Page 6 - November 4, 2019
P. 6
A rts - Entertainment - Events - and what’s going on
The Scene
Upcoming Events
Upcoming Events Pumpkin carving at FCSS Dad-urday
with no prior registration needed.
by Shaylyn Thornton
Other great activities for families such as Let's
Nov 1: Join Riderz at 6:30 pm for a free Avalanche FCSS Family/ParentLink hosts fun events for Play, Wiggle Worms, and Busy Babies are
Awareness Seminar presented by Lead Dads and their kids on one Saturday every month available throughout November. Dates, times,
Guide/Avalanche Educator Marshall Dempster. The at the FCSS/ParentLink Centre in the basement and more details can be found on
seminar is open to riders of all brands and skill of the Red Brick.
levels and will include new information, including an For October, the group decided to embrace the
updated look at Rescue Techniques.
season of Halloween and invited Dads to bring
their kids in for a morning of pumpkin carving.
Nov 2: Muskeg Flyers kids ski rentals will be
available at Westhaven School gym. Doors open at The event saw 12 attendees, who enjoyed
10 am. Inventory goes quickly so come early. creating and crafting their own pumpkins
Contact Steve or Lisa at 780-712-6313. together. There was also a spider making craft
that the families could participate in, and the kids
Nov 2: Beaver Meadow Ag Society is hosting a were free to play with all of the toys at the
supper and dance at the Beaver Meadow Hall Centre.
(55518 RR123 Yellowhead County). There will be a Some children even enjoyed taking part in a
silent auction with 50% of the proceeds going to the puppet show with a staff member of FCSS.
non-profit Alberta cancer support society 'Haying in In addition to choosing the pumpkin carving for
the 30's'. Cocktails at 6 pm, supper at 6:30 pm. To the Halloween theme, Dana Tattersall of the
reserve a ticket call Gladys at 780-723-1435, Pat at FCSS said that the opportunity for sensory play
780-712-0049, or Carolyn at 780-906-4708. made the activity something that is great for the
Nov 6: Senior's Day will take place at the Edson & Dad-urday was created to offer fun events for
District Recycling Depot from 10 am to 1 pm. Join Dads and their kids aged 0-5, with “no Moms
the Depot for lunch, and let them take care of your allowed,” said Tattersall.
recycling! This is a free event for all seniors in the “It's a time for Dads to spend time with their
community. For any questions, contact the Edson kiddos,” said Tattersall. “And to give Mom a
Recycle Depot at 780-723-4002. break.”
The next Dad-urday event will be on November Savannah (age 3) and Dad Trevor Fairweather
Nov 7: Keepers of the Athabasca present KAIROS 16 from 9-11am, and although the activity is not worked on their pumpkin carving together during
Blanket Exercise at the Edson Friendship Centre yet decided it is sure to be a fun time. The Dad- the FCSS/ParentLink Dad-urday event on October
starting at 1pm. This free workshop is a historic re- urday events are drop in, so families can show up 26. photo Shaylyn Thornton
enactment covering over 500 years of Canadian
history developed in consultation with Indigenous
elders, knowledge keepers and educators. Lunch Annual Fright Night Pool Party at Repsol Place
will be provided. Register by calling the Friendship
Centre at 780-723-5494 or by emailing by Brianne Benson
Nov 14: Join Kate's Kitchen for their free lunch at St. The 2019 Fright Night Pool Party at Repsol
Catherine's Anglican Church (617 Main Street) from Place welcomed over 140 youths aged 11 to 17
11:30am - 1pm. for a spooky, glow-in-the-dark, Halloween-
themed pool party in a safely managed
Nov 19: Visit the Edson Legion Hall from 3 pm to 7 During the event, sponsored by Velvet Energy,
pm for a community blood donor event supported the pool at Repsol Place took on an eerie
Remember to drop off your by the Edson United Church. ambiance on the evening of Friday, October 25.
donations for the See Classified Page for The lights were dimmed to accommodate the
blacklights, glow-in-the-dark balloons in the
EDSON FOOD BANK monthly meetings and activities pool, and glow-in-the-dark glasses.
