Page 8 - November 23 2020
P. 8
Includes process colour pages 1,4,5,7,10,11,14,15,18,20,21,24
Shelterpod pilot project:
Assistance for people struggling with homelessness
by Shaylyn Thornton violence, theft of belongings, or freezing to death. running. Presenting their idea to Town Council
The two decided to reach out to Christine had a positive reaction and saw Councillors in
Homelessness in Edson is a more significant Gilham with Alberta Health Services. Gilham support of the pilot project.
problem than many in the community may realize. joined the committee, who then did some “The community is stepping forward and saying,
At minimum, 50-80 people struggle with collaboration with the Town Community Services 'Hey, we found a solution.' We need to unlock that
homelessness throughout the year, and are forced and the RCMP. Staff Sergeant Christian Delisle potential and support it as much as we can,” said
to try and find places to sleep. Most end up supported the idea and joined the committee as Mayor Kevin Zahara. “This is the group of
outside, trying to brave the elements just hoping to well. individuals that will actually make it a success if
survive to the next day. They dubbed the project Shelterpod and it's going to be successful. To have AHS, the
A group of volunteers have come together to try continued to develop the idea. Each room would RCMP at the same table saying, 'Yes, this is
and find a solution for emergency shelter for these be approximately 40 sq ft and will open directly to something,' I think that speaks volumes.”
individuals. The group approached Edson's Town the outdoors with a keypad lock that can have the The support from the Town “exceeds what we
Council on November 10 to discuss the issue, code changed after each use. were anticipating,” said Snook-Pennings who
share information, and request some assistance to Each room will have heat, ventilation, and a noted that the group was “very excited.”
get the project up and running. light that the client can turn on and off. Each room Still, they need assistance from the community
According to information presented to the will have a smoke detector and would be outfitted to move forward as well. With an estimated
Council, some Edson locations have consistent with the ability to have sprayed fire retardant $64,000 one-time cost to build the pods and an
issues with homeless people sleeping on their should there be a fire. Each pod will have a expected $14,400 annual operation cost, the group
property. sleeping mat that can be easily cleaned and needs all the support they can get.
On a daily basis, the Edson Recycling Depot has sanitized. The construction of these pods will also “At this point we are looking for financial
individuals accessing bins for sleeping. Local allow for easy cleaning after the person vacates in donations or in-kind for building supplies,” said
schools have people sleeping in their outdoor the morning. Snook-Pennings.“The monetary donations can be
recycle sheds, which they have requested be The Recycle Depot is already outfitted with both directed to me at the Friendship Centre. We are a
removed. Tents have been pitched and then cameras and alarms, so that the premises are registered non-profit and can issue receipts.” For
removed on an ongoing basis on town property. regularly monitored. If a client wanted to use a anything to do with building, reaching out to Event Reminder
There have been a variety of houses and properties room, they would get in contact with the Housing Auriat at the Recycle Depot is best.
within and outside town limits where multiple Plus+ program and be given a code for one of the Snook-Pennings also wanted to emphasize to the
people have been removed for squatting or rooms. community that this is a pilot project. “We want to May 9: For mental health week, join
overcrowding. Access to the rooms will be from 8pm to 8am, provide emergency shelter for individuals the Town of Edson for Darkness to
Erica Snook-Pennings, who runs the Housing where tenants will then be required to leave so that experiencing homelessness,” she said. “In rural Light – Mental Health Awareness. Join
Plus+ program at the Edson Friendship Center, cleaning and disinfecting can be done. A portable, areas, we need something that is sustainable with the community and place luminaries or
saw a large increase in the number of individuals heated bathroom will be located onsite so that minimal maintenance. We need something that a simple candle outside your home to
accessing services through her office, so she clients can access these facilities during their stay requires minimal funding to run and minimal
reached out to Reflections to see if there was a as well. volunteers.” u n i t e f o r a l i g h t a t d a w n
way to collaborate. Although showers are not available on site, “To use existing buildings as many have suggested (approximately 5:10 am).
