Page 20 - May 6, 2019
P. 20
PAGE 20 MONDAY MAY 6, 2019
PCHS Drama Department proudly s CHOOL
represents School at Zone Festival Times
submitted Trish Day, PCHS
28 students from Parkland Composite High
School travelled to Westlock April 25-27 to
compete in the Zone 2 West Drama Festival.
PCHS brought two plays to compete in the
senior competition “Teen Brain: The Musical” by
Linda Daugherty and music by Nick Martin and “I
Hate Love” by Maia Akiva.
In both plays the students performed and brought
their best to the competition and should be pleased
with the results. Due to our delayed start with bad
Kids Make A Difference is sponsored by: weather at the beginning of the semester, these
students put their plays together in a very short
amount of time (4 weeks) no small feat for a
musical. We also believe at PCHS that all students
who want to participate can and no one is cut from
our program. “These students, from all walks of
life, always impress me, year after year,” said
Drama Teacher Danette Dickson. They help each
other and support each other to accomplish big
Sand & Gravel Sales/Hauling things and compete at a top level, even being PCHS Drama students who performed 'I Hate Love' in the Zone 2 West Drama Festival included:
Quality Work chosen last year to represent the Zone at Rebecca Dearden, Isebella Crozier, Peyton Belcourt, Jordon Froude, Gavin Montey, and Reece de
Serving Edson & District Since 1974 “It means a lot to be recognized by other like- festival participants. Although no school from We would like to congratulate the students from
780-723-5152 minded drama students with a standing ovation Edson will represent the Zone at the Provincial Memorial Composite High School and Morinville
after the show,” said actress Deanna Rozak from
the cast of “Teen Brain: The Musical”. The Festival, we were extremely proud of the awards Community High School who will proudly
professional adjudicators who commended both we did receive. represent our Zone in Red Deer for Provincials.
plays on their impressive performances, also Peyton Belcourt from “I Hate Love” received an Break a Leg.
recognized their hard work. The adjudication Honorable Mention for acting. The entire cast of Thank you also to the staff and students of R.F.
process is a valuable learning tool where students Teen Brain received an Honorable Mention for Staples in Westlock who hosted the Zone Festival.
can ask questions and hear professional opinions Ensemble and teamwork. Finally, Emma Bowman Drama Festivals are not only a valuable learning
about their performance. The adjudication for both received an Outstanding Achievement award for opportunity for our students but it is also a place
plays was extremely positive and PCHS students Acting and Directing the Musical “Teen Brain”. where students from across the zone build a family
walked away feeling proud of their hard work and With 200 or so participants, not everyone can where everyone is accepted for their uniqueness
accomplishments. receive an award so PCHS is extremely proud and and all students feel like they have a meaningful
Students were able to watch 16 shows from eight thankful for the recognition that our school and our place where they belong.
different schools and built friendships with other students received. Every student who participates in this amazing
Zone Festival leaves a winner.
Holy Redeemer Impresses at Zone Drama Festival
Each and every year the members of the Holy
Redeemer Drama Department always impress both
the audience and the adjudicators at the annual
Zone Drama Festival. And this year was no
different as both of their senior high productions
performed exceptionally and were very well
The Zone 2 West Drama Festival took place from
April 25th to 27th in Westlock and featured over 15
plays from different schools in Edson, Barrhead,
Spruce Grove, Stony Plain and Westlock. HRH
entered two plays into the Festival: You Do Love
Me, Don't You? and Hello Darkness My Old
You Do Love Me, Don't You? performed on the
night of the 25th. The play, which starts off funny,
had the audience in stitches. However, when lead The cast and crew of Holy Redeemer's one-act play You Do Love Me, Don't You? pose for a moment of
actor Thomas Pennings' character takes a dark turn dramatic silliness after the Awards Ceremony at the Zone Drama Festival in Westlock on April 27th. Both
the audience was strung along into a thriller of HRH plays, this one and Hello Darkness My Old Friend were certainly crowd favourites and picked up a
show. number of awards. Pictured here, left to right, Stephen Domshy, Ashley Bischke, Morgan Steffler, Ava
“The adjudicator had lots of positive feedback,” Simmons, Kiley Bischke, Thomas Pennings, Rena Fakhreddine, Sean Fogarty, Elias Tobin, and Tyler
says grade 12 student director Kiley Bischke. Ferguson.
