Page 18 - November 25, 2019
P. 18


Four things to know before tackling a home reno

A home renovation project often comes with like door hardware, faucets and appliances, are Consider refinancing options. Renovations
many questions and unknowns. These useful tips prone to wear and tear. Investing in quality can sometimes be pricey, but there are options to
will help keep your renovation on track as you products will ensure these things last and can help manage the cost. For example, a home
work to create the home of your dreams. save you money in the long run. equity line of credit, like the TD Home Equity
Small changes can add up. Changes that seem Prioritize your most lived-in rooms. To help FlexLine, allows you to use the equity in your
simple to you, like moving a light switch, can stick to a budget, consider focusing your home to access credit. This can help you manage
require a lot of work and have the potential to investment on rooms where you spend the most cash flow and often comes with a lower interest
increase costs. Be sure to check with your time, like the living room or kitchen. Doing rate than unsecured loans.
designer or contractor on even a slight minor changes in several rooms may leave you Find more information on refinancing options
adjustment to understand what it means to the feeling incomplete or mean you need to start the at
end design and your total budget. process all over later, costing you more in the
Invest in everyday items. Items you use daily, long run.

Edson 4-H Multi Club was Busy, Busy, Busy!

by Raydn Wright, 4-H different gates such as members how to wrap
Club horse reporter walking, trotting, and your horse if he/she got
lopping/catering. If that hurt or injured. A vet
The Edson 4-H Multi wasn't hard enough, f r o m D e l a n e y
Club was busy over the they also had to back up Veterinary Services
past few weeks. They their horses without Ltd. came and taught
had a Halloween party losing their eyeball! the members how to
with games and snacks The last member with t a k e t h e h o r s e ' s
on Wednesday, October their eyeball on their temperature and what a

30 at the Yellowhead spoon won the game. horse's temperature
Arena. There were lots The last game played should be at, as well as
of messes, laughter, and was a water balloon basic care for your
fun. They also went to game where you tried to horse. There were slide
Horseplay in the get your horse to step on s h o w s a n d
Sturgeon Agriplex in a specific color of water demonstration too.
Cardiff on November 2 balloon that Joyce Horseplay is a great
to learn more about Kelly called out. There opportunity for all
horses, win prizes, is no really winner for horse 4-H members.
make new friends, and this game but you were The Edson 4-H Horse
to have fun! a winner if you got your members were also
At the 4-H Halloween horse to step on a invited to take part in
party, the kids and balloon! the “Healthy as a Horse
horses got wet playing a There were lots of Workshop” in Peers on
game. The 4-H riders goodies and fun, and the Tuesday November 19.
were split into teams of 4-H Club looks forward With past and present
six. Each member of the to next year's spooky events happening in and
team would ride their party. around our community,
horse to the other side At Horseplay: 4-H members will
of the arena one at a Horseplay was exiting remain busy, busy, Rayna Matthews dressed up as a scarecrow and Fanny, Rayna's
time with a cup of water and has been running busy! stand/horse, were both determined to win the spoon and eyeball game during
in their hand and tried for eight years. There Edson 4-H's Halloween party.
not to spill it. Then pour were stations upstairs in
their water into the the Sturgeon arena to let
correct team's pop the 4-H horse members
bottle, while on their learn more things about
horse's backs. The team their horse, like their
with the most water in h o r s e ' s d i g e s t i v e
their bottle won. system, bones, and
The 4-H members markings. In the riding
also enjoyed playing arena Michaela Scott
another game with a taught how to wrap
spoon and a chocolate your horse in polo
eyeball. They tried to wraps and standing
keep the eyeball on wraps, while other
their spoon while going people from different
around the arena in clubs taught the 4-H

Event Reminder

December 6:
The Edson Baptist Church welcomes all
from 5:30 to 7:30 pm to come watch the
Santa Clause parade and keep warm by
enjoying free hot chocolate, coffee and
cookies. Kids Christmas crafts will be
offered indoors once the parade has
finished passing by.
Parking is available in the church parking Edson 4-H Multi Club from left to right Front row: Joyce Kelly, and Brenda. Second row: Michaela Scott,
lot at 4717 9th Ave. Raydn Wright, Rebekah Ferguson, and Caiden Borysko. Top row: Annaliese Borysko, Rayna Matthews,
and Sheena. submitted
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