Page 4 - November 25, 2019
P. 4
County begins discussions on 2020 budget
by Cassie Kushniruk Lyons, there are a number of factors County's cost share agreement with Parkland
contributing to this, including the current County jumped from $35,000 to $108,000 in
During their November 19 Governance and economic climate, the impact of the provincial 2018. In Edson, the County contributed $1.1
Priorities meeting, Yellowhead County Council Shallow Gas Tax Initiative, the assessment million in cost sharing in 2014, which increased
participated in a preliminary discussion model review, the current level of uncollected to $2.05 million in 2018.
regarding the upcoming 2020 budget. taxes, the impact of the provincial government “The assessment for property tax purposes is
“This is a year like no other years,” began budget, the expectations of County residents, the most vital part of the budget revenue
Director of Corporate & Planning Services Barb and the expectations of requisitioning bodies. equation; it drives the amount of revenue that's
Lyons. “It's been really hard to get an accurate With regards to the provincial school tax rate, available to us,” Lyons said. “We have been
picture of where we're going.” According to which is determined by the province, Lyons very fortunate that why you have only ever seen
stated that she increased the rate by 5.5% to “err a 1.7% tax increase is that your assessment
on the side of caution”, as the provincial budget
grew, and when your assessment grows, it can
Elect WAYNE had not yet been released. “We were absolutely generate the money to pay for increased
blind going into where the school tax would
be,” she said. “We didn't want to go back to
Lyons added that the province is currently
people the following year and say you're going
depreciation factor, which would allow the non-
Yellowhead County Mayor to pay the difference in 2020.” looking at the potential of increasing the
Yellowhead County Mayor
At this time, Lyons pointed out that there are a
residential assessment to depreciate faster. “This
on number of other factors that affect the County's means that we then have less assessment,” she
Monday, December 16, 2019 overall budget, including the cost of libraries, said. “We don't know if they're going forward
Monday, December 16, 2019
community groups, cost sharing and revenue
with it this year. It is our hope that the province
I would like to take this sharing. recognizes the impact of assessment change on
opportunity to thank the Evansburg Community halls are an “integral part” of municipalities and does not move forward with
and Entwistle Chambers of Yellowhead County's identity, but they struggle these changes.”
Commerce for hosting the candidates with a declining volunteer basis. “Raising
forum at the Heritage House in During this time, Lyons explained to Council
Evansburg on November 6. Thanks to money is more of a challenge also if you don't how revenue is generated for the County and
Al Hagman for setting this event in have volunteers,” said Lyons. “As this happens, where it comes from. “Property tax generates
motion. we're seeing more and more requests come 89.8% of our total revenue,” she stated. “96% of
Special thanks to Monika Cappis forward for assistance.”
for being the moderator for the event. In 2019, the County took ownership of the that comes from non-residential and 4% from
It was nice to have a well structured agenda that allowed for residential tax.”
smooth discussion that was fair and equitable for the Wildwood Community Hall and its associated In addition to this, 1.5% of revenue comes
candidates that attended. costs, the Brule Community Hall, and took over from the provincial government operating
Thank you to the other candidates that attended, Gloria additional operating costs of the Marlboro grants, 2.8% from sales and user charges, 1.2%
McDonald, Jim Eglinski and Doug Elzinga. Community Hall. “Additionally, we have now
Most importantly, thank you to all the folks who came out from local government contributions, 2% from
to find out what each candidate’s positions were on a variety also been approached by the Evansburg interest on investments, as well as a significant
of issues. Your questions and comments are very much Heritage House requesting Council provide amount from well drilling taxes.
appreciated. assistance for their facility,” Lyons added. Yellowhead County will continue discussions
If there are any other questions you may have for myself, Cost sharing is another large factor impacting for the 2020 budget.
please give me a call Wayne Murphy at 780 712-5816. the County's budget. In 2014, Yellowhead
Summers Drilling
PHOTOS & MORE Summers Drilling
Water Well Drilling
Water Well Drilling
A pr
A proud Alberta business, since 1917, oud Alberta business, since 1917,
Summers Drilling specializes in water well
Summers Drilling specializes in water well
drilling and water well repairs. epairs.
drilling and water well r
The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson040 3rd Avenue, Edson 4405 50 street 780-963-1282
4405 50 street
7 Stony Plain, AB
Stony Plain, AB
Pet of the Week
Pet of the Week
Call for information 712-6788
Call for information 712-6788
Firey Phoenix is a 7-month-old female kitty who is
adjusting to life as a loved house cat. Phoenix
started out a bit shy, but is quickly learning to
enjoy human laps and even play with toys. She’s
looking for a home full of love and patience. If
you’re willing to open your heart and home to a
special lady like Phoenix, visit the EARS website ears colour
and fill out a new online adoption application at
EARS is holding their annual Breakfast with Santa on Dec. 7th at the Lion's
Den from 9 am to noon. Pancake breakfast will be served and Santa will be
on site for kid and pet photos. Join us as we get the holiday spirit rolling!
