Page 8 - March 25, 2019
P. 8
Soulful and inspiring performance at fourth Chautauqua show
Professional Digital Passport System photos
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For the fourth Chautauqua show of the season, Toronto-based band Samantha
Martin & Delta Sugar brought a party to the Red Brick Hatlen Theatre stage,
combining their gospel, blues, soul, and rock and roll sound for an enjoyable
night out. photo Cassie Kushniruk
Phone: 780-723-4800 Toll Free 1-800-665-6030 Fax: 780-723-5066
8:00 AM - 4:30 PM
by Cassie Kushniruk other talented artists such as Delta
Sugar guitarist Curtis Chaffey or
Toronto-based band Samantha singer/songwriter Suzie Vinnick,
Martin & Delta Sugar made sure to Martin's lyrics express the highs
bring a party to the Red Brick's and lows of romance, from DROP IN AND SEE!
Hatlen Theatre stage for the fourth heartbreak to lust to everything in
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
Chautauqua show of the season on between. Combined with her 5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
March 16. soulful rasp, each song is presented
With a fusion of blues, gospel, as a powerful and inspiring story 780-723-5787
soul, and classic rock and roll based on the experiences drawn
The Weekly Anchoreekly Anchor
mixed with Martin's witty nature, from Martin's own life, which The W
attendants were surely in for an many people can often relate to.
enjoyable night out. Although Martin is the face of the
About four years ago, band, six-piece band Delta Sugar
Chautauqua members Robyne complete Martin's sound as they
Wilock and Marilyn Dudinsky first pour out their hearts and souls into
discovered Samantha Martin and their chosen instruments. Martin's
her band during the Salmon Arm two back-up vocalists provide the
Roots and Blues Festival. “There band's original gospel sound while
was an amazing woman up there the works of the guitarist, bassist,
and we looked at each other and and pianist work to deliver their
said 'Who is that?'”, Dudinsky unique rockabilly-blues blend.
recalled. Through relatable lyrics
Over the past four years, combined with their predominantly
Samantha Martin & Delta Sugar upbeat melodies, Samantha Martin
have performed over 500 shows & Delta Sugar were truly able to
and have since received the provide a party to Edson, as many
Canadian Music Independent were seen dancing and clapping
Association 'Road Gold' along to the songs in their seats.
certification, which honors artists Following the last song during the
who have sold 25,000 tickets to evening, the band received a
Canadian fans over the span of one standing ovation from the audience
year. and returned for a three song
In November 2018, the band's encore. During the final encore
latest album, Run to Me, was song, Martin provided a much
nominated for four Maple Blues more intimate scenario as she sat
Awards, and was even nominated on the edge of the stage and later
for Blues Album of the Year during shook hands with the audience
the 2019 Juno Awards. members when departing from
Martin announced on stage stage.
during that evening that the band The last Chautauqua show of the
unfortunately did not receive the season will feature Juno-winning
Juno, but that they were honored to Canadian-Caribbean group Kobo
have been nominated. “I'm a Town, who will perform on the
performer; that's what I do and this Hatlen Theatre stage on April 11.
is what I live for,” she said. “Not Although season tickets are sold
for the awards, not for accolades, out, seats often become available
but to walk into rooms in Edson, for individuals performances. To
Alberta to a sold out room to put on put your name on the list of the
the best possible show I can.” final show, email Diana Inscho at
Whether written solo or alongside
Soulful and inspiring performance at fourth Chautauqua show
Professional Digital Passport System photos
ready in minutes while you wait...
For the fourth Chautauqua show of the season, Toronto-based band Samantha
Martin & Delta Sugar brought a party to the Red Brick Hatlen Theatre stage,
combining their gospel, blues, soul, and rock and roll sound for an enjoyable
night out. photo Cassie Kushniruk
Phone: 780-723-4800 Toll Free 1-800-665-6030 Fax: 780-723-5066
8:00 AM - 4:30 PM
by Cassie Kushniruk other talented artists such as Delta
Sugar guitarist Curtis Chaffey or
Toronto-based band Samantha singer/songwriter Suzie Vinnick,
Martin & Delta Sugar made sure to Martin's lyrics express the highs
bring a party to the Red Brick's and lows of romance, from DROP IN AND SEE!
Hatlen Theatre stage for the fourth heartbreak to lust to everything in
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
Chautauqua show of the season on between. Combined with her 5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
March 16. soulful rasp, each song is presented
With a fusion of blues, gospel, as a powerful and inspiring story 780-723-5787
soul, and classic rock and roll based on the experiences drawn
The Weekly Anchoreekly Anchor
mixed with Martin's witty nature, from Martin's own life, which The W
attendants were surely in for an many people can often relate to.
enjoyable night out. Although Martin is the face of the
About four years ago, band, six-piece band Delta Sugar
Chautauqua members Robyne complete Martin's sound as they
Wilock and Marilyn Dudinsky first pour out their hearts and souls into
discovered Samantha Martin and their chosen instruments. Martin's
her band during the Salmon Arm two back-up vocalists provide the
Roots and Blues Festival. “There band's original gospel sound while
was an amazing woman up there the works of the guitarist, bassist,
and we looked at each other and and pianist work to deliver their
said 'Who is that?'”, Dudinsky unique rockabilly-blues blend.
recalled. Through relatable lyrics
Over the past four years, combined with their predominantly
Samantha Martin & Delta Sugar upbeat melodies, Samantha Martin
have performed over 500 shows & Delta Sugar were truly able to
and have since received the provide a party to Edson, as many
Canadian Music Independent were seen dancing and clapping
Association 'Road Gold' along to the songs in their seats.
certification, which honors artists Following the last song during the
who have sold 25,000 tickets to evening, the band received a
Canadian fans over the span of one standing ovation from the audience
year. and returned for a three song
In November 2018, the band's encore. During the final encore
latest album, Run to Me, was song, Martin provided a much
nominated for four Maple Blues more intimate scenario as she sat
Awards, and was even nominated on the edge of the stage and later
for Blues Album of the Year during shook hands with the audience
the 2019 Juno Awards. members when departing from
Martin announced on stage stage.
during that evening that the band The last Chautauqua show of the
unfortunately did not receive the season will feature Juno-winning
Juno, but that they were honored to Canadian-Caribbean group Kobo
have been nominated. “I'm a Town, who will perform on the
performer; that's what I do and this Hatlen Theatre stage on April 11.
is what I live for,” she said. “Not Although season tickets are sold
for the awards, not for accolades, out, seats often become available
but to walk into rooms in Edson, for individuals performances. To
Alberta to a sold out room to put on put your name on the list of the
the best possible show I can.” final show, email Diana Inscho at
Whether written solo or alongside