Page 4 - May 20, 2019
P. 4

County moves to Public Hearing on 1.5km landfill setback

by Dana McArthur facilities." mechanism out there that says 'yes' —then it's
Councillor David Russell stated, "I will not just an arbitrary number. You can choose any
During the Yellowhead County Council support this. I feel presenting this motion in number, but it has to be defendable."
meeting on May 14, Administration brought this form is provoking fresh debate on CAO Jack Ramme added, "These numbers
two versions of a Bylaw that would amend the something that was already debated by are based on things like dangerous gases and
current Land Use Bylaw to include a specific council; it is disrespectful." smelly feeding operations. The only reason
setback distance from the working area of a Councillor Shawn Berry said, "I'm concerned Administration brought this as an option is that
Class 2 landfill to a residence. we are engaging discussion we have already it's a little more defendable than just an
The direction that Administration received figured out very well at 4kms. I will be voting arbitrary number."
from Council at the April 16 Governance and against this bylaw." With dissenting votes from Councillors
Priorities Committee meeting was to bring Councillor Wade Williams stated, "I would Giezen, Russell, and Barry, Council carried the
back an amendment to the Landfill and be in favour of this. By approving first reading motion to give first reading to bylaw 12.19
Composting District to include a 4.0 km we will be opening it up to a Public Hearing." with a 1.5km setback from residences. The
setback from the working area of a Class 2 Mayor Gerald Soroka said, "How is Council item will come back for a Public Hearing at a
landfill to a residence. going to defend this 4kms? If there isn't some later date.
During the May 14 Council meeting
Administration brought forward Bylaw 11.19
with the 4km setback as directed by Council,
but also another bylaw that includes a 1.5 km
setback (Bylaw 12.19).
"The current Provincial setback for a Class 2
landfill to a residence is 450 m," stated Brent
Shepherd, Planning & Development Manager.
"According to a Waste Management Specialist
with Alberta Environment, they are not aware
of any municipality in Alberta who specify a
setback greater than the Provincial setback of
450m to a residence."
Shepherd pointed out that the specific design
and operation of a Class 2 landfill is governed
by Alberta Environment and Parks, and no
landfill would be approved without meeting or
exceeding a long list requirements (which was
"It appears that the main reason for Council's
direction to increase the setback from 450m to
4.0 km is to address environmental concerns
raised by the residents. However, no
substantiating documents have been received
to support these concerns," stated Shepherd.
PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE decision, Administration has completed a
"In order to provide a point of reference for a

review of other uses that have specific setbacks
Professional Digital to residences, this may assist Council with Edson McDonald's owner Tony Mercer (far left) and wife Jennifer presented Edson and District Boys
determining an appropriate setback for a Class
Passport System 2 landfill," stated Shepherd. and Girls Club Program Director Sarah Wells and Club Program Leader Kyra Munro with a check for
$2115. This donation was made possible through the success of this year's McHappy Day on May 8,
The two examples that were identified were
photos ready sour gas pipelines and confined feeding in which $4230 was raised to be shared between the Club and the Ronald McDonald's House. photo
Cassie Kushniruk
in minutes operations (CFO's). A level 3/4 sour gas
pipeline/well or facility has a setback of 1.5
while you wait... km to an urban centre or public facility. A CFO
with 2000 cows/finishers has a setback of County adopts finalized 2019 budget
1.3km from a residence. The main concern
T with these types of uses is odour. by Dana McArthur 2018 cash amounts until they set a budget and
The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor
"As the confined feeding operation tends to
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson have similar conflicts with adjacent uses such During the May 14 Yellowhead County then any increase or decrease will immediately
be charged to the municipalities," stated Lyons.
as odour, water contamination, noise, loss in
2019 Budget.
in the 2019 over/under levy calculation and
DROP IN AND SEE!ROP IN AND SEE! 780-723-5787 property values and traffic, Administration Council meeting, Council adopted the finalized "This change in amount will then be reflected
believes that a similar setback for a Class 2
Although the general municipal rates have
landfill would be appropriate. Administration's not increased from 2018 and remain the same, will be reflected in the 2020 school tax rates."
decision to support this is that the 1.3 km is the seniors housing rate increased from 0.3980 In a review of the last nine years of school
based on a scientific calculation," stated to 0.4275, an increase of 0.0295. tax data and a comparison of what other
Shepherd. The 2019 requisition from the Evergreens municipalities are considering to be reasonable
Both of the proposed districts include a Administration estimated a 5.5% increase in
policy that would allow the landfill to be closer Foundation is $4,116,201 and this amount is a the school requisition for 2019.
requisition for both operations and capital
if consent was received from all the residents construction. "It is important to note that any shortfall in
within the setback. "The school tax rate is usually determined by what is collected from ratepayers in 2019 and
Councillor Sandra Cherniawsky made the the amount to be announced by the province
motion to give first reading to bylaw 12.19 the provincial government however as the near the end of this year will have to be
newly elected provincial government has
with a 1.5 km setback. chosen to set the provincial budget in the fall covered by municipal funds until the new rate
Councillor Dawn Mitchell agreed with the is set in 2020," stated Lyons.
1.5km setback stating it was fair to both of 2019 they did not set the rates or provide a The finalized budget includes: Operations
requisition amount in the usual fashion," said
residents and industry. Barb Lyons, Director of Corporate & Planning 41,511,865; Contribution to local governments
Councillor Anthony Giezen stated, "I Services. 12,164,140; School requisition 23,423,074;
Seniors requisition 4,116,201; Designated
struggled with this a lot. I will not support this This left municipalities to determine the most Industrial Property requisition 620,457;
motion of 1.5km as it was not discussed by appropriate method of setting a school tax rate
council." as municipal tax and assessment notices must Contributions to reserves 2,809,526; Capital
Councillor Lavone Olson said, "I will support be issued. projects 55,901,372; and Amortization (non
this motion and thank Administration for "The province will continue to require cash item) 15,408,520 —totalling
providing the research on this. If we want these municipalities to remit school tax funds at the $155,955,155.
industries then we must support these
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