Page 4 - November 4, 2019
P. 4
New business bringing handmade home décor to Edson
by Cassie Kushniruk something,” she said.
McAteer utilizes the beauty of
Open just in time for Christmas, everyday objects from around the
TruTu is a new local business on home for her projects, from musical
Main Street offering handmade, instruments to stove parts.
one-of-a-kind home décor, clothes, The name TruTu was inspired by
art and more. “staying true to who you are and
Inspired by her love for crafting who you want to be with your
and antiquing, owner Simone character and style”. “Tu actually
McAteer started TruTu with her means 'you' in five or six different
husband, Sheldon, to bring languages, so it's actually 'True
“uniqueness and character” to You'; just be yourself,” McAteer
Edson through her various said.
handmade projects, which she can Following the Christmas season,
tailor to the wants, needs and McAteer is looking into offering her
individuality of each customer. “I'll services to complete customers'
find an old trunk, paint it and unfinished projects for them,
change the knobs and stuff like whether an old dresser that has been
that,” McAteer said. sitting in their garage for months or
Although TruTu primarily sells a baby crib that they have been
handmade home décor, McAteer meaning to get to.
also creates paintings, refurbishes McAteer added, “I know lots of
clothing and knits blankets to sell.“I people don't like to do the sanding
can take old clothes and make and all that, so a few items will be
something one of a kind and unique primed and they can take it home
out of it,” she said. “I also do a lot and paint it their favorite color.”
of painting and keeping up with the McAteeris looking forward to her TruTu is a new WOMEN’S CONFERENCE
fashion, design and colors.” new business and is excited to share business open on
With years of experience crafting her passion for crafting with the Main Street offering SOCIAL
and decorating, McAteer is excited community. “They say if you love handmade, one-of-a- November 7, 2019
to offer her unique skills to the your job it's not like a day of work, kind home décor,
community. Some of her past and this is it,” she said. clothes, art and more. Carrot Creek Hall
projects include tie dye Christmas TruTu is open Monday to Friday Pictured is owner Doors open at 6:15 p.m.
stockings, a window box with from 10 am to 5 pm and Saturdays Simone McAteer
vintage candles, a vintage ice skate starting November 16 from 11 am standing beside some Tickets $15 each
of her many creations
wreath, mosaic shower tiling, a to 4 pm. “Hopefully people come that will be sold in the Special Performance by
bicycle floral arrangement and down and check us out, even just to store. MacKenzie Brown - Performer & Drummer
more. “If people put together three see what I have to offer compared
of four pictures and I have an idea to the rest of the stores here,” photo Cassie Food items accepted for
what they like, I can make McAteer said. Kushniruk Yellowhead County Library Pantries
Monday to Friday: 10 am - 5 pm
Open Saturdays starting November 16: 11 am - 4 pm
We will be participating in all
Late Night Shopping Downtown
Fossil Brand Leathers
Watches and Jewelry for both Ladies and Men
Unique Gifts
Home Decor For
... and so much more Yellowhead
Come check us out at County Mayor
County Mayor
112 50 Street on
Follow us on Instagram Monday,
December 16, 2019
true.tu December 16, 2019
New business bringing handmade home décor to Edson
by Cassie Kushniruk something,” she said.
McAteer utilizes the beauty of
Open just in time for Christmas, everyday objects from around the
TruTu is a new local business on home for her projects, from musical
Main Street offering handmade, instruments to stove parts.
one-of-a-kind home décor, clothes, The name TruTu was inspired by
art and more. “staying true to who you are and
Inspired by her love for crafting who you want to be with your
and antiquing, owner Simone character and style”. “Tu actually
McAteer started TruTu with her means 'you' in five or six different
husband, Sheldon, to bring languages, so it's actually 'True
“uniqueness and character” to You'; just be yourself,” McAteer
Edson through her various said.
handmade projects, which she can Following the Christmas season,
tailor to the wants, needs and McAteer is looking into offering her
individuality of each customer. “I'll services to complete customers'
find an old trunk, paint it and unfinished projects for them,
change the knobs and stuff like whether an old dresser that has been
that,” McAteer said. sitting in their garage for months or
Although TruTu primarily sells a baby crib that they have been
handmade home décor, McAteer meaning to get to.
also creates paintings, refurbishes McAteer added, “I know lots of
clothing and knits blankets to sell.“I people don't like to do the sanding
can take old clothes and make and all that, so a few items will be
something one of a kind and unique primed and they can take it home
out of it,” she said. “I also do a lot and paint it their favorite color.”
of painting and keeping up with the McAteeris looking forward to her TruTu is a new WOMEN’S CONFERENCE
fashion, design and colors.” new business and is excited to share business open on
With years of experience crafting her passion for crafting with the Main Street offering SOCIAL
and decorating, McAteer is excited community. “They say if you love handmade, one-of-a- November 7, 2019
to offer her unique skills to the your job it's not like a day of work, kind home décor,
community. Some of her past and this is it,” she said. clothes, art and more. Carrot Creek Hall
projects include tie dye Christmas TruTu is open Monday to Friday Pictured is owner Doors open at 6:15 p.m.
stockings, a window box with from 10 am to 5 pm and Saturdays Simone McAteer
vintage candles, a vintage ice skate starting November 16 from 11 am standing beside some Tickets $15 each
of her many creations
wreath, mosaic shower tiling, a to 4 pm. “Hopefully people come that will be sold in the Special Performance by
bicycle floral arrangement and down and check us out, even just to store. MacKenzie Brown - Performer & Drummer
more. “If people put together three see what I have to offer compared
of four pictures and I have an idea to the rest of the stores here,” photo Cassie Food items accepted for
what they like, I can make McAteer said. Kushniruk Yellowhead County Library Pantries
Monday to Friday: 10 am - 5 pm
Open Saturdays starting November 16: 11 am - 4 pm
We will be participating in all
Late Night Shopping Downtown
Fossil Brand Leathers
Watches and Jewelry for both Ladies and Men
Unique Gifts
Home Decor For
... and so much more Yellowhead
Come check us out at County Mayor
County Mayor
112 50 Street on
Follow us on Instagram Monday,
December 16, 2019
true.tu December 16, 2019