Sponsored by:
Real Estate
780-723-3245 Business Law
County begins discussions on 2020 budget
by Cassie Kushniruk Lyons, there are a number of factors County's cost share agreement with Parkland
contributing to this, including the current County jumped from $35,000 to $108,000 in
During their November 19 Governance and economic climate, the impact of the provincial 2018. In Edson, the County contributed $1.1
Priorities meeting, Yellowhead County Council Shallow Gas Tax Initiative, the assessment million in cost sharing in 2014, which increased
participated in a preliminary discussion model review, the current level of uncollected to $2.05 million in 2018.
regarding the upcoming 2020 budget. taxes, the impact of the provincial government “The assessment for property tax purposes is
“This is a year like no other years,” began budget, the expectations of County residents, the most vital part of the budget revenue
Director of Corporate & Planning Services Barb and the expectations of requisitioning bodies. equation; it drives the amount of revenue that's
Lyons. “It's been really hard to get an accurate With regards to the provincial school tax rate, available to us,” Lyons said. “We have been
picture of where we're going.” According to which is determined by the province, Lyons very fortunate that why you have only ever seen
stated that she increased the rate by 5.5% to “err a 1.7% tax increase is that your assessment
on the side of caution”, as the provincial budget
grew, and when your assessment grows, it can
Elect WAYNE had not yet been released. “We were absolutely generate the money to pay for increased
blind going into where the school tax would
be,” she said. “We didn't want to go back to
Lyons added that the province is currently
people the following year and say you're going
depreciation factor, which would allow the non-
Yellowhead County Mayor to pay the difference in 2020.” looking at the potential of increasing the
Yellowhead County Mayor
At this time, Lyons pointed out that there are a
residential assessment to depreciate faster. “This
on number of other factors that affect the County's means that we then have less assessment,” she
Monday, December 16, 2019 overall budget, including the cost of libraries, said. “We don't know if they're going forward
Monday, December 16, 2019
community groups, cost sharing and revenue
with it this year. It is our hope that the province
I would like to take this sharing. recognizes the impact of assessment change on
opportunity to thank the Evansburg Community halls are an “integral part” of municipalities and does not move forward with
and Entwistle Chambers of Yellowhead County's identity, but they struggle these changes.”
Commerce for hosting the candidates with a declining volunteer basis. “Raising
forum at the Heritage House in During this time, Lyons explained to Council
Evansburg on November 6. Thanks to money is more of a challenge also if you don't how revenue is generated for the County and
Al Hagman for setting this event in have volunteers,” said Lyons. “As this happens, where it comes from. “Property tax generates
motion. we're seeing more and more requests come 89.8% of our total revenue,” she stated. “96% of
Special thanks to Monika Cappis forward for assistance.”
for being the moderator for the event. In 2019, the County took ownership of the that comes from non-residential and 4% from
It was nice to have a well structured agenda that allowed for residential tax.”
smooth discussion that was fair and equitable for the Wildwood Community Hall and its associated In addition to this, 1.5% of revenue comes
candidates that attended. costs, the Brule Community Hall, and took over from the provincial government operating
Thank you to the other candidates that attended, Gloria additional operating costs of the Marlboro grants, 2.8% from sales and user charges, 1.2%
McDonald, Jim Eglinski and Doug Elzinga. Community Hall. “Additionally, we have now
Most importantly, thank you to all the folks who came out from local government contributions, 2% from
to find out what each candidate’s positions were on a variety also been approached by the Evansburg interest on investments, as well as a significant
of issues. Your questions and comments are very much Heritage House requesting Council provide amount from well drilling taxes.
appreciated. assistance for their facility,” Lyons added. Yellowhead County will continue discussions
If there are any other questions you may have for myself, Cost sharing is another large factor impacting for the 2020 budget.
please give me a call Wayne Murphy at 780 712-5816. the County's budget. In 2014, Yellowhead
Summers Drilling
PHOTOS & MORE Summers Drilling
Water Well Drilling
Water Well Drilling
A pr
A proud Alberta business, since 1917, oud Alberta business, since 1917,
Summers Drilling specializes in water well
Summers Drilling specializes in water well
drilling and water well repairs. epairs.
drilling and water well r
The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson040 3rd Avenue, Edson 4405 50 street 780-963-1282
4405 50 street
7 Stony Plain, AB
Stony Plain, AB
Pet of the Week
Pet of the Week
Call for information 712-6788
Call for information 712-6788
Firey Phoenix is a 7-month-old female kitty who is
adjusting to life as a loved house cat. Phoenix
started out a bit shy, but is quickly learning to
enjoy human laps and even play with toys. She’s
looking for a home full of love and patience. If
you’re willing to open your heart and home to a
special lady like Phoenix, visit the EARS website ears colour
and fill out a new online adoption application at
EARS is holding their annual Breakfast with Santa on Dec. 7th at the Lion's
Den from 9 am to noon. Pancake breakfast will be served and Santa will be
on site for kid and pet photos. Join us as we get the holiday spirit rolling!
Sponsored by:
Real Estate
780-723-3245 Business Law