Page 3 - November 23 2020
P. 3
Helping the world hear better
THE WEEKLY ANCHOR MONDAY NOVEMBER 23, 2020 PAGE 3 Serving Alberta since 1964
We are AADL, WCB, HI\\NIHB, CVA provider
Yellowhead County considers Mandatory Face Coverings Bylaw
by Shaylyn Thornton practices are implemented. well. Eglinski noted that he, himself, is someone HEARING EVALUATIONS
Councillor Sandra Cherniawsky said that while who struggles to wear a mask as he does find it
At the November 17 Yellowhead County Council she knows it is difficult to enact a mask bylaw more difficult to breathe. Still, “I've been forcing
Governance & Priorities Meeting, the Council throughout the County, she is “definitely in favor, myself to wear one,” he said.
decided it was time to discuss the possibility of a of community protection.” Cherniawsky represents Eglinski also said that he doesn't think the Edson Clinic
Mandatory Face Coverings Bylaw. Division 1: Evansburg and area, and it is among the Province has been strong enough with their
With increasing cases in Yellowhead County hardest hit areas of Yellowhead County. response to the pandemic, so now it is up to Wednesday, November 25* 10:00am-1:00pm
becoming a major concern, the Council discussed Cherniawsky acknowledged that she has had Council to step up, and maybe even step beyond Edson Senior’s Drop In Centre/Pioneer Cabin
what they could do to try and curb the spread of the residents be both strongly in favor and strongly what the Province is doing. Summers Drilling Summers Drilling
COVID-19 virus. against the idea, but with rising case counts in the “I don't mind being criticized to keep people 4836-7 Avenue
Although actual case counts are constantly east end of the county she supported putting the safe,” said Eglinski.
changing, as of the time the bylaw was prepared bylaw in place. Councillor David Russell spoke against the Water Well DrillingWater Well Drilling BY APPOINTMENT ONLY
there were 21 active COVID cases in Yellowhead Councillor Dawn Mitchell also noted that she had proposed bylaw, noting that this kind of mandate
County, which equates to 106.8 cases per 100k heard from residents on both sides of the issue. She isn't for a municipal government to decide. “This is Attending We provide:
A proud Alberta business, since 1917, oud Alberta business, since 1917,
people. said that she knows both Division 1 and Division 2 a healthcare matter, not municipal,” he said. “This A pr
Summers Drilling specializes in water well
CAO Jack Ramme noted that those numbers had (Wildwood and area) are struggling, and that there falls to the Province. They need to do the job they Summers Drilling specializes in water well Practitioner
changed even since it was put together, and that are “very sick people asking for help.” were elected to do.” drilling and water well r * Latest Technology - all
drilling and water well repairs. epairs.
now Yellowhead County was under enhanced “I want to help in any way we can,” Mitchell The discussion of masks and their usefulness digital hearing aid
measures and the numbers, per 100k, are almost on said. “I fully support this bylaw.” continued, with Councillor Mitchell saying, “There Agnieszka
par with Quebec. Councillor Shawn Berry spoke in favor of the are two things we can do personally to stop the models
With the Province monitoring the community but bylaw is well. “We must protect our citizens,” he spread: wash our hands and wear our masks.” Lehmann * Repairs to all models
not making the move to put their own mandatory said. “We all have COVID-fatigue,” she added. “We Registered Hearing
masking law in place, the County considered what On the other side of the discussion, Councillor have to tough it out, hang in there, protect our * 30 day trial period
steps they should take to keep area residents safe. Anthony Giezen said that there is “no magic loved ones. Sometimes we have to save ourselves Air Practitioner
The proposed bylaw, presented by Ramme, would solution” to COVID-19, and that he can't support from ourselves.”
