Page 11 - May 20, 2019
P. 11
Willing to pay the price?
It's been nearly one year since Albertans were hit with an increased carbon tax at $30 per
tonne on January 1, 2018. The controversial, and some say nefarious, tax is now two years old.
With this spike in the cost of living we now pay more for everything from home heating bills PAGE 6 MONDAY DECEMBER 10, 2018 THE WEEKLY ANCHOR
and gasoline, to groceries, rent, and consumer goods. The Weekly Anchor
There are rebates for mid-low income households, but as with any rebates, they never keep
pace with the inflation caused by the rising prices of consumer goods. And frankly, when the Your Local Independent Newspaper
gas bill is due, waiting for a quarterly rebate has not bee much comfort for many financially THE WEEKLY ANCHOR MONDAY MAY 20, 2019 PAGE 11
struggling households.
So for our pain and suffering it's time to take a look and what this has 'bought' us in real T he Weekly ANCHOR 6,292 Audited Circulation
75% of Canadians believe governments should take action on climate change according to a Canadian Publication Mail Number - 40014221
recent survey. But they also say any plan shouldn't drive up the cost of living too much.
A carbon tax attempts to reduce emissions by making everything more expensive. It's a Comment CORRECTION TO DATE SERVING: TOWN OF EDSON & YELLOWHEAD COUNTY FOR 27 YEARS!
forced attempt to solicit lifestyle changes through cost increases. Re: Mar. 25 issue page 15 OFFICE HOURS: Mon - Thurs 9:00 am to 5:00 p.m.
In real terms, are Albertans willing to pay $20 more for a tank of gas or willing pay 15% or The Mother-Son Soiree is scheduled to take place on April 18, Fri.: 9:00 am to 3:00 p.m.
even 20% more for groceries? Most would answer: NO! 2019 starting at 6 pm at the Galloway Station Museum. DISPLAY ADVERTISING DEADLINES: Call
The simple fact is even at Trudeau's $50 per tonne mandate by 2022 it's nowhere near enough (Tickets can be purchased for $30 at the Galloway Station CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEADLINES: Tuesday, Noon
to have any significantly measurable effect on carbon or climate change. Environment Canada Growing social isolation... Museum or Town of Edson Community Services office.)
has stated the figure would have to be close to $300 per tonne to reach emission targets (adding Member of the Published by: 422247 Alberta Ltd. Canadian
Media Circulation
roughly 70 cents to a litre of gas) —political suicide. Letter to the Editor Policy Edson & District 5040 3rd Avenue, Edson, Alberta Audit
P.O. Box 6870, T7E 1V2
So why has Alberta's NDP government been so far ahead of the federally mandated minimum The Weekly Anchor Welcomes Letters to the Editor Telephone: (780) 723-5787
Fax: (780) 723-5725
carbon price of $20 per tonne for 2019? It's no easy task turn to the easy fix All letters are published at the discretion of the editor-publisher who Chamber of Email: Weekly Newspapers
More tax dollars out of hardworking Albertan's pockets, for no significant results —plain and for working From the of social media reserves the right to edit for clarity, length and libel. Letters published do Commerce Website: Association
simple. families to get the Publisher’s Desk —the worse the not necessarily reflect the policies or beliefs of this newspaper. All letters
must bear the name of the writer and include the address and telephone
kids off their Dana McArthur feelings of number, which will not be published.
electronic devices isolation become.
and keep them active and And social media is a demanding
interested in the outside world creation; the more you feed it, the
these days. more time and attention it
Sue Ann
But this is becoming even more consumes! Dana McArthur Common Cindy Weisser Kushniruk Mitchener
important with the growing social Virtual friendships are simply Sales Representative Reporter/Office Asst. Reporter
isolation caused by "social" media not an adequate substitute for
and online gaming. In fact, recent direct interaction with peers.
studies conclude that mental health Studies suggest that turning to
problems and social isolation are at social media for more than 30
epidemic levels among young minutes a day may being to
adults! worsen that sense of isolation in

