Page 29 - May 27, 2019
P. 29
A Monthly update on the Oil & Gas and Energy Industry
Ice Practice: Emergency Response in Winter Conditions ENERGY EDUCATION IN ACTION
Trans Mountain practices emergency equipment needed for winter spill response. prepared to respond quickly and
response on the existing pipeline in all Employees, contractors, first responders and efficiently. A strong offshore oil and natural gas industry benefits all
seasons so they can be prepared to Indigenous groups were invited to participate Last year, Trans Mountain conducted Growth in the oil sands projects drives
respond to an incident no matter what and observe. 18 emergency response exercises at of Canada: CAPP Newfoundland and Labrador Energy Platform
weather conditions are present. Winter is Trans Mountain is required by regulators to various locations along the pipeline
no exception. Where the pipeline crosses have an Emergency Management Program route including a similar winter ice
rivers and streams, these bodies of water and to exercise their Emergency Response deployment held near Jasper National Newfoundland and Labrador has an continue to expedite project developments, make vote for energy. need for more pipelines to 2030: CAPP
can be covered with ice in winter Plans on a regular basis to ensure they are Park in January 2018. opportunity to become one of the most small field developments more economic, CAPP’s Energy Platform is to inform all
competitive offshore oil and natural gas
months, so it is imperative response jurisdictions in the world, but only if introduce fiscal incentives to encourage Newfoundlanders and Labradorians of the
exploration, and advocate to eliminate
crews are trained to respond under ice Newfoundlanders and Labradorians vote for unnecessary federal costs. Furthermore, CAPP concerns and vision of the offshore oil and
natural gas business in a manner that is non-
conditions. Last week, their Emergency energy in the next provincial election, encourages political parties to advocate for partisan and is not advertising. The business
Response Team conducted an on-ice according to the Canadian Association of amendments to Bill C-69 and the exclusion of of energy is the business of every
emergency exercise on Lac Des Roches, Petroleum Producers (CAPP). In its exploration wells from the future designated government in Canada regardless of its
BC near 100 Mile House, where ice Newfoundland and Labrador Energy project list. political persuasion. CAPP does not support
conditions were appropriate and safe to Platform, Oil and Natural Gas Priorities for a In the upcoming provincial election, it’s or oppose any particular registered party of
practice deploying equipment needed for Prosperous Newfoundland and Labrador, important all Newfoundlanders and Labradorians candidate.
winter spill response. CAPP made a series of action-oriented
This pre-planned exercise simulated a recommendations aimed at increasing
industry competitiveness through
scenario of a third-party strike to the improvements to regulatory, fiscal, and
pipeline resulting in a release of product economic policies, and the timely expedition
into the water. Crews trained on Tim McMillan of projects.
equipment to cut through the ice to President and CEO In its Energy Platform, CAPP provides
practice containment and recovery Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers clear information about the challenges facing
techniques under ice and snow. Newfoundland and Labrador’s oil and natural
Conducting the exercise in a live winter gas industry. CAPP hopes to inform the
environment allows first responders to public and political parties about how
adapt to real seasonal challenges. industry can continue to generate significant
benefits for the province and its economy. A
The exercise also included land-based vote for energy is a vote for a more
training, setup and deployment of prosperous future for Newfoundland and
response trailers, containment boom and Labrador.
CAPP’s recommendations advocate for a
strong growth scenario for the oil and natural
gas industry in the province, increasing
competitiveness in the global energy market,
and attracting more investment in
Newfoundland and Labrador. The Energy
Platform sets goals to advocate for regulatory
efficiency and effectiveness federally,
Industry supporters of responsible energy
Specializing in pipeline construction, facility constructions,
maintenance, abandonments and compression projects
780-728-0004 4515 2nd Avenue
A Monthly update on the Oil & Gas and Energy Industry
Ice Practice: Emergency Response in Winter Conditions ENERGY EDUCATION IN ACTION
Trans Mountain practices emergency equipment needed for winter spill response. prepared to respond quickly and
response on the existing pipeline in all Employees, contractors, first responders and efficiently. A strong offshore oil and natural gas industry benefits all
seasons so they can be prepared to Indigenous groups were invited to participate Last year, Trans Mountain conducted Growth in the oil sands projects drives
respond to an incident no matter what and observe. 18 emergency response exercises at of Canada: CAPP Newfoundland and Labrador Energy Platform
weather conditions are present. Winter is Trans Mountain is required by regulators to various locations along the pipeline
no exception. Where the pipeline crosses have an Emergency Management Program route including a similar winter ice
rivers and streams, these bodies of water and to exercise their Emergency Response deployment held near Jasper National Newfoundland and Labrador has an continue to expedite project developments, make vote for energy. need for more pipelines to 2030: CAPP
can be covered with ice in winter Plans on a regular basis to ensure they are Park in January 2018. opportunity to become one of the most small field developments more economic, CAPP’s Energy Platform is to inform all
competitive offshore oil and natural gas
months, so it is imperative response jurisdictions in the world, but only if introduce fiscal incentives to encourage Newfoundlanders and Labradorians of the
exploration, and advocate to eliminate
crews are trained to respond under ice Newfoundlanders and Labradorians vote for unnecessary federal costs. Furthermore, CAPP concerns and vision of the offshore oil and
natural gas business in a manner that is non-
conditions. Last week, their Emergency energy in the next provincial election, encourages political parties to advocate for partisan and is not advertising. The business
Response Team conducted an on-ice according to the Canadian Association of amendments to Bill C-69 and the exclusion of of energy is the business of every
emergency exercise on Lac Des Roches, Petroleum Producers (CAPP). In its exploration wells from the future designated government in Canada regardless of its
BC near 100 Mile House, where ice Newfoundland and Labrador Energy project list. political persuasion. CAPP does not support
conditions were appropriate and safe to Platform, Oil and Natural Gas Priorities for a In the upcoming provincial election, it’s or oppose any particular registered party of
practice deploying equipment needed for Prosperous Newfoundland and Labrador, important all Newfoundlanders and Labradorians candidate.
winter spill response. CAPP made a series of action-oriented
This pre-planned exercise simulated a recommendations aimed at increasing
industry competitiveness through
scenario of a third-party strike to the improvements to regulatory, fiscal, and
pipeline resulting in a release of product economic policies, and the timely expedition
into the water. Crews trained on Tim McMillan of projects.
equipment to cut through the ice to President and CEO In its Energy Platform, CAPP provides
practice containment and recovery Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers clear information about the challenges facing
techniques under ice and snow. Newfoundland and Labrador’s oil and natural
Conducting the exercise in a live winter gas industry. CAPP hopes to inform the
environment allows first responders to public and political parties about how
adapt to real seasonal challenges. industry can continue to generate significant
benefits for the province and its economy. A
The exercise also included land-based vote for energy is a vote for a more
training, setup and deployment of prosperous future for Newfoundland and
response trailers, containment boom and Labrador.
CAPP’s recommendations advocate for a
strong growth scenario for the oil and natural
gas industry in the province, increasing
competitiveness in the global energy market,
and attracting more investment in
Newfoundland and Labrador. The Energy
Platform sets goals to advocate for regulatory
efficiency and effectiveness federally,
Industry supporters of responsible energy
Specializing in pipeline construction, facility constructions,
maintenance, abandonments and compression projects
780-728-0004 4515 2nd Avenue