require a person to wear a face covering at all times the bylaw at this time as he doesn't think that masks Cherniawsky agreed. With residents in her Edmonton
4405 50 streeteet
while in an indoor, enclosed, or substantially will solve all problems. He also felt that a mandate division being personally affected by the spread, 4405 50 str 780-963-1282
Stony Plain, AB
enclosed public place. The bylaw also includes a like this should be a provincial matter, and not a her main reason for supporting the bylaw is clear. Stony Plain, AB #134-15277 Castledowns Road
requirement for businesses to display proper municipal one. “If it hit closer to your home, you'd be more upset
signage requesting the use of masks within their Councillor Wade Williams agreed with Giezen. about it,” she said. Edmonton, AB
establishment. “I'm in opposition of this bylaw,” he said. “There is “It hits altogether differently when it's your
There are some exemptions to the bylaw, which no hardcore evidence that masks help. People have family,” agreed Berry.
include persons under the age of 10 and persons a right to choose.” As the meeting was a G&P Meeting and not a 1-855-258-9429
who are unable to place, use, or remove a face Councillor Lavone Olson said that she would be Council meeting, the Council did not hold a vote.
covering without assistance, persons unable to wear in support, noting that it is necessary for the rest of However, they decided to schedule a Special
a face covering due to a mental or physical concern Yellowhead County to support the east end. She Council Meeting for the afternoon of November 17.
or limitation, or protected ground under the Human also said that a big part of this problem is people At the Special Council Meeting, the bylaw passed
Rights Act. making “poor choices”. With people not following the first two readings, but did not move to a third Edson Funeral Home
The bylaw would not apply to schools and other recommended guidelines, now those reading. As the bylaw was presented and read in the
educational facilities, hospitals and healthcare recommendations have to become regulations. “It's same day, moving to a third reading requires a
facilities, childcare facilities, and areas exclusively unfortunate that we have to make choices for unanimous vote. This is typically done to allow for
Foothills Memorial Chapel
accessed by the public place's employees, provided them,” she said. community input and more discussion by Council Foothills Memorial Chapel
that physical barriers or physical distancing Mayor Jim Eglinski made his support clear as moving forward. Edson Clinic up and running,
and Crematorium
The recorded vote saw Councillors Russell, and Crematorium
Giezen, and Williams vote against the bylaw during please need to resume service.
the first and second reading. Russell and Giezen
A Caring Part of theart of the
did not vote to move to a third reading, putting the July 22, August 26, September A Caring P
bylaw implementation on hold, for now.
Caring Group Co
The bylaw will be re-read at the November 26 23, October 28, November 25 Caring Group Corp.rp.
regular Council Meeting and will only need a and Temporary For December
PO Box 6358, 5040 6th A
majority vote to pass the third reading.
PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE will be the 15th. So Every fourth PO Box 6358, 5040 6th Ave.,ve.,
The Weekly Anchor Wednesday of the month. Please 780-723-3575
send proof so I can proof read
and then the tear sheet there
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson after. Traditional Funeral Services, We are a Patient-Centered and Caring Community Pharmacy
Traditional Funeral Services,
780-723-5787 Graveside Services Locally Owned, Locally Operated and Locally Committed
Graveside Services
and Cremation Options
CALL FOR Y and Cremation Options Due to COVID 19 there is a growing need for self isolation. We are offering free delivery of
with a Crematorium
with a Crematorium
on site in Edson. medications to your doorstep during this period. We can access you over the phone and prescribe
on site in Edson.
Cemetery Monuments. and renew medications. Avoid unnecessary visits to hospitals and clinics and stay healthy.
Cemetery Monuments.
We also offer Prearrangement Plans. Give us a call today 780-725-0282
We also offer Prearrangement Plans.
Our Commitment Is To You.
Our Commitment Is To You.
Address: 4924 – 4 Avenue, Edson, AB (Just beside Subway) Hours: Monday to Friday: 9am - 7pm
Owners: Sabia Saincher and Himmat Panwar Weekends and Holidays: 10am - 3pm
The first ever 'Take It or Leave It' Christmas Garage Sale held on November 7 was a great success.
