Page 6 - November 18, 2019
P. 6
Community Artist Profile:
Getting to know Parker Van De Spiegle
by Shaylyn Thornton brother Jory being a great musician as
well. The love of music extends back
When I attended the first “Parker's a few generations, with his great
Jammin” concert in September, I grandfather being a member of the
knew there was something special band The Vaqueros.
about Parker Van De Spiegle. Parker's mom and grandpa are also
I was thankful to be invited to musicians, and Parker's love of music
Parker's home to get to know him goes back to early childhood. His
better alongside his little brother, mom always had music playing
Julian, and his mom, Pam. around the house, and she remembers
Instantly the family was warm and one specific occasion that gave her an
inviting, with jokes being made, inkling that music would take on a big
introductions to the family pets, and role in Parker's life.
Julian strumming on the ukulele. “[Parker's dad] Chris pulled out a
Parker and his family are long guitar and he was playing it,” she
time Edsonites, although they did said. “And Parker's eyes were closed,
spend a few years living in Fort and he was just loving on it. We kind
McMurray. The family moved back of figured there that [music] was
after they were evacuated during the probably something.”
Fort McMurray wildfires in 2016. Parker is only 11 years old, yet he
“It was a bit traumatic,” said has taken on the initiative to use his
Parker, but the family was thankful to musical talents to make a difference to
be able to return to Edson. “It's non-profit organizations in our Parker Van De Spiegle practices the guitar ahead of his Parker's Jammin' for
home.” community. the Edson Food Bank concert on November 22. photo submitted
The Grade 6 student has grown up His first concert aimed to help the
involved in worship teams at church Edson Animal Rescue Society, due to even look at them,” Parker said. “But that over, while Shelley Court donates
and school, continuously improving his love of animals. He raised $225 to I look at them and I want to do the backdrop for them to use.
his skills as a musician. help the animals out and decided that something.” Chris and Christene Biernacki
Parker's favorite style of music is he would love to help others out as “He has a heart where he's wanting donate the sound system to help bring
rock, and anything rock related. He well. to raise money to help people, to help Parker's concert to the next level, and
plays the drums, piano, both electric When considering his next move, the homeless, to help animals… to many more people help to make the
and acoustic guitar, the ukulele, and Parker decided to focus on the people help whoever he can,” said Pam. event a success.
he is a singer/songwriter. in our community that need a hand. “I “And he wants to use his gift to do People can also donate ahead of
In addition to music, Parker loves know that the food bank, especially that.” time by dropping off food/donations
science, JFK, and volcanoes. He says this time of year, there's people who Parker will be using his gift again at Attention to Detail Consulting,
he has a special talent for being need food more than ever,” said on November 22 at 7pm, during his though Pam suggests calling/texting
clumsy, and he enjoys spending his Parker. “It's colder, and it's not as easy second concert which is titled, ahead to let her know you're stopping
free time visiting the Parkland Lodge to get food, so I decided to do that.” “Parker's Jammin' for the Edson Food by, which you can do at 780-517-
and getting to know the seniors. “I look out there and see people Bank.” 0323.
In addition to Julian, Parker also who need food, and there are people The event will be held at the Before I left the Van De Spiegle's,
has three older siblings, with older walking by them all the time and don't Attention to Detail shop, and will Parker asked if he could play me a
require a non-perishable food song he wrote. I was touched to hear
donation to enter, although people can his song Safe Tonight, which was
SUBDIVISION feel free to make cash donations as written for his young friend Parker
Martin, who sadly passed away earlier
Pam was quick to note that putting
OPEN HOUSE on the concert takes a lot of work, and this month.
With a huge heart and just as much
they get help from some great people. talent, Parker Van De Spiegle's
It takes a full day and a half to turn concert is definitely worth attending.
ANDERSON AREA STRUCTURE PLAN the shop into the concert space, and Bring a food bank donation, and help
BYLAW NO. 2202 AMENDMENT Pam's friend Myrna Chafe helps turn this young man make a difference.
November 22 2019
Repsol Place –
Hospitality Rm. SE Entrance
1021 49 St. Edson
5 pm – 8pm
Join us for an informational open house for the public regarding an
amendment to the Area Structure Plan for this development and land use
designation (rezoning) of land located at 63 Street, west of 9 Avenue in the
town of Edson.
The developer is proposing a 33 (individually owned) lot subdivision for
manufactured homes.
Information available at this open house will include:
· An explanation of the intent of the project
· A map of the project and proposed layout
· A summary as to why this project will be beneficial for the residents
of Edson
Developer and a Representative from the Town of Edson will be available to
answer any questions at this open house. Refreshments will be served.
