politeness, dignity and all those things that make a
and they had two children, Lori and Robert. members of the Canadian Military had to meet Bob gentleman. He was every bit of that in every
They moved to Jasper in 1958 and Dowling was during Remembrance Day. encounter I had with him.”
always very involved in the community. “His smile, knowledge, and gentle manner always Dowling had a role to in provincial politics in the
He volunteered with boy scouts, air cadets, the fire brought a smile to those men and women. late '60s and '70s and was the provincial ambassador
brigade, the Seton Hospital, Jasper School Board, “Folks who have been on those missions overseas, at the Expo in Vancouver in '86.
and the chamber of commerce. He was also a and done the hard work of soldiering, with their hard He served as a Member of the Legislative
member of the Kiwanis, Lions, and Rotary Clubs eyes, tattoos, and beer mugs, would sit down with Assembly of Alberta [for the Edson Constituency]
and the Masonic Lodge. him and become the little ones sitting with their from 1969 to 1979, sitting as a member of the
Dowling spent 77 years of his life in dedicated elder, they too became gentler at those moments as Progressive Conservative caucus. He served as
service to veterans, their families and his well. minister for business development and tourism, and
community. He and Olga were married for 66 of “Many Veterans of Afghanistan, Iraq, United consumer affairs, for Premier Peter Lougheed.
them. Nations Missions, would relate how they got to meet Ireland said: “Personally for me, he was always
Paul Godbout, president of the Jasper branch of Bob. very respectful and a bit of a mentor, particularly in
the Royal Canadian Legion, said: “Comrade Bob “His and Olga's presence on those occasions were the days struggling with local autonomy and local
Dowling had a wonderful way about him, he had the always treasured.” government.
respect of all, and he will be dearly missed. Jasper Mayor Richard Ireland also reminisced “He was very supportive of the cause and I knew I
“Our sympathies and condolences to Olga, his about Dowling's involvement in Remembrance Day. always could turn to him.”
family, friends, and comrades on behalf of the Royal “I remember his dignity and presence every year at A celebration of Dowling's life will take place in
the Remembrance service,” he said. “It was the spring.
County proceeds with
expropriation for road
reconstruction project
by Dana McArthur make a resolution approving the
expropriation. The Certificate of
In an effort to help move the Approval can then be executed and
Baseline Road Reconstruction Project the new road plan registered with
forward Yellowhead County Council land titles," said Don O'Quinn,
approved a process, back in Director of Infrastructure Services
November of 2018, to expropriate a during County Council's March 12,
portion of land after exhausting all 2019 meeting.
efforts to contact the landowner. "The estimated cost of the
In one section of the project, expropriation is $10,000 to date and
additional right of way is required for by time it's done it will cost close to
the logical design of the roadway, $20,000," said O'Quinn.
however Administration and the land Councillor Anthony Giezen
buyer were unable to contact the commented, "Have we ever been able
landowner. The owner appears to to get in contact the landowner?"
have left the area and is living in O'Quinn responded, "A registered
Mexico with no way to contact him letter was sent to him and it was
directly. picked up at the post office but we
"As the messages for him don't still had no response." Giezen replied
appear to get his attention or concern, that if council can't have a dialog with
Administration with the assistance of the landowner then there was no other
our legal counsel wish to try the possible option.
expropriation route," said CAO Jack Councillor David Russell said,
Ramme. Expropriation does not "This is an unusual circumstance.
preclude the owner from fair land Normally I would not support
compensation. expropriation but due to the
In compliance with the landowner continuing to ignore our
Expropriation Act, the County has communications I see no other
published its intent to expropriate and options. All the landowners up and
the landowner then had 21 days in down the road on either side of the
which to respond. owner's property all support the
"To date no Notices of Objection project moving ahead."
have been filed. Therefore the next Council voted all in favour of
step in the process is for Council to proceeding with the expropriation.
A matter of honour: Former local MLA Bob Dowling remembered
Editor's note: Last week The Town of Edson lowered its
flag to half mast with the news that former MLA for the
Edson Constituency, Bob Dowling, had passed away on
March 4. As Dowling was a resident of Jasper, we asked the
Jasper Fitzhugh newspaper for permission to run this story
for our readers.
by Fuchsia Dragon, Jasper Fitzhugh
Jasper has lost a true gentleman.
The flag was lowered at Jasper Legion last week in
memory of Bob Dowling, who died on March 4 at
Dowling, a lifelong member of the Legion, was
“an amazing man who had a wonderful life with
many adventures.”
