Page 3 - March 2 2020
P. 3
GYPSD hosts first of five community engagement sessions
by Cassie Kushniruk
As part of a division-wide event, Grande
Yellowhead Public School Division (GYPSD) held
the first of five community engagement sessions at
Parkland Composite High School on February 25.
These public sessions are not only intended to
explain GYPSD processes, but also to inform
residents about the division's budget process and
the success of local schools in relation to academic
achievement. Additionally, residents have the
opportunity to engage in focused conversations
with school staff and trustees to help develop
GYPSD's 3-year Education Plan.
During the latest engagement session at Parkland,
Superintendent of Schools Carolyn Lewis provided
a breakdown of GYPSD's budget and how the
money is utilized in each school on a year-to-year
As the third largest geographical school division
in Alberta, GYPSD currently has 25 schools across
the division with over 700 staff employed.
Approximately 75% of the funds received are used On February 25, GYPSD held the first of five community engagement sessions at Parkland Composite
in classrooms, while 13% are directed to Plant High School, where principals had the opportunity to inform attendants of the academic successes of
Operations and Maintenance, 7% to transportation, their respective schools. Pictured is Principal Darcy Reynolds of Mary Bergeron Elementary, Principal
5% to Governance System Administration, and Stacy McGowan of Westhaven Elementary, Principal Mark Maris of Niton Central School and Parkland
0.1% to external services. Composite High School, Principal Erin Murphy of Pine Grove Middle School, and Principal Janaya
“Up until now, every school in this jurisdiction is Marshall of Fulham School. photo Cassie Kushniruk
funded based on enrollment,” Lewis continued.
“[The principal] is the one that makes the decision
around how the money will be spent in their
schools.” Approximately 90-92% of the funds the
principal receives are used for teacher salaries,
including substitute teachers and educational
assistants, while the remaining 8-10% is used for
services and supplies.
“When I came two and a half years ago, this
division was about $2.4 million in deficit,” Lewis
noted. “We worked very hard to reorganize our
financial practice, and we were so excited this year
to post a $700,000 surplus.” Lewis credited this
accomplishment to the hard work of GYPSD
teachers and staff.
Lewis continued, “Then it came out that our
insurance went up 274%. For us, that was a ticket
price of $1 million. Then the Minister changed the
granting formula, which reduced the money to this
jurisdiction by another $1.2 million. We were able
to reduce central office staff by 20%. We reduced
in places that would not affect the classroom. We On February 25, GYPSD held the first of five community engagement sessions at Parkland Composite
are as lean as we can go in the central office right High School. Community members and school staff had the opportunity to engage in a focused
now, but we're in a good financial position.” conversation to help contribute to the development of GYPSD's 3-year Educational Plan. photo Cassie
Following this, principals from the Edson, Niton, Kushniruk
and Fulham schools informed attendants of the
academic successes each school has achieved in Lastly, Pine Grove Middle School Principal Erin school staff had the opportunity to participate in
recent years. Murphy said, “Pine Grove Middle School has focused conversations to help contribute to the
Westhaven Principal Stacy McGowan stated that consistently seen very high standards of acceptable development of GYPSD's 3-year Educational Plan.
the school's literacy data revealed student increases range within French Language Arts as well as Each group was tasked with answering a series of
in reading comprehension across the curriculum. English Language Arts.” questions related to education, missing services,
Darcy Reynolds, Principal of Mary Bergeron Lewis boasted that for the last two years in a row, work skills, and level of support for education.
Elementary School, said, “We're proud that our GYPSD has won the provincial Edwin Parr award, In the next coming month, GYPSD will travel to
students post strong results on their grade 6 PAT which recognizes outstanding first year teachers. Jasper, Evansburg, Hinton, and Grande Cache to
reading scores. They have made significant gains in Additionally, a GYPSD teacher from Harry continue to gather information from the community
the area of vocabulary development, which is a Collinge High School in Hinton has been for the development of their 3-year Educational
result of our school-wide focus in that area over the nominated for a Prime Minister's Award for Plan.
Summers Drilling
year.” Teaching Excellence this year. Summers Drilling
Reynolds added that his students are achieving at
Do you need something Laminated? least a year's growth in their assessed reading community members and
Do you need something Laminated?
To close off the session,
Water Well Drilling
Come visit the Anchor
Come visit the Anchor levels, and that they will continue to increase those Water Well Drilling
gains to even wider margins.
Principal Mark Maris of Niton Central School
5040 3 Avenue, Edson - 780-723-5787
5040 3 Avenue, Edson - 780-723-5787 noted that the grade 6 and 9 test results are above A proud Alberta business, since 1917,
A proud Alberta business, since 1917,
the provincial average in both the acceptable and ANNUAL
Summers Drilling specializes in water well
excellent categories. Summers Drilling specializes in water well
drilling and water well repairs.
Maris, who is also the principal of Parkland drilling and water well repairs.
Composite High School, mentioned that Parkland GENERAL MEETING
has seen significant improvement in seven diploma
exam results, including English 30-1, Biology 30, March 11, 2020
Social 30-2, Chemistry 30, Math 30-1 and 30-2,
and Science 30. 12 Noon
Janaya Marshall, principal of Fulham School,
stated that her school's provincial achievement test at The Edson and District
acceptable rates increased by 30% last year.
Marshall added, “Our students have consistently Chamber office 780-963-1282
4405 50 street
demonstrated excellent citizenship, which is 4405 50 street
Stony Plain, AB
Stony Plain, AB
evident when people come to visit the school and
comment on how polite and well-behaved our 211-55th Street, Centennial Park, Edson, AB * T7E 1L5
students are.”