Ann Auriat, who manages the Recycle Depot, is showers are available at Reflections about a block will require funding to fix up and meet standards
on the board at Reflections, and approached away. Reflections also offers a washer and dryer, and then staff or volunteers to run it at night,” she
Snook-Pennings about the idea of creating pods and three meals weekly. added. “Historically this does not tend to be
for the homeless to sleep. “It was her brainchild!” Unlike the “Out of the Cold” seacan shelter that successful in rural communities.”
said Snook-Pennings. was made available last year, the Shelterpods If the Shelterpod pilot project is something that
The idea was to build five pods in the “plastics” would be available for booking year-round. The you would like to contribute to, reach out to Erica
building at the Edson Recycling Depot. The pods previous shelter could only be accessed when the at the Friendship Centre at 780-723-5494. Even a
would be small, secure rooms, big enough to hold weather was -30 with the windchill. small donation would help give someone a warm
one person and provide a safe and warm location With a solid plan in place, this group of four has place to sleep, which in turn could save their life
for a person to sleep without the threat of personal been working hard to get the project up and from the extreme weather that this area often
Town of Edson appoints
Interim CAO following
December departure
of CAO Mike Derricott
Edson Town Councilhas identified
current General Manager of Corporate
Services, Sarah Bittner, as the person that
will assume the role of Interim CAO
following the departure of Chief
Administrative Officer Mike Derricott
on December 31st, 2020.
Bittner has held numerous roles with
the Town of Edson for over 13 years.
Mayor Kevin Zahara says Council has
already begun the search for a new CAO
and has no doubts in Ms. Bittner's ability
to ensure Town of Edson operations
continues to function seamlessly during
the transition.
“While the recruitment process is
underway, Council has complete
confidence in the exceptional staff we
have in the Town of Edson. We know
they will continue to serve our residents
well as we take our time to ensure we find
the right candidate to fill this important
CAO Derricott will be working closely
with Ms. Bittner over the next two Josh Doran of SemCAMS Midstream Community Investment Team presents Brigette De Corte and her grandson
months to ensure a smooth transition and Aydan Hermie of the Friends of Edson Public Library Society with a cheque for $1,000 to help upgrade furniture in
continuity of business operations. the reading area. submitted
Includes process colour pages 1,4,5,7,10,11,14,15,18,20,21,24
Shelterpod pilot project:
Assistance for people struggling with homelessness
by Shaylyn Thornton violence, theft of belongings, or freezing to death. running. Presenting their idea to Town Council
The two decided to reach out to Christine had a positive reaction and saw Councillors in
Homelessness in Edson is a more significant Gilham with Alberta Health Services. Gilham support of the pilot project.
problem than many in the community may realize. joined the committee, who then did some “The community is stepping forward and saying,
At minimum, 50-80 people struggle with collaboration with the Town Community Services 'Hey, we found a solution.' We need to unlock that
homelessness throughout the year, and are forced and the RCMP. Staff Sergeant Christian Delisle potential and support it as much as we can,” said
to try and find places to sleep. Most end up supported the idea and joined the committee as Mayor Kevin Zahara. “This is the group of
outside, trying to brave the elements just hoping to well. individuals that will actually make it a success if
survive to the next day. They dubbed the project Shelterpod and it's going to be successful. To have AHS, the
A group of volunteers have come together to try continued to develop the idea. Each room would RCMP at the same table saying, 'Yes, this is
and find a solution for emergency shelter for these be approximately 40 sq ft and will open directly to something,' I think that speaks volumes.”
individuals. The group approached Edson's Town the outdoors with a keypad lock that can have the The support from the Town “exceeds what we
Council on November 10 to discuss the issue, code changed after each use. were anticipating,” said Snook-Pennings who
share information, and request some assistance to Each room will have heat, ventilation, and a noted that the group was “very excited.”
get the project up and running. light that the client can turn on and off. Each room Still, they need assistance from the community
According to information presented to the will have a smoke detector and would be outfitted to move forward as well. With an estimated
Council, some Edson locations have consistent with the ability to have sprayed fire retardant $64,000 one-time cost to build the pods and an
issues with homeless people sleeping on their should there be a fire. Each pod will have a expected $14,400 annual operation cost, the group
property. sleeping mat that can be easily cleaned and needs all the support they can get.