People were eager to start their Christmas decorating and many arrived early. They had everything
from Christmas dishes, artificial trees, as well as inside and outside decorations at a very
reasonable price. With so much to choose from it made everyone's shopping experience that much
more in joyful. photo Deanna Mitchener
THE WEEKLY ANCHOR MONDAY NOVEMBER 23, 2020 PAGE 3 Serving Alberta since 1964
We are AADL, WCB, HI\\NIHB, CVA provider
Yellowhead County considers Mandatory Face Coverings Bylaw
by Shaylyn Thornton practices are implemented. well. Eglinski noted that he, himself, is someone HEARING EVALUATIONS
Councillor Sandra Cherniawsky said that while who struggles to wear a mask as he does find it
At the November 17 Yellowhead County Council she knows it is difficult to enact a mask bylaw more difficult to breathe. Still, “I've been forcing
Governance & Priorities Meeting, the Council throughout the County, she is “definitely in favor, myself to wear one,” he said.
decided it was time to discuss the possibility of a of community protection.” Cherniawsky represents Eglinski also said that he doesn't think the Edson Clinic
Mandatory Face Coverings Bylaw. Division 1: Evansburg and area, and it is among the Province has been strong enough with their
With increasing cases in Yellowhead County hardest hit areas of Yellowhead County. response to the pandemic, so now it is up to Wednesday, November 25* 10:00am-1:00pm
becoming a major concern, the Council discussed Cherniawsky acknowledged that she has had Council to step up, and maybe even step beyond Edson Senior’s Drop In Centre/Pioneer Cabin
what they could do to try and curb the spread of the residents be both strongly in favor and strongly what the Province is doing. Summers Drilling Summers Drilling
COVID-19 virus. against the idea, but with rising case counts in the “I don't mind being criticized to keep people 4836-7 Avenue
Although actual case counts are constantly east end of the county she supported putting the safe,” said Eglinski.
changing, as of the time the bylaw was prepared bylaw in place. Councillor David Russell spoke against the Water Well DrillingWater Well Drilling BY APPOINTMENT ONLY
there were 21 active COVID cases in Yellowhead Councillor Dawn Mitchell also noted that she had proposed bylaw, noting that this kind of mandate
County, which equates to 106.8 cases per 100k heard from residents on both sides of the issue. She isn't for a municipal government to decide. “This is Attending We provide:
A proud Alberta business, since 1917, oud Alberta business, since 1917,
people. said that she knows both Division 1 and Division 2 a healthcare matter, not municipal,” he said. “This A pr
Summers Drilling specializes in water well
CAO Jack Ramme noted that those numbers had (Wildwood and area) are struggling, and that there falls to the Province. They need to do the job they Summers Drilling specializes in water well Practitioner
changed even since it was put together, and that are “very sick people asking for help.” were elected to do.” drilling and water well r * Latest Technology - all
drilling and water well repairs. epairs.
now Yellowhead County was under enhanced “I want to help in any way we can,” Mitchell The discussion of masks and their usefulness digital hearing aid
measures and the numbers, per 100k, are almost on said. “I fully support this bylaw.” continued, with Councillor Mitchell saying, “There Agnieszka
par with Quebec. Councillor Shawn Berry spoke in favor of the are two things we can do personally to stop the models
With the Province monitoring the community but bylaw is well. “We must protect our citizens,” he spread: wash our hands and wear our masks.” Lehmann * Repairs to all models
not making the move to put their own mandatory said. “We all have COVID-fatigue,” she added. “We Registered Hearing
masking law in place, the County considered what On the other side of the discussion, Councillor have to tough it out, hang in there, protect our * 30 day trial period
steps they should take to keep area residents safe. Anthony Giezen said that there is “no magic loved ones. Sometimes we have to save ourselves Air Practitioner
The proposed bylaw, presented by Ramme, would solution” to COVID-19, and that he can't support from ourselves.”
