Page 3 - March 24 2020
P. 3


Edson Council meets to respond to COVID-19 updates

continued from front

on March 15 to respond to new information Town has taken internal protocols to “ensure that of the measures that have been taken to date are all
regarding COVID-19 and to ensure critical our employees are as safe as they can be while still precautionary to ensure that the majority of the
services and infrastructure, such as water, sewer, working appropriately”. public and those that are most at risk will be safe.”
and fire response, could continue as usual. “Our encouragement to any members of the Zahara then asked, “If things change and
Later that evening, the Town announced the public is to watch official Town channels, our progress, what would be the next level for the
closure of a variety of Town-operated facilities and social media, our website, or the app if you want to ECC?”
programs in response to the latest update from learn specifically how our community is being Derricott replied that the next level would be the
Alberta Health Services (AHS), including Repsol affected,” said Derricott. “In general we just really consideration of declaring a state of local
Place, the Town of Edson office, the Fire Hall, the encourage people to ensure that the places they're emergency. “There are a number of communities
Public Works building, and the ParentLink Centre. gathering their information from are official who have done that, including Calgary,” he said.
“Some facilities will remain open, including the government sites, typically AHS. One of the main “The main purpose for those at this point in time is
Edson Landfill and sewage lagoons, and the Edson elements of response in a situation like this is good, that under a state of local emergency, local
Airport will be open to limited public access,” said consistent communication of the right information jurisdictions have some additional powers in terms
Town of Edson Mayor Kevin Zahara. so that people can respond appropriately. We feel of enforcement of regulations or parameters. In
“We are taking these measures as a preventative that we have done that so far and we're obviously this case, this was specifically enacted to allow
response to the COVID-19 outbreak around the going to continue to ensure that our response is as [Calgary] to intervene with organizations or events
world,” Zahara said. “There is very low risk in the appropriate as possible.” that were not complying with the recommended
Town of Edson but we think these measures are Mayor Zahara noted, “I know that there are gathering limits. Under the state of local
necessary to support the public health and safety of rumors around town about COVID-19 on the emergency, they were given additional abilities to
our residents.” streets of Edson. To be very clear, at this point in step in that they wouldn't typically have. I think
time the Town of Edson has not been given any that if we are fortunate we will not need to go to
On March 16, the Town of Edson stated that the indication that that is actually the case.” that level, but we're certainly set up and prepared to
Emergency Management Plan had been activated According to the province, there are currently 97 respond if that does become necessary.”
and that there had been a partial activation of confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Alberta, only Zahara closed, “On behalf of Town Council I
Edson's Emergency Coordination Centre (ECC). three of which are present in the north zone. would like to thank Town of Edson staff who have
This allows senior staff to meet regularly to “I think it's really important to stress that correct quickly met here Sunday night at a momentary
implement strategies to protect and support information is really important and that we all stay notice to develop plans. I think our team has been
residents, staff, and Alberta Health. Additionally, calm and cool and collected,” said Zahara. “Most doing a wonderful job.”
the ECC activation also allows for greater
coordination between agencies and puts dedicated
staff in place to help plan and implement strategies Edson RCMP investigate stabbing resulting
on a larger scale.
CAO Mike Derricott provided Council with an in male charged with attempted murder
During the March 17 Town Council meeting,

update on the COVID-19 situation in Edson and RCMP release
E d s o n R C M P ' s intent
Canada, all persons are
what the Town is doing to prevent its spread, “Our investigation led to the - Uttering threats to considered innocent
directive, administratively, which has been On March 18, 2020, at arrest of Dylan Aldoff cause death or bodily until proven guilty in a
supported by Council, is to follow the guidelines as approximately 1:45 (19) of Edson on March harm (x2) court of law.)
they come down from the provincial bodies, in a.m., Edson RCMP 1 8 , 2 0 2 0 , a t - Possession of a
particular, AHS. We took, what I believe, are some responded to a report of approximately 8 a.m. At weapon for a dangerous
proactive measures in the closures of facilities, a stabbing that occurred the time of his arrest, he purpose
which now I think would be necessary with the at an apartment building was found to be in - Possession of a
latest updates from the provincial regulatory in the area of 56 Street possession of illegal controlled substance for
bodies today.” and 11 Avenue in Edson. drugs believed to be t h e p u r p o s e o f
“One of the issues we, just like many A 21-year-old male from M D M A a n d trafficking
organizations are dealing with, is the childcare Edson had suffered a p a r a p h e r n a l i a Following a judicial
issues that have arisen with the school closures,” stab wound and was associated to drug hearing, Aldoff was
Derricott mentioned. “Most of our employees have taken to hospital by trafficking. Aldoff is remanded into custody
been able to manage those. We know this is a emergency medical facing the following to speak to bail on
juggling act that many of the businesses in our services. The 21-year- charges: March 20, 2020 in
community here are dealing with.” old male's injuries are - Attempted murder Edmonton Provincial
considered non-life
- Aggravated assault
Derricott stated that Town of Edson staff will threatening. Edson - Assault (NOTE: A charge should
continue working for the time being, and that the RCMP believe that this - Break and enter with not be considered as
was an isolated incident. evidence of guilt. In

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