In addition, the walkway to the water slide
at Independent Grocer, Sobeys was turned into a haunted house complete with
or the Edson Food Bank spider webs, skulls, ghosts, bats, and severed
body parts. To add to the Halloween theme, the
The Food Bank will be open hot tub was filled with red pool dye, which was This group of girls were enjoying pizza from
two Thursday evenings, a gory and thrilling hit among the kids. Ramzi's Concession during the Fright Night Pool
the second and last Thursday of Another popular attraction at the event was Party at the Repsol Place Pool October 25. photo
the Month 6:45-8:00 pm. Kailey Musselman, who wore her own Brianne Benson
Remember to drop off your Open regular hours every Halloween costume and set up a table to do face
donations for the Tuesday from 9-11 am. and body paints for the kids. Her signature style
EDSON FOOD BANK for the night exhibited various Day of the Dead
at Independent Grocer, Sobeys sugar skull patterns, to match the costume she
wore. The kids were treated with a snack table
or the Edson Food Bank and with pizza from Ramzi's Concession.
The Food Bank will be open two Thursday evenings, The event is held yearly because, as Repsol
the second and last Thursday of the Month 780-723-1350 Place Pool Programmer Katie Barnes said, “It is
6:45-8:00 pm. Hours: Tues 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. very important to provide a safe space for youth
Open regular hours every Tuesday from Last Thursday of the month 6:45 p.m. to 8 p.m. to enjoy what our community has to offer.” It
9-11 am. has also serves to help spread the word to the
780-723-1350 Food Bank located at community of the facility itself.
Sponsored by The Weekly Anchor
Hours: Tues 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. 4511 5th Ave., Edson “It's often said that Edson doesn't have enough
Last Thursday of the month 6:45 p.m. to 8 p.m. to do in the community when in reality, we do.
Food Bank located at 4511 5th Ave., Edson Sponsored by The Weekly Anchor Repsol Place Pool is a facility that youths can
swim in all year round, which is amazing,” she
Barnes has many more quirky and spooky
activity ideas planned for next year's party and
hopes to continue to host such incredible Sugar skull inspired face painting done at the
turnouts. Repsol Place Fright Night Pool Party. photo
Brianne Benson
A rts - Entertainment - Events - and what’s going on
The Scene
Upcoming Events
Upcoming Events Pumpkin carving at FCSS Dad-urday
with no prior registration needed.
by Shaylyn Thornton
Other great activities for families such as Let's
Nov 1: Join Riderz at 6:30 pm for a free Avalanche FCSS Family/ParentLink hosts fun events for Play, Wiggle Worms, and Busy Babies are
Awareness Seminar presented by Lead Dads and their kids on one Saturday every month available throughout November. Dates, times,
Guide/Avalanche Educator Marshall Dempster. The at the FCSS/ParentLink Centre in the basement and more details can be found on
seminar is open to riders of all brands and skill of the Red Brick.
levels and will include new information, including an For October, the group decided to embrace the
updated look at Rescue Techniques.
season of Halloween and invited Dads to bring
their kids in for a morning of pumpkin carving.
Nov 2: Muskeg Flyers kids ski rentals will be
available at Westhaven School gym. Doors open at The event saw 12 attendees, who enjoyed
10 am. Inventory goes quickly so come early. creating and crafting their own pumpkins
Contact Steve or Lisa at 780-712-6313. together. There was also a spider making craft
that the families could participate in, and the kids
Nov 2: Beaver Meadow Ag Society is hosting a were free to play with all of the toys at the
supper and dance at the Beaver Meadow Hall Centre.