“From the professionalism of out tech time to through the amazing teamwork and characterization who will be graduating in two months. “This year,
taking a script and making it into something huge, from student actors Jayna Fedorak, Austin Frazer, we were lucky to have five grade 12 students lead
she really loved it.” The adjudicator was very and Jaden Gauchier. All three performers won the way through these shows,” says Drama Teacher
impressed by Bischke saying she was “the most Honourable Mentions in Acting for their Peter Taylor referring to Bischke, Furegati, Frazer,
impressive director that she had seen thus far”. The tremendous performances. “The adjudicator said Gauchier, and Rena Fakhreddine. “Each of these
show even won over the crowd and was quickly an she really sympathized with the characters and was students brought something different to our
audience favourite as the crowd leapt to their feet really impressed by the actors' commitment,” says program and helped to mentor so many of our
in a huge standing ovation. The play was heavily Furegati. And the audience absolutely loved the young actors. We're going to miss them, that's for
rewarded for its work winning two awards for Best performance too as they gave it the loudest and sure.”
Actor to Pennings and Best Stage Manager to Sean most intense standing ovation of any show over the Meanwhile, the grade 10 and 11 students are all
Fogarty. three-day Festival. set to begin working on their next major
HRH's second play, Hello Darkness My Old In the end, it was obvious that both plays had won production: Chicago: High School Edition, which
Friend, was the very last play to take the stage at the hearts of the audience, something that HRH will run from December 4 to 7th. Look for tickets
the Festival on April 27th. “It was a long time to students love to do. to go on sale in early November.
wait,” says grade 12 student director Alaina With the Festival now complete for another year, If you would like more information on this article
Furegati. “But it was well worth it as the cast and the cast and crews will begin to pack away their please feel free to contact the school at 780-723-
crew had their best performance.” The dramatic costumes, set pieces and props, while at the same 7437, visit our website at or
piece moved many audience members to tears time preparing to say goodbye to the grade 12's follow us on social media.
PAGE 20 MONDAY MAY 6, 2019
PCHS Drama Department proudly s CHOOL
represents School at Zone Festival Times
submitted Trish Day, PCHS
28 students from Parkland Composite High
School travelled to Westlock April 25-27 to
compete in the Zone 2 West Drama Festival.
PCHS brought two plays to compete in the
senior competition “Teen Brain: The Musical” by
Linda Daugherty and music by Nick Martin and “I
Hate Love” by Maia Akiva.
In both plays the students performed and brought
their best to the competition and should be pleased
with the results. Due to our delayed start with bad
Kids Make A Difference is sponsored by: weather at the beginning of the semester, these
students put their plays together in a very short
amount of time (4 weeks) no small feat for a
musical. We also believe at PCHS that all students
who want to participate can and no one is cut from
our program. “These students, from all walks of
life, always impress me, year after year,” said
Drama Teacher Danette Dickson. They help each
other and support each other to accomplish big
Sand & Gravel Sales/Hauling things and compete at a top level, even being PCHS Drama students who performed 'I Hate Love' in the Zone 2 West Drama Festival included:
Quality Work chosen last year to represent the Zone at Rebecca Dearden, Isebella Crozier, Peyton Belcourt, Jordon Froude, Gavin Montey, and Reece de
Serving Edson & District Since 1974 “It means a lot to be recognized by other like- festival participants. Although no school from We would like to congratulate the students from
780-723-5152 minded drama students with a standing ovation Edson will represent the Zone at the Provincial Memorial Composite High School and Morinville
after the show,” said actress Deanna Rozak from
the cast of “Teen Brain: The Musical”. The Festival, we were extremely proud of the awards Community High School who will proudly
professional adjudicators who commended both we did receive. represent our Zone in Red Deer for Provincials.
plays on their impressive performances, also Peyton Belcourt from “I Hate Love” received an Break a Leg.
recognized their hard work. The adjudication Honorable Mention for acting. The entire cast of Thank you also to the staff and students of R.F.
process is a valuable learning tool where students Teen Brain received an Honorable Mention for Staples in Westlock who hosted the Zone Festival.