* * Phone: 780-723-4918
GYPSD hosts first of five community engagement sessions
by Cassie Kushniruk
As part of a division-wide event, Grande
Yellowhead Public School Division (GYPSD) held
the first of five community engagement sessions at
Parkland Composite High School on February 25.
These public sessions are not only intended to
explain GYPSD processes, but also to inform
residents about the division's budget process and
the success of local schools in relation to academic
achievement. Additionally, residents have the
opportunity to engage in focused conversations
with school staff and trustees to help develop
GYPSD's 3-year Education Plan.
During the latest engagement session at Parkland,
Superintendent of Schools Carolyn Lewis provided
a breakdown of GYPSD's budget and how the
money is utilized in each school on a year-to-year
As the third largest geographical school division
in Alberta, GYPSD currently has 25 schools across
the division with over 700 staff employed.
Approximately 75% of the funds received are used On February 25, GYPSD held the first of five community engagement sessions at Parkland Composite
in classrooms, while 13% are directed to Plant High School, where principals had the opportunity to inform attendants of the academic successes of
Operations and Maintenance, 7% to transportation, their respective schools. Pictured is Principal Darcy Reynolds of Mary Bergeron Elementary, Principal
5% to Governance System Administration, and Stacy McGowan of Westhaven Elementary, Principal Mark Maris of Niton Central School and Parkland
0.1% to external services. Composite High School, Principal Erin Murphy of Pine Grove Middle School, and Principal Janaya
“Up until now, every school in this jurisdiction is Marshall of Fulham School. photo Cassie Kushniruk
funded based on enrollment,” Lewis continued.
“[The principal] is the one that makes the decision
around how the money will be spent in their
schools.” Approximately 90-92% of the funds the
principal receives are used for teacher salaries,
including substitute teachers and educational
assistants, while the remaining 8-10% is used for
services and supplies.
“When I came two and a half years ago, this
division was about $2.4 million in deficit,” Lewis
noted. “We worked very hard to reorganize our
financial practice, and we were so excited this year
to post a $700,000 surplus.” Lewis credited this
accomplishment to the hard work of GYPSD
teachers and staff.
Lewis continued, “Then it came out that our
insurance went up 274%. For us, that was a ticket
price of $1 million. Then the Minister changed the
granting formula, which reduced the money to this
jurisdiction by another $1.2 million. We were able
to reduce central office staff by 20%. We reduced
in places that would not affect the classroom. We On February 25, GYPSD held the first of five community engagement sessions at Parkland Composite
are as lean as we can go in the central office right High School. Community members and school staff had the opportunity to engage in a focused
now, but we're in a good financial position.” conversation to help contribute to the development of GYPSD's 3-year Educational Plan. photo Cassie
Following this, principals from the Edson, Niton, Kushniruk
and Fulham schools informed attendants of the
academic successes each school has achieved in Lastly, Pine Grove Middle School Principal Erin school staff had the opportunity to participate in
recent years. Murphy said, “Pine Grove Middle School has focused conversations to help contribute to the
Westhaven Principal Stacy McGowan stated that consistently seen very high standards of acceptable development of GYPSD's 3-year Educational Plan.
the school's literacy data revealed student increases range within French Language Arts as well as Each group was tasked with answering a series of
in reading comprehension across the curriculum. English Language Arts.” questions related to education, missing services,
Darcy Reynolds, Principal of Mary Bergeron Lewis boasted that for the last two years in a row, work skills, and level of support for education.
Elementary School, said, “We're proud that our GYPSD has won the provincial Edwin Parr award, In the next coming month, GYPSD will travel to
students post strong results on their grade 6 PAT which recognizes outstanding first year teachers. Jasper, Evansburg, Hinton, and Grande Cache to
reading scores. They have made significant gains in Additionally, a GYPSD teacher from Harry continue to gather information from the community
the area of vocabulary development, which is a Collinge High School in Hinton has been for the development of their 3-year Educational
result of our school-wide focus in that area over the nominated for a Prime Minister's Award for Plan.
Summers Drilling
year.” Teaching Excellence this year. Summers Drilling
Reynolds added that his students are achieving at
Do you need something Laminated? least a year's growth in their assessed reading community members and
Do you need something Laminated?
To close off the session,
Water Well Drilling
Come visit the Anchor
Come visit the Anchor levels, and that they will continue to increase those Water Well Drilling
gains to even wider margins.
Principal Mark Maris of Niton Central School
5040 3 Avenue, Edson - 780-723-5787
5040 3 Avenue, Edson - 780-723-5787 noted that the grade 6 and 9 test results are above A proud Alberta business, since 1917,
A proud Alberta business, since 1917,
the provincial average in both the acceptable and ANNUAL
Summers Drilling specializes in water well
excellent categories. Summers Drilling specializes in water well
drilling and water well repairs.
Maris, who is also the principal of Parkland drilling and water well repairs.
Composite High School, mentioned that Parkland GENERAL MEETING
has seen significant improvement in seven diploma
exam results, including English 30-1, Biology 30, March 11, 2020
Social 30-2, Chemistry 30, Math 30-1 and 30-2,
and Science 30. 12 Noon
Janaya Marshall, principal of Fulham School,
stated that her school's provincial achievement test at The Edson and District
acceptable rates increased by 30% last year.
Marshall added, “Our students have consistently Chamber office 780-963-1282
4405 50 street
demonstrated excellent citizenship, which is 4405 50 street
Stony Plain, AB
Stony Plain, AB
evident when people come to visit the school and
comment on how polite and well-behaved our 211-55th Street, Centennial Park, Edson, AB * T7E 1L5
students are.”
* * Phone: 780-723-4918