Robert Wagner Dowling was born in Camrose,
Alberta on September 28, 1924, the son of Harold (Right) Former Air Force pilot, MLA and Jasper institution Bob Dowling died March 4. A celebration of life is planned
James Dowling and Emma Maude Wagner. for the spring. Pictured on the left of this historical photo is Joe Clark MP for Jasper who would later serve as the
He was educated in Camrose, at the University of Prime Minister, and Mrs. Olga Dowling. photo courtesy Jasper Yellowhead Museum and Archives
British Columbia and at the University of Alberta,
where he graduated in 1955 with a BSc. in Canadian Legion.” significant to him. He was not a showman, just a
pharmacy. Godbout said that even recently, Dowling inspired very gentle and humble man.”
Dowling was a pilot for the Royal Canadian Air those at the Legion to continue to do “great Legion Ireland said Dowling was “one of those
Force's #418 Squadron during the war years, 1942 to things” - talking with younger veterans and individuals I think can best and most fairly be
1945, before working as a pharmacist, and later a continuing that lifelong support. described as a gentleman.”
member of the Legislature of Alberta. He said: “It became a matter of honour and “He just had that measure of gentleness,
Dowling married Olga Louise Yewchin in 1952 tradition that visiting veterans, and current serving politeness, dignity and all those things that make a
and they had two children, Lori and Robert. members of the Canadian Military had to meet Bob gentleman. He was every bit of that in every
They moved to Jasper in 1958 and Dowling was during Remembrance Day. encounter I had with him.”
always very involved in the community. “His smile, knowledge, and gentle manner always Dowling had a role to in provincial politics in the
He volunteered with boy scouts, air cadets, the fire brought a smile to those men and women. late '60s and '70s and was the provincial ambassador
brigade, the Seton Hospital, Jasper School Board, “Folks who have been on those missions overseas, at the Expo in Vancouver in '86.
and the chamber of commerce. He was also a and done the hard work of soldiering, with their hard He served as a Member of the Legislative
member of the Kiwanis, Lions, and Rotary Clubs eyes, tattoos, and beer mugs, would sit down with Assembly of Alberta [for the Edson Constituency]
and the Masonic Lodge. him and become the little ones sitting with their from 1969 to 1979, sitting as a member of the
Dowling spent 77 years of his life in dedicated elder, they too became gentler at those moments as Progressive Conservative caucus. He served as
service to veterans, their families and his well. minister for business development and tourism, and
community. He and Olga were married for 66 of “Many Veterans of Afghanistan, Iraq, United consumer affairs, for Premier Peter Lougheed.
them. Nations Missions, would relate how they got to meet Ireland said: “Personally for me, he was always
Paul Godbout, president of the Jasper branch of Bob. very respectful and a bit of a mentor, particularly in
the Royal Canadian Legion, said: “Comrade Bob “His and Olga's presence on those occasions were the days struggling with local autonomy and local
Dowling had a wonderful way about him, he had the always treasured.” government.
respect of all, and he will be dearly missed. Jasper Mayor Richard Ireland also reminisced “He was very supportive of the cause and I knew I
“Our sympathies and condolences to Olga, his about Dowling's involvement in Remembrance Day. always could turn to him.”
family, friends, and comrades on behalf of the Royal “I remember his dignity and presence every year at A celebration of Dowling's life will take place in
the Remembrance service,” he said. “It was the spring.
County proceeds with
expropriation for road
reconstruction project
by Dana McArthur make a resolution approving the
expropriation. The Certificate of
In an effort to help move the Approval can then be executed and
Baseline Road Reconstruction Project the new road plan registered with
forward Yellowhead County Council land titles," said Don O'Quinn,
approved a process, back in Director of Infrastructure Services
November of 2018, to expropriate a during County Council's March 12,
portion of land after exhausting all 2019 meeting.
efforts to contact the landowner. "The estimated cost of the
In one section of the project, expropriation is $10,000 to date and
additional right of way is required for by time it's done it will cost close to
the logical design of the roadway, $20,000," said O'Quinn.
however Administration and the land Councillor Anthony Giezen
buyer were unable to contact the commented, "Have we ever been able
landowner. The owner appears to to get in contact the landowner?"
have left the area and is living in O'Quinn responded, "A registered
Mexico with no way to contact him letter was sent to him and it was
directly. picked up at the post office but we
"As the messages for him don't still had no response." Giezen replied
appear to get his attention or concern, that if council can't have a dialog with
Administration with the assistance of the landowner then there was no other
our legal counsel wish to try the possible option.
expropriation route," said CAO Jack Councillor David Russell said,
Ramme. Expropriation does not "This is an unusual circumstance.
preclude the owner from fair land Normally I would not support
compensation. expropriation but due to the
In compliance with the landowner continuing to ignore our
Expropriation Act, the County has communications I see no other
published its intent to expropriate and options. All the landowners up and
the landowner then had 21 days in down the road on either side of the
which to respond. owner's property all support the
"To date no Notices of Objection project moving ahead."
have been filed. Therefore the next Council voted all in favour of
step in the process is for Council to proceeding with the expropriation.