Page 24 - May 27, 2019
P. 24


MP Eglinski visits

HRH grade 9

Social Studies classes

by Cassie Kushniruk

In conjunction with the Social Studies 9 course
offered at Holy Redeemer High School, On May 21, Yellowhead MP Jim Eglinski visited the HRH Social Studies 9 classes to answer student-
Yellowhead Member of Parliament Jim Eglinski provided questions involving his work as MP, his upcoming retirement, and key issues in the federal
visited the HRH grade 9 classes on May 21 to government. photo Cassie Kushniruk
answer student-provided questions. “It's good to
have that interaction with the class because they thing you have to deal with being a Conservative will not be seeking re-election in 2019 and will
see that we're just people,” said Eglinski. MP?” retire to spend more time with his family. “Are
“One of the curricular outcomes in Social Eglinski stated that it can sometimes be you looking forward to retiring?” one student
Studies 9 is the 'structure and function of stressful to follow the party line with occasional asked.
“I probably won't retire,” Eglinski admitted. “I
Canada's federal political system', so having Mr. differing views on certain situations. For
Eglinski speak to the students about current example, Eglinski said, “Our leader's policy is believe that if you've got a healthy body and a
healthy mind, keep it working. I'm not the type
federal issues and his job as a Member of that he doesn't want to get the debate of abortion
Parliament certainly falls in line with this in the House of Commons, but I had an e- of person that can just sit around. I've been asked
outcome,” said HRH Social Studies 9 teacher petition come from one of our local constituents to sit on a couple boards of companies, but we'll
Peter Taylor. in Carrot Creek to support it, and I did.” see what happens.”
Students took turns throughout the class reading Following a question about Eglinski's average Eglinski then explained to the students what a
aloud their previously submitted questions for day as MP, Eglinski mentioned a lot of fuel, typical day working as an MP in Ottawa would
Eglinski. lodging, and transportation costs are associated look like, “House usually starts at 10 in the
One of the first questions asked was Eglinski's with the job. This prompted one student to ask, morning or 11 depending which day. Each
opinion on the largest threat facing Canadians “Do you pay for all your flights?” Member of Parliament is required to spend at
least one full day in the House, and then we
today. “Cybersecurity is the biggest threat facing Eglinski explained that an MP receives an
us right now,” Eglinski replied. “It is going to annual budget for expenses associated with the belong to committees. You usually belong to two
committees and each committee meets at least
lead to international conflicts and it will lead to job, including flights, gas, accommodation, etc.
some countries going to war because it is not “I get about $450,000 a year and of that four hours a week. I usually spend the last two
safe.” $450,000 I have to run my office here in Edson, hours phoning people because during the
Eglinski advised the students to be extremely pay all my staff, rent the building, pay the power, daytime I'm busy.”
cautious of the material they post on their phones buy all my computers, plus run my office in Eglinski then showed the students his MP lapel
and to “not put anything on your phone that you Ottawa.” pin, which he currently wears as a ring. “We get
don't want the world to know”. “There is no “Included with that budget we get 64 return this for life and it gives us a free pass to all
buildings on Parliament Hill and all federal
privacy in here,” Eglinski said while holding up flights,” Eglinski continued. “I use about 30
his phone. return flights a year going back and forth building in Ottawa,” he explained. “Even if
Another student asked what type of education between Edson and Ottawa with my wife coming you've been out of the House for 10 years, you
or post-secondary degree Eglinski obtained to about 5 or 6 times a year.” can still walk in, show your ring, and you have
become an MP. While some Members of Parliament only immediate access.”
“I did not have a university degree,” Eglinski receive a $200,000 budget for the year, Eglinski's “Starting Monday…it's our last four weeks [of
replied, mentioning that he finished high school $450,000 budget is a result of the extensive size Parliament before the election] so it's going to
and immediately applied to the RCMP after of the Yellowhead riding. “Most of my budget is become very hectic and very ugly,” Eglinski
graduating. eaten up by mileage,” he said. closed.
One student asked, “What is the most stressful Back in January, Eglinski announced that he
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