(55518 RR123 Yellowhead County). There will be a Some children even enjoyed taking part in a
silent auction with 50% of the proceeds going to the puppet show with a staff member of FCSS.
non-profit Alberta cancer support society 'Haying in In addition to choosing the pumpkin carving for
the 30's'. Cocktails at 6 pm, supper at 6:30 pm. To the Halloween theme, Dana Tattersall of the
reserve a ticket call Gladys at 780-723-1435, Pat at FCSS said that the opportunity for sensory play
780-712-0049, or Carolyn at 780-906-4708. made the activity something that is great for the
Nov 6: Senior's Day will take place at the Edson & Dad-urday was created to offer fun events for
District Recycling Depot from 10 am to 1 pm. Join Dads and their kids aged 0-5, with “no Moms
the Depot for lunch, and let them take care of your allowed,” said Tattersall.
recycling! This is a free event for all seniors in the “It's a time for Dads to spend time with their
community. For any questions, contact the Edson kiddos,” said Tattersall. “And to give Mom a
Recycle Depot at 780-723-4002. break.”
The next Dad-urday event will be on November Savannah (age 3) and Dad Trevor Fairweather
Nov 7: Keepers of the Athabasca present KAIROS 16 from 9-11am, and although the activity is not worked on their pumpkin carving together during
Blanket Exercise at the Edson Friendship Centre yet decided it is sure to be a fun time. The Dad- the FCSS/ParentLink Dad-urday event on October
starting at 1pm. This free workshop is a historic re- urday events are drop in, so families can show up 26. photo Shaylyn Thornton
enactment covering over 500 years of Canadian
history developed in consultation with Indigenous
elders, knowledge keepers and educators. Lunch Annual Fright Night Pool Party at Repsol Place
will be provided. Register by calling the Friendship
Centre at 780-723-5494 or by emailing by Brianne Benson
Nov 14: Join Kate's Kitchen for their free lunch at St. The 2019 Fright Night Pool Party at Repsol
Catherine's Anglican Church (617 Main Street) from Place welcomed over 140 youths aged 11 to 17
11:30am - 1pm. for a spooky, glow-in-the-dark, Halloween-
themed pool party in a safely managed
Nov 19: Visit the Edson Legion Hall from 3 pm to 7 During the event, sponsored by Velvet Energy,
pm for a community blood donor event supported the pool at Repsol Place took on an eerie
Remember to drop off your by the Edson United Church. ambiance on the evening of Friday, October 25.
donations for the See Classified Page for The lights were dimmed to accommodate the
blacklights, glow-in-the-dark balloons in the
EDSON FOOD BANK monthly meetings and activities pool, and glow-in-the-dark glasses.
In addition, the walkway to the water slide
at Independent Grocer, Sobeys was turned into a haunted house complete with
or the Edson Food Bank spider webs, skulls, ghosts, bats, and severed
body parts. To add to the Halloween theme, the
The Food Bank will be open hot tub was filled with red pool dye, which was This group of girls were enjoying pizza from
two Thursday evenings, a gory and thrilling hit among the kids. Ramzi's Concession during the Fright Night Pool
the second and last Thursday of Another popular attraction at the event was Party at the Repsol Place Pool October 25. photo
the Month 6:45-8:00 pm. Kailey Musselman, who wore her own Brianne Benson
Remember to drop off your Open regular hours every Halloween costume and set up a table to do face
donations for the Tuesday from 9-11 am. and body paints for the kids. Her signature style
EDSON FOOD BANK for the night exhibited various Day of the Dead
at Independent Grocer, Sobeys sugar skull patterns, to match the costume she
wore. The kids were treated with a snack table
or the Edson Food Bank and with pizza from Ramzi's Concession.
The Food Bank will be open two Thursday evenings, The event is held yearly because, as Repsol
the second and last Thursday of the Month 780-723-1350 Place Pool Programmer Katie Barnes said, “It is
6:45-8:00 pm. Hours: Tues 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. very important to provide a safe space for youth
Open regular hours every Tuesday from Last Thursday of the month 6:45 p.m. to 8 p.m. to enjoy what our community has to offer.” It
9-11 am. has also serves to help spread the word to the
780-723-1350 Food Bank located at community of the facility itself.
Sponsored by The Weekly Anchor
Hours: Tues 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. 4511 5th Ave., Edson “It's often said that Edson doesn't have enough
Last Thursday of the month 6:45 p