Page 19 - November 25, 2019
P. 19
he Weekly ANCHOR
Edson RCMP execute search warrant
and seize drugs and firearms
RCMP Release Edson, was charged with: please call the Edson RCMP at (780) 723-
- Possession of a controlled substance for the 8822, or call your local police. If you wish to
Edson, Alta. – On Oct. 26, 2019, Edson purpose of trafficking remain anonymous, you can contact Crime
RCMP General Investigations Section and - Possession of a controlled substance Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477 (TIPS), online at
General duty members executed a search - Possession of property obtained by crime or by using the "P3 Tips"
warrant at a residence in Edson. - Possession of a weapon contrary to order app.
During the search police seized items, - Unauthorized possession of prohibited
including: methamphetamine, cocaine, a small weapon (EDITOR'S NOTE: A charge should not be
amount of Fentanyl, a .22 caliber rifle, a .223 Desjarlais continues to remain in custody and considered as evidence of guilt. In Canada, all
carbine rifle, a prohibited firearm magazine, is scheduled to appear in Edson Provincial persons are considered innocent until proven
various rounds of ammunition, and over $3000 Court on Dec. 3, 2019. guilty in a court of law.)
in cash. If you have any information about drug
Larry Desjarlais, a 40-year-old male from activities in your area, or any other crime,
Alberta RCMP caution citizens about signs of cybercrime
RCMP Release Having a strong password is one of the media account
easiest things you can do to keep your - Back up important data
Christmas season is just around the corner information safe online. Change passwords - Be cautious when accessing unknown
which means it's also shopping season. Alberta often and use a mix of upper and lowercase website links or attachments
RCMP is reminding citizens to be cautious letters, numbers and symbols. Another - Delete suspicious emails
while shopping online. important safeguard is to turn on your firewall. - Don't save credit card information on
Cybercrime continues to grow and is defined Not only are adults the victims of websites
as any instance where cyber (the Internet and cybercrime, but children are as well. Parents - Watch credit card statements for any
information technologies) has a substantial role are reminded to know which sites their kids unknown charges
in a criminal offence. It's important to protect visit and to educate them about staying safe If you have been the victim of a cybercrime
your identity online by taking precautions such online. and have provided personal or financial
as only visiting trusted websites and using Here are some other tips to stay safe online: information, report this to local police, your
secure networks for any financial transactions. - Download apps from trusted sources bank, any companies where your identity may
Websites that use HTTPS rather than HTTP are - Avoid public Wi-Fi for banking and financial have been used, and the Canadian Anti-Fraud
more secure because they encrypt sensitive transactions Centre.
information. - Use a unique password for every social
Alberta RCMP remind all Albertans to always report suspicious activity
RCMP Release ( their local police of suspicious activity and
innovation-donnees-et-innovation/3-alberta- criminal offences.
Alberta RCMP are pleased to report that the eng.htm). In the past, we've heard that people say
third quarter results for 2019 continue to show This could not have been accomplished they've noticed an increase in crime, but that
an overall steady decrease in property-related without the continued efforts of Albertans in they aren't reporting the incidents. We rely on
crime in Alberta since 2017 securing their personal property and informing the data and intelligence you provide in your
reports to know where we are needed most.
Reports of crime or suspicious activity helps
us allocate our resources: your reports tell us
The Holy Trinity where to look, who to look for, and where to
annual Christmas patrol in the future.
Bazaar was held on “Your calls for service to the RCMP matter.
November 9 at the
R e d B r i c k A r t s Being led by intelligence, like where and when
Centre. There was a crime is happening, is key to the crime
silent auction, bake reduction strategy for the Alberta RCMP. This
table, craft table and intelligence weaves the different components
draws, as well as a of our crime reduction strategy into a shared
t e a . “ A l t h o u g h goal of community safety: from finding the
numbers were down criminals that cause the most harm, finding the
w e w e r e q u i t e
pleased with the victims that need the most support, and
turnout considering collaborating with the right partners to keep
the weather,” said Albertans safe,” said Superintendent Peter
o r g a n i z e r J o a n Tewfik, Officer-in-Charge of 'K' Division
Carter. “It is about Crime Reduction Unit
more than raising
money; we get to Quick Facts:
meet and visit with
new people and that · A report to the police is all information we
make the day a can analyze and use. Times of the day,
success.” Pictured locations, and types of vehicles observed are
are Glenda Field and all helpful to us.