require a person to wear a face covering at all times the bylaw at this time as he doesn't think that masks Cherniawsky agreed. With residents in her Edmonton
4405 50 streeteet
while in an indoor, enclosed, or substantially will solve all problems. He also felt that a mandate division being personally affected by the spread, 4405 50 str 780-963-1282
Stony Plain, AB
enclosed public place. The bylaw also includes a like this should be a provincial matter, and not a her main reason for supporting the bylaw is clear. Stony Plain, AB #134-15277 Castledowns Road
requirement for businesses to display proper municipal one. “If it hit closer to your home, you'd be more upset
signage requesting the use of masks within their Councillor Wade Williams agreed with Giezen. about it,” she said. Edmonton, AB
establishment. “I'm in opposition of this bylaw,” he said. “There is “It hits altogether differently when it's your
There are some exemptions to the bylaw, which no hardcore evidence that masks help. People have family,” agreed Berry.
include persons under the age of 10 and persons a right to choose.” As the meeting was a G&P Meeting and not a 1-855-258-9429
who are unable to place, use, or remove a face Councillor Lavone Olson said that she would be Council meeting, the Council did not hold a vote.
covering without assistance, persons unable to wear in support, noting that it is necessary for the rest of However, they decided to schedule a Special
a face covering due to a mental or physical concern Yellowhead County to support the east end. She Council Meeting for the afternoon of November 17.
or limitation, or protected ground under the Human also said that a big part of this problem is people At the Special Council Meeting, the bylaw passed
Rights Act. making “poor choices”. With people not following the first two readings, but did not move to a third Edson Funeral Home
The bylaw would not apply to schools and other recommended guidelines, now those reading. As the bylaw was presented and read in the
educational facilities, hospitals and healthcare recommendations have to become regulations. “It's same day, moving to a third reading requires a
facilities, childcare facilities, and areas exclusively unfortunate that we have to make choices for unanimous vote. This is typically done to allow for
Foothills Memorial Chapel
accessed by the public place's employees, provided them,” she said. community input and more discussion by Council Foothills Memorial Chapel
that physical barriers or physical distancing Mayor Jim Eglinski made his support clear as moving forward. Edson Clinic up and running,
and Crematorium
The recorded vote saw Councillors Russell, and Crematorium
Giezen, and Williams vote against the bylaw during please need to resume service.
the first and second reading. Russell and Giezen
A Caring Part of theart of the
did not vote to move to a third reading, putting the July 22, August 26, September A Caring P
bylaw implementation on hold, for now.
Caring Group Co
The bylaw will be re-read at the November 26 23, October 28, November 25 Caring Group Corp.rp.
regular Council Meeting and will only need a and Temporary For December
PO Box 6358, 5040 6th A
majority vote to pass the third reading.
PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE will be the 15th. So Every fourth PO Box 6358, 5040 6th Ave.,ve.,
The Weekly Anchor Wednesday of the month. Please 780-723-3575
send proof so I can proof read
and then the tear sheet there
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson after. Traditional Funeral Services, We are a Patient-Centered and Caring Community Pharmacy
Traditional Funeral Services,
780-723-5787 Graveside Services Locally Owned, Locally Operated and Locally Committed
Graveside Services
and Cremation Options
CALL FOR Y and Cremation Options Due to COVID 19 there is a growing need for self isolation. We are offering free delivery of
with a Crematorium
with a Crematorium
on site in Edson. medications to your doorstep during this period. We can access you over the phone and prescribe
on site in Edson.
Cemetery Monuments. and renew medications. Avoid unnecessary visits to hospitals and clinics and stay healthy.
Cemetery Monuments.
We also offer Prearrangement Plans. Give us a call today 780-725-0282
We also offer Prearrangement Plans.
Our Commitment Is To You.
Our Commitment Is To You.
Address: 4924 – 4 Avenue, Edson, AB (Just beside Subway) Hours: Monday to Friday: 9am - 7pm
Owners: Sabia Saincher and Himmat Panwar Weekends and Holidays: 10am - 3pm
The first ever 'Take It or Leave It' Christmas Garage Sale held on November 7 was a great success.
People were eager to start their Christmas decorating and many arrived early. They had everything
from Christmas dishes, artificial trees, as well as inside and outside decorations at a very
reasonable price. With so much to choose from it made everyone's shopping experience that much
more in joyful. photo Deanna Mitchener