Page 21 - May 6, 2019
P. 21
Stories to share: s CHOOL
School Board Trustee Shirley Caputo, Hinton
Trustee Shirley Caputo has proudly served for industry for most of her working career years. Times
the last 17 years as one of two school board Ms. Caputo ran as a public school board trustee
trustees elected in the Hinton Ward, for Grande for the first time in 2001, with the
Yellowhead Public School Division. Over her encouragement of her husband, Gino, and the
six-terms, Ms. Caputo has embodied the criteria current retiring trustees. Over the last seventeen
established for this position in every way: her years, she has served as the chair and vice-chair
natural willingness to mentor others with of almost every board committee; motivated to
integrity, the genuine respect she receives from help others succeed, and to seek every
both her peers and the community-at-large, and opportunity to ensure students achieve their
her passionate dedication to the value of public learning goals. Actively making a difference for
education and the students it serves. With almost kids and her community, Ms. Caputo has
half of the current board positions elected with passionately dedicated many hours of her time
new trustees in 2017, her wisdom and experience and energy through her membership on the
in matters of governance and jurisdictional GYPSD board and her involvement with
memory are often sought and respected at the provincial school board associations, as well as
board table. volunteering on many community boards and
Although she grew up in Vegreville, Ms. organizations. Emphasizing the importance of
Caputo has lived in the Town of Hinton for over citizenship, she encourages youth to volunteer in
30 years, and raised her son, Matthew, through their local community, and is a great role model
the public school system, where he graduated with her own endeavours. She has been actively
from Harry Collinge High School in 2007. She involved with the local food bank, library board,
has a certificate in early child development, 'Share Shop', Rotary Club of Hinton, Relay for
although she worked in the financial banking Life, is the current chair of the Hinton Adult
Learning Society, and is a proud non-presiding
UPCOMING EVENT REMINDER Justice of the Peace in the Town of Hinton for
over twenty-five years.
Ms. Caputo is a frequent and welcome visitor School Board Trustee Shirley Caputo, Hinton
May 4: Join YKCS for their 22 annual School to local school, community and charity events.
Auction, which serves to benefit the children and
school facility of YKCS. Auction preview will She takes her role as a school trustee with great
commence at 10:30 am and the auction will begin tenacity and by adhering to high ethical standards meetings with other government stakeholders
at 11 am and go until 3 pm. A silent auction, garage when making decisions; ensuring that her fellow and with other community agencies, to facilitate
sale, open concession, and baked goods will also be board members develop policies, allocate the communication between the school board and its
available. division's resources, and work collectively to stakeholders. Her passion and singular focus on
May 5: Join the Edson and District Boys and Girls offer effective and efficient public education the promotion of student achievement and well-
Club as they celebrate National Youth Week with a 3 programming. Shirley meticulously monitors and being so all students reach their full potential,
on 3 basketball tournament for youth ages 11-17 evaluates board policies and procedures to ensure make Ms. Caputo a true champion of public
starting at 10:30 am. Registration deadline is May alignment with current legislative requirements, education, where she inspires to ... always seek
1. A free barbecue will also be provided. Call 780- provincial policy, and contractual agreements. opportunities to make connections with her
723-7240 or email for more
information. She regularly attends school council meetings, community because 'if it's important to you, it's
community groups, municipal council sessions, important to me.’
Stories to share: s CHOOL
School Board Trustee Shirley Caputo, Hinton
Trustee Shirley Caputo has proudly served for industry for most of her working career years. Times
the last 17 years as one of two school board Ms. Caputo ran as a public school board trustee
trustees elected in the Hinton Ward, for Grande for the first time in 2001, with the
Yellowhead Public School Division. Over her encouragement of her husband, Gino, and the
six-terms, Ms. Caputo has embodied the criteria current retiring trustees. Over the last seventeen
established for this position in every way: her years, she has served as the chair and vice-chair
natural willingness to mentor others with of almost every board committee; motivated to
integrity, the genuine respect she receives from help others succeed, and to seek every
both her peers and the community-at-large, and opportunity to ensure students achieve their
her passionate dedication to the value of public learning goals. Actively making a difference for
education and the students it serves. With almost kids and her community, Ms. Caputo has
half of the current board positions elected with passionately dedicated many hours of her time
new trustees in 2017, her wisdom and experience and energy through her membership on the
in matters of governance and jurisdictional GYPSD board and her involvement with
memory are often sought and respected at the provincial school board associations, as well as
board table. volunteering on many community boards and
Although she grew up in Vegreville, Ms. organizations. Emphasizing the importance of
Caputo has lived in the Town of Hinton for over citizenship, she encourages youth to volunteer in
30 years, and raised her son, Matthew, through their local community, and is a great role model
the public school system, where he graduated with her own endeavours. She has been actively
from Harry Collinge High School in 2007. She involved with the local food bank, library board,
has a certificate in early child development, 'Share Shop', Rotary Club of Hinton, Relay for
although she worked in the financial banking Life, is the current chair of the Hinton Adult
Learning Society, and is a proud non-presiding
UPCOMING EVENT REMINDER Justice of the Peace in the Town of Hinton for
over twenty-five years.
Ms. Caputo is a frequent and welcome visitor School Board Trustee Shirley Caputo, Hinton
May 4: Join YKCS for their 22 annual School to local school, community and charity events.
Auction, which serves to benefit the children and
school facility of YKCS. Auction preview will She takes her role as a school trustee with great
commence at 10:30 am and the auction will begin tenacity and by adhering to high ethical standards meetings with other government stakeholders
at 11 am and go until 3 pm. A silent auction, garage when making decisions; ensuring that her fellow and with other community agencies, to facilitate
sale, open concession, and baked goods will also be board members develop policies, allocate the communication between the school board and its
available. division's resources, and work collectively to stakeholders. Her passion and singular focus on
May 5: Join the Edson and District Boys and Girls offer effective and efficient public education the promotion of student achievement and well-
Club as they celebrate National Youth Week with a 3 programming. Shirley meticulously monitors and being so all students reach their full potential,
on 3 basketball tournament for youth ages 11-17 evaluates board policies and procedures to ensure make Ms. Caputo a true champion of public
starting at 10:30 am. Registration deadline is May alignment with current legislative requirements, education, where she inspires to ... always seek
1. A free barbecue will also be provided. Call 780- provincial policy, and contractual agreements. opportunities to make connections with her
723-7240 or email for more
information. She regularly attends school council meetings, community because 'if it's important to you, it's
community groups, municipal council sessions, important to me.’