Community Artist Profile:
Getting to know Parker Van De Spiegle
by Shaylyn Thornton brother Jory being a great musician as
well. The love of music extends back
When I attended the first “Parker's a few generations, with his great
Jammin” concert in September, I grandfather being a member of the
knew there was something special band The Vaqueros.
about Parker Van De Spiegle. Parker's mom and grandpa are also
I was thankful to be invited to musicians, and Parker's love of music
Parker's home to get to know him goes back to early childhood. His
better alongside his little brother, mom always had music playing
Julian, and his mom, Pam. around the house, and she remembers
Instantly the family was warm and one specific occasion that gave her an
inviting, with jokes being made, inkling that music would take on a big
introductions to the family pets, and role in Parker's life.
Julian strumming on the ukulele. “[Parker's dad] Chris pulled out a
Parker and his family are long guitar and he was playing it,” she
time Edsonites, although they did said. “And Parker's eyes were closed,
spend a few years living in Fort and he was just loving on it. We kind
McMurray. The family moved back of figured there that [music] was
after they were evacuated during the probably something.”
Fort McMurray wildfires in 2016. Parker is only 11 years old, yet he
“It was a bit traumatic,” said has taken on the initiative to use his
Parker, but the family was thankful to musical talents to make a difference to
be able to return to Edson. “It's non-profit organizations in our Parker Van De Spiegle practices the guitar ahead of his Parker's Jammin' for
home.” community. the Edson Food Bank concert on November 22. photo submitted
The Grade 6 student has grown up His first concert aimed to help the
involved in worship teams at church Edson Animal Rescue Society, due to even look at them,” Parker said. “But that over, while Shelley Court donates
and school, continuously improving his love of animals. He raised $225 to I look at them and I want to do the backdrop for them to use.
his skills as a musician. help the animals out and decided that something.” Chris and Christene Biernacki
Parker's favorite style of music is he would love to help others out as “He has a heart where he's wanting donate the sound system to help bring
rock, and anything rock related. He well. to raise money to help people, to help Parker's concert to the next level, and
plays the drums, piano, both electric When considering his next move, the homeless, to help animals… to many more people help to make the
and acoustic guitar, the ukulele, and Parker decided to focus on the people help whoever he can,” said Pam. event a success.
he is a singer/songwriter. in our community that need a hand. “I “And he wants to use his gift to do People can also donate ahead of
In addition to music, Parker loves know that the food bank, especially that.” time by dropping off food/donations
science, JFK, and volcanoes. He says this time of year, there's people who Parker will be using his gift again at Attention to Detail Consulting,
he has a special talent for being need food more than ever,” said on November 22 at 7pm, during his though Pam suggests calling/texting
clumsy, and he enjoys spending his Parker. “It's colder, and it's not as easy second concert which is titled, ahead to let her know you're stopping
free time visiting the Parkland Lodge to get food, so I decided to do that.” “Parker's Jammin' for the Edson Food by, which you can do at 780-517-
and getting to know the seniors. “I look out there and see people Bank.” 0323.
In addition to Julian, Parker also who need food, and there are people The event will be held at the Before I left the Van De Spiegle's,
has three older siblings, with older walking by them all the time and don't Attention to Detail shop, and will Parker asked if he could play me a
require a non-perishable food song he wrote. I was touched to hear
donation to enter, although people can his song Safe Tonight, which was
SUBDIVISION feel free to make cash donations as written for his young friend Parker
Martin, who sadly passed away earlier
Pam was quick to note that putting
OPEN HOUSE on the concert takes a lot of work, and this month.
With a huge heart and just as much
they get help from some great people. talent, Parker Van De Spiegle's
It takes a full day and a half to turn concert is definitely worth attending.
ANDERSON AREA STRUCTURE PLAN the shop into the concert space, and Bring a food bank donation, and help
BYLAW NO. 2202 AMENDMENT Pam's friend Myrna Chafe helps turn this young man make a difference.
November 22 2019
Repsol Place –
Hospitality Rm. SE Entrance
1021 49 St. Edson
5 pm – 8pm
Join us for an informational open house for the public regarding an
amendment to the Area Structure Plan for this development and land use
designation (rezoning) of land located at 63 Street, west of 9 Avenue in the
town of Edson.
The developer is proposing a 33 (individually owned) lot subdivision for
manufactured homes.
Information available at this open house will include:
· An explanation of the intent of the project
· A map of the project and proposed layout
· A summary as to why this project will be beneficial for the residents
of Edson
Developer and a Representative from the Town of Edson will be available to
answer any questions at this open house. Refreshments will be served.