We are a species that thrives on
Riding Update: community and face-to-face social many individuals.
So, this week we tip our hats to
Open Letter: interaction. But excessive use of groups like the Town of Edson Letter to the Editor Policy
"social" media and being
Community Services who host a
constantly "online" has separated Family Day Unplugged event, and The Weekly Anchor welcomes Letters to the
us more now than at nearly any the Boys and Girls Club who will Editor
be hosting an Unplugged to
point in human history.
Misadventures The University of Pittsburgh's Connect event on June 7. All letters are published at the discretion of
Center for Research on Media and
In proper doses social media
many other studies suggest that does present many opportunities the editor-publisher who reserves the right to
heavy use of social media can to connect with community, but it edit for clarity, length and libel.
exacerbate feelings of social shouldn't end with just a 'like'. We Letters published do not necessarily reflect
isolation. are inherently social creatures and the policies or beliefs of this newspaper. Rachel Notley’s social licence agenda
Expecting technology to fulfill true engagement with others and All letters must bear the name of the writer
Letter to the Editor our needs for community and building fulfilling relationships and include the address and telephone

Media Release: connections is an exercise in are crucial to our mental health number, which will not be published.
diminishing returns. The more and sense of wellbeing.
Open Letter: people feel isolated the more they Letter to the Editor Policy

The Weekly Anchor welcomes
letters to the editor
ViewPoint Jim Eglinski All letters are published at the discretion of

by Adrienne Tait Writer expresses concerns with landfill location policies MP Yellowhead the editor-publisher who reserves the right
to edit for clarity, length and libel. Letters
published do not necessarily reflect the

An open letter to Yellowhead County to a existing landfill. When rail cars, carrying changing and the landfill was playing a part. policies or beliefs of this newspaper. All
letters must bear the name of the writer
Councillors as you draft policy relating to crude oil derailed, and Lake Wabamun was Before you take your seat in Council and include the address and telephone
Landfill location, using the " Not In My at risk, I will never forget the smell of diesel Chambers, ask your self one question: Where number, which will not be published.
Backyard" criteria (N.I.M.B). as truckload after truckload of contaminated is the logical place to build a landfill, where
May I remind you that there would never be soil was being dumped in the landfill. conditions merit or someplace bureaucracy
a mill in Hinton, a pulp mill in Whitecourt, It was a good feeling, and there have been dictates?
or scores of other projects using the N.I.M.B. others, when there was noise, traffic, odour
criteria. etc, that were rewarding, knowing that As Ever,
I have lived and worked in close proximity contamination of the environment was Eric Karlzen
MLA Views & News

Eric Rosendahl by Deanna Mitchener
The Weekly Anchor 6,300 Audited 5040 3rd Avenue, Edson, Alberta Canadian
Published by: 422247 Alberta Ltd.
Media Circulation
Your Canadian Publication Mail Number - 40014221 P.O. Box 6870, T7E 1V2 Audit
Local Independent Newspaper SERVING: TOWN OF EDSON & YELLOWHEAD COUNTY FOR 27 YEARS! Telephone: (780) 723-5787
OFFICE HOURS: Mon - Thurs 9:00 am to 5:00 p.m. Fax: (780) 723-5725 Alberta
Fri.: 9:00 am to 3:00 p.m. Email: Weekly Newspapers
Member of the Administration
Sonia Roy
Front Desk
Edson & District
Chamber of
Sue Ann
Apologies on my behalf to the Edson Cycling Association for a Dana McArthur Common Cindy Weisser Kushniruk Mitchener
misqoute of projected full cost build of the new Bike Park that is Publisher/Owner Sales Representative Reporter/Office Asst. Reporter
going in out at Willmore. In the last issue my article incorrectly said
$350,000 when actually it is a $624,000 projected cost for the full
build. Please accept my apologies and I take full blame, not the
Weekly Anchor. Deanna Mitchener

Deanna has a new photo

Jim Eglinski

MP Yellowhead
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