can ask questions and hear professional opinions Ensemble and teamwork. Finally, Emma Bowman Drama Festivals are not only a valuable learning
about their performance. The adjudication for both received an Outstanding Achievement award for opportunity for our students but it is also a place
plays was extremely positive and PCHS students Acting and Directing the Musical “Teen Brain”. where students from across the zone build a family
walked away feeling proud of their hard work and With 200 or so participants, not everyone can where everyone is accepted for their uniqueness
accomplishments. receive an award so PCHS is extremely proud and and all students feel like they have a meaningful
Students were able to watch 16 shows from eight thankful for the recognition that our school and our place where they belong.
different schools and built friendships with other students received. Every student who participates in this amazing
Zone Festival leaves a winner.
Holy Redeemer Impresses at Zone Drama Festival
Each and every year the members of the Holy
Redeemer Drama Department always impress both
the audience and the adjudicators at the annual
Zone Drama Festival. And this year was no
different as both of their senior high productions
performed exceptionally and were very well
The Zone 2 West Drama Festival took place from
April 25th to 27th in Westlock and featured over 15
plays from different schools in Edson, Barrhead,
Spruce Grove, Stony Plain and Westlock. HRH
entered two plays into the Festival: You Do Love
Me, Don't You? and Hello Darkness My Old
You Do Love Me, Don't You? performed on the
night of the 25th. The play, which starts off funny,
had the audience in stitches. However, when lead The cast and crew of Holy Redeemer's one-act play You Do Love Me, Don't You? pose for a moment of
actor Thomas Pennings' character takes a dark turn dramatic silliness after the Awards Ceremony at the Zone Drama Festival in Westlock on April 27th. Both
the audience was strung along into a thriller of HRH plays, this one and Hello Darkness My Old Friend were certainly crowd favourites and picked up a
show. number of awards. Pictured here, left to right, Stephen Domshy, Ashley Bischke, Morgan Steffler, Ava
“The adjudicator had lots of positive feedback,” Simmons, Kiley Bischke, Thomas Pennings, Rena Fakhreddine, Sean Fogarty, Elias Tobin, and Tyler
says grade 12 student director Kiley Bischke. Ferguson.
“From the professionalism of out tech time to through the amazing teamwork and characterization who will be graduating in two months. “This year,
taking a script and making it into something huge, from student actors Jayna Fedorak, Austin Frazer, we were lucky to have five grade 12 students lead
she really loved it.” The adjudicator was very and Jaden Gauchier. All three performers won the way through these shows,” says Drama Teacher
impressed by Bischke saying she was “the most Honourable Mentions in Acting for their Peter Taylor referring to Bischke, Furegati, Frazer,
impressive director that she had seen thus far”. The tremendous performances. “The adjudicator said Gauchier, and Rena Fakhreddine. “Each of these
show even won over the crowd and was quickly an she really sympathized with the characters and was students brought something different to our
audience favourite as the crowd leapt to their feet really impressed by the actors' commitment,” says program and helped to mentor so many of our
in a huge standing ovation. The play was heavily Furegati. And the audience absolutely loved the young actors. We're going to miss them, that's for
rewarded for its work winning two awards for Best performance too as they gave it the loudest and sure.”
Actor to Pennings and Best Stage Manager to Sean most intense standing ovation of any show over the Meanwhile, the grade 10 and 11 students are all
Fogarty. three-day Festival. set to begin working on their next major
HRH's second play, Hello Darkness My Old In the end, it was obvious that both plays had won production: Chicago: High School Edition, which
Friend, was the very last play to take the stage at the hearts of the audience, something that HRH will run from December 4 to 7th. Look for tickets
the Festival on April 27th. “It was a long time to students love to do. to go on sale in early November.
wait,” says grade 12 student director Alaina With the Festival now complete for another year, If you would like more information on this article
Furegati. “But it was well worth it as the cast and the cast and crews will begin to pack away their please feel free to contact the school at 780-723-
crew had their best performance.” The dramatic costumes, set pieces and props, while at the same 7437, visit our website at or
piece moved many audience members to tears time preparing to say goodbye to the grade 12's follow us on social media.