Page 10 - May 20, 2019
P. 10

PAGE 10 MONDAY MAY 20, 2019 MONDAY APRIL 22, 2019 PAGE 11
Loads of fun at Niton and area Travelling Garage Sale

It was a beautiful sunny day for the Niton and Area travellers to venture out for the day and explore the and bikes to baking, crafts and antiques were ready to
Travelling Garage Sale on May 11. Maps were County and get some great deals, and meet some be discovered. With many locations to travel to, it made
provided in the Weekly Anchor and online for amazing people along the way. Everything from Tack for a very enjoyable day of discovery. (see page 24)

Amanda and Jody Shaw holding a purebred Pigmy Goat during the Wildwood Ag Society Garage & Tack Betty Mazur famous for her baking and crafts was
Sale at the Wildwood Ag Centre as part of the Niton and area Travelling Garage Sale on May 11. Wilma part of the Niton and area Travelling Garage Sale
Swinkels with the Society said they were very pleased with the turnout, and had 28 venders with 47 on May 11. photo Dana McArthur
tables. photo Dana McArthur

Vivian Lupine with a very decorative saddle of her
own for sale. "I rode this saddle many miles," she
said during the Wildwood Ag's Garage & Tack
Sheila Easson hosted a garage sale with lots of unique items as part of the Niton and area Travelling Sale. photo Dana McArthur
Garage Sale on May 11. photo Dana McArthur


The Peers Mutiplex was host to many venders displaying their wares during Henry Boxma's roadside sale in Peers was a great place to stop for some local
the Niton and area Travelling Garage Sale on May 11. photo Dana McArthur deals during the Niton and area Travelling Garage Sale on May 11. photo
Dana McArthur
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