Page 4 - November 18, 2019
P. 4

Jim Eglinski running

for County Mayor

submitted I feel the same applies to
Yellowhead County and I commit
I am a proud Albertan with the to responsible fiscal management.
dependable experience and I commit to working with Council
leadership that Yellowhead to provide the public services and
County deserves. infrastructure for Yellowhead
I was born and raised in Alberta, County. I believe in teamwork,
my chosen career at age 19 was Yellowhead County has an
the RCMP, retiring after 35 years. excellent elected Council and I
My public service career will work with them to focus on
continued by entering politics. I polities that create the right
served as Councillor and Mayor conditions for sustainable long-
for the city of Fort St. John, and term economic growth.
the last five years, it has been my As a Council, we must be
honour to serve as Yellowhead vigilant and spend only what we
Riding's Member of Parliament. can afford. WE must pay attention
I have put my name forward to our revenue streams, to enable
because of my love of public us to fund our public services as
service and my knowledge and needed. I understand these needs
experience dealing with all levels and demand, as well as the
of government. The Canadian and importance in being able to
Albertan economies are communicate and work with the
struggling! I feel it is imperative Yellowhead Council, staff,
that our Yellowhead Council has a neighbouring municipalities,
strong leader to take us forward to counties, and Provincial and
a prosperous future. I am Federal governments. This will
concerned about the recent federal take experienced leadership! You
election and it's impact on Alberta, will be voting for a proven leader,
and specifically, Yellowhead a team player and a person who
County. can work effectively with all
Alberta's 2019 Budget shows a levels of government, a person
need for government to be who listens and is willing to work
cautious; to live within it's means. closely with the public.

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