Page 6 - March 25, 2019
P. 6

Town supports funding Wastewater Plant

with $2M from Unrestricted Surplus

by Cassie Kushniruk project from the Unrestricted Next week, a more in-depth partnership has been formed
Surplus while awaiting grant conversation discussing ways to between Alberta Health Services,
Last week during the March 12 approval. bring the Unrestricted Surplus McLeod River Primary Care
Committee of the Whole meeting, Town of Edson Director of back up to an optimal amount will Network, Town of Edson, and
it was brought to the attention of Corporate Services, Sarah Bittner, be discussed during the Yellowhead County with the goal
Town Council that the funding made Council aware that funding Committee of the Whole meeting. to help improve community health
provided through the Alberta this amount through the Health Partnership Team and wellness in the Edson area.
Municipal Water/Wastewater Unrestricted Surplus would leave Appointment: Council has Next meeting: The next
Partnership (AMWWP) provincial the Surplus at a lower than appointed Mayor Kevin Zahara to Committee of the Whole Meeting
grant has not yet been provided optimal amount. the Edson and District Health is scheduled for March 26th, 2019
for the Edson Wastewater Councillor Krystal Baier asked, Partnership Team. The Deputy at 5:00 pm. The next Town
Treatment Plant project. “Can you give me some examples Mayor will be the alternate. This Council Meeting is scheduled for
35.67% of the funding for the of what those ways might be to April 2nd, 2019 at 5:00 pm.
Edson Wastewater Treatment bring the Unrestricted Surplus
Plant was to come from the back up?”
AMWWP provincial grant Bittner replied that there have
program, but during the been multiple discussions about THANK Y
2018/2019 budget year, the possible options, including using
province did not fund the program money from reserves or reviewing Parkland Lodge Auxiliary would like to thank everyone who
at all. funding for capital projects to see joined us at our St. Paddy’s Day Tea and Bake Sale on
An application for an additional if something can be tweaked in
$2 million was sent to the order to move that money into the March 16th. IT WAS A HUGE SUCCESS!
province under the AMWWP Unrestricted Surplus. Many thanks also for baking donations, to Martha Romaniuk
program, and although it has “If this grant does come through for her generous donation of $100, gift card plus
passed through Alberta in the future, will it affect the chocolates.
Transportation and has met the 2018 year?” asked Councillor
criteria, it is awaiting the Troy Sorenson. Kudos to the Kitchen Staff, as well as Tammy and Ted for all
2018/2019 budget reading to see if Bittner replied that it will only their help.
the program is funded. reflect as revenue in the year that
During the Town Council it is received. Three door prize winners were Jean E, Linda K and David.
meeting on March 19, a In closing, Mayor Kevin Zahara
recommendation was brought encouraged Council members to Hope to see another great turnout for our Spring Tea on
forward to fund the equivalent engage in conversation with April 27th.
amount of the AMWWP grant provincial party candidates and
application of $2 million for the make them aware of this situation.

Professional Digital Town's FCSS Mint Homes Ltd.

Passport System
photos ready Income Tax Clinic

in minutes

while you wait... up and running

T submitted
The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor

5040 3rd Avenue, Edson running at the Edson Friendship Centre March through to
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
The Town of Edson FCSS Income Tax Clinic is up and
DROP IN AND SEE!ROP IN AND SEE! 780-723-5787 April 30.
The clinic is open Monday-Thursday from 9am to 3pm. It
can be accessed through the 3rd Avenue doors of the
Friendship Centre.
In just two weeks of being open the volunteers have been
busy with just over 200 intakes. The Town of Edson FCSS
and our volunteers are proud to provide this service to over Open floor plan with an attached sun room off the dining area
500 individuals annually. Main floor laundry Main floor bedroom with full bathroom
If you meet the income level parameters and are not self- Central fireplace with wrap around stairs to upper floor . Two
employed, filed for bankruptcy, or completing a tax return bedrooms upstairs have large closets with storage space beyond
for a deceased individual, we can help you. Call 780-723- the walls for additional storage, also a full bathroom is located on
4403 for more information, full parameters and eligibility. the second floor level. Plan is available
This information can be found on or our with or without a full basement. Garage For these plans
Community Services social media page, too. Be sure to bring can be added to this Plan.
in all necessary tax slips and forms when you come to have
your taxes done.
It's important to remember to file your taxes by April 30 to Member of National Home Warranty Program
avoid any possibility of delay in government benefits. Phone: 780-723-2330
Following the close of the tax clinic on April 30th, taxes will
be done by appointment only through the Town of Edson Fax: 780-723-5068
FCSS office, Community Services.
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