On a daily basis, the Edson Recycling Depot has sanitized. The construction of these pods will also “At this point we are looking for financial
individuals accessing bins for sleeping. Local allow for easy cleaning after the person vacates in donations or in-kind for building supplies,” said
schools have people sleeping in their outdoor the morning. Snook-Pennings.“The monetary donations can be
recycle sheds, which they have requested be The Recycle Depot is already outfitted with both directed to me at the Friendship Centre. We are a
removed. Tents have been pitched and then cameras and alarms, so that the premises are registered non-profit and can issue receipts.” For
removed on an ongoing basis on town property. regularly monitored. If a client wanted to use a anything to do with building, reaching out to Event Reminder
There have been a variety of houses and properties room, they would get in contact with the Housing Auriat at the Recycle Depot is best.
within and outside town limits where multiple Plus+ program and be given a code for one of the Snook-Pennings also wanted to emphasize to the
people have been removed for squatting or rooms. community that this is a pilot project. “We want to May 9: For mental health week, join
overcrowding. Access to the rooms will be from 8pm to 8am, provide emergency shelter for individuals the Town of Edson for Darkness to
Erica Snook-Pennings, who runs the Housing where tenants will then be required to leave so that experiencing homelessness,” she said. “In rural Light – Mental Health Awareness. Join
Plus+ program at the Edson Friendship Center, cleaning and disinfecting can be done. A portable, areas, we need something that is sustainable with the community and place luminaries or
saw a large increase in the number of individuals heated bathroom will be located onsite so that minimal maintenance. We need something that a simple candle outside your home to
accessing services through her office, so she clients can access these facilities during their stay requires minimal funding to run and minimal
reached out to Reflections to see if there was a as well. volunteers.” u n i t e f o r a l i g h t a t d a w n
way to collaborate. Although showers are not available on site, “To use existing buildings as many have suggested (approximately 5:10 am).
Ann Auriat, who manages the Recycle Depot, is showers are available at Reflections about a block will require funding to fix up and meet standards
on the board at Reflections, and approached away. Reflections also offers a washer and dryer, and then staff or volunteers to run it at night,” she
Snook-Pennings about the idea of creating pods and three meals weekly. added. “Historically this does not tend to be
for the homeless to sleep. “It was her brainchild!” Unlike the “Out of the Cold” seacan shelter that successful in rural communities.”
said Snook-Pennings. was made available last year, the Shelterpods If the Shelterpod pilot project is something that
The idea was to build five pods in the “plastics” would be available for booking year-round. The you would like to contribute to, reach out to Erica
building at the Edson Recycling Depot. The pods previous shelter could only be accessed when the at the Friendship Centre at 780-723-5494. Even a
would be small, secure rooms, big enough to hold weather was -30 with the windchill. small donation would help give someone a warm
one person and provide a safe and warm location With a solid plan in place, this group of four has place to sleep, which in turn could save their life
for a person to sleep without the threat of personal been working hard to get the project up and from the extreme weather that this area often
Town of Edson appoints
Interim CAO following
December departure
of CAO Mike Derricott
Edson Town Councilhas identified
current General Manager of Corporate
Services, Sarah Bittner, as the person that
will assume the role of Interim CAO
following the departure of Chief
Administrative Officer Mike Derricott
on December 31st, 2020.
Bittner has held numerous roles with
the Town of Edson for over 13 years.
Mayor Kevin Zahara says Council has
already begun the search for a new CAO
and has no doubts in Ms. Bittner's ability
to ensure Town of Edson operations
continues to function seamlessly during
the transition.
“While the recruitment process is
underway, Council has complete
confidence in the exceptional staff we
have in the Town of Edson. We know
they will continue to serve our residents
well as we take our time to ensure we find
the right candidate to fill this important
CAO Derricott will be working closely
with Ms. Bittner over the next two Josh Doran of SemCAMS Midstream Community Investment Team presents Brigette De Corte and her grandson
months to ensure a smooth transition and Aydan Hermie of the Friends of Edson Public Library Society with a cheque for $1,000 to help upgrade furniture in
continuity of business operations. the reading area. submitted