Jakoby Kirkness- · We share this information with our
Field working at the community groups, such as Rural Crime
baking table during Watch and Alberta Citizens on Patrol
the Bazaar. photo
Dawn Olsvik Associations, to help identify hotspots and
vehicle we are searching for.
he Weekly ANCHOR
Edson RCMP execute search warrant
and seize drugs and firearms
RCMP Release Edson, was charged with: please call the Edson RCMP at (780) 723-
- Possession of a controlled substance for the 8822, or call your local police. If you wish to
Edson, Alta. – On Oct. 26, 2019, Edson purpose of trafficking remain anonymous, you can contact Crime
RCMP General Investigations Section and - Possession of a controlled substance Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477 (TIPS), online at
General duty members executed a search - Possession of property obtained by crime or by using the "P3 Tips"
warrant at a residence in Edson. - Possession of a weapon contrary to order app.
During the search police seized items, - Unauthorized possession of prohibited
including: methamphetamine, cocaine, a small weapon (EDITOR'S NOTE: A charge should not be
amount of Fentanyl, a .22 caliber rifle, a .223 Desjarlais continues to remain in custody and considered as evidence of guilt. In Canada, all
carbine rifle, a prohibited firearm magazine, is scheduled to appear in Edson Provincial persons are considered innocent until proven
various rounds of ammunition, and over $3000 Court on Dec. 3, 2019. guilty in a court of law.)
in cash. If you have any information about drug
Larry Desjarlais, a 40-year-old male from activities in your area, or any other crime,
Alberta RCMP caution citizens about signs of cybercrime
RCMP Release Having a strong password is one of the media account
easiest things you can do to keep your - Back up important data
Christmas season is just around the corner information safe online. Change passwords - Be cautious when accessing unknown
which means it's also shopping season. Alberta often and use a mix of upper and lowercase website links or attachments
RCMP is reminding citizens to be cautious letters, numbers and symbols. Another - Delete suspicious emails
while shopping online. important safeguard is to turn on your firewall. - Don't save credit card information on
Cybercrime continues to grow and is defined Not only are adults the victims of websites
as any instance where cyber (the Internet and cybercrime, but children are as well. Parents - Watch credit card statements for any
information technologies) has a substantial role are reminded to know which sites their kids unknown charges
in a criminal offence. It's important to protect visit and to educate them about staying safe If you have been the victim of a cybercrime
your identity online by taking precautions such online. and have provided personal or financial
as only visiting trusted websites and using Here are some other tips to stay safe online: information, report this to local police, your
secure networks for any financial transactions. - Download apps from trusted sources bank, any companies where your identity may
Websites that use HTTPS rather than HTTP are - Avoid public Wi-Fi for banking and financial have been used, and the Canadian Anti-Fraud
more secure because they encrypt sensitive transactions Centre.
information. - Use a unique password for every social
Alberta RCMP remind all Albertans to always report suspicious activity
RCMP Release ( their local police of suspicious activity and
innovation-donnees-et-innovation/3-alberta- criminal offences.
Alberta RCMP are pleased to report that the eng.htm). In the past, we've heard that people say
third quarter results for 2019 continue to show This could not have been accomplished they've noticed an increase in crime, but that
an overall steady decrease in property-related without the continued efforts of Albertans in they aren't reporting the incidents. We rely on
crime in Alberta since 2017 securing their personal property and informing the data and intelligence you provide in your
reports to know where we are needed most.
Reports of crime or suspicious activity helps
us allocate our resources: your reports tell us
The Holy Trinity where to look, who to look for, and where to
annual Christmas patrol in the future.
Bazaar was held on “Your calls for service to the RCMP matter.
November 9 at the
R e d B r i c k A r t s Being led by intelligence, like where and when
Centre. There was a crime is happening, is key to the crime
silent auction, bake reduction strategy for the Alberta RCMP. This
table, craft table and intelligence weaves the different components
draws, as well as a of our crime reduction strategy into a shared
t e a . “ A l t h o u g h goal of community safety: from finding the
numbers were down criminals that cause the most harm, finding the
w e w e r e q u i t e
pleased with the victims that need the most support, and
turnout considering collaborating with the right partners to keep
the weather,” said Albertans safe,” said Superintendent Peter
o r g a n i z e r J o a n Tewfik, Officer-in-Charge of 'K' Division
Carter. “It is about Crime Reduction Unit
more than raising
money; we get to Quick Facts:
meet and visit with
new people and that · A report to the police is all information we
make the day a can analyze and use. Times of the day,
success.” Pictured locations, and types of vehicles observed are
are Glenda Field and all helpful to us.
Jakoby Kirkness- · We share this information with our
Field working at the community groups, such as Rural Crime
baking table during Watch and Alberta Citizens on Patrol
the Bazaar. photo
Dawn Olsvik Associations, to help identify hotspots and
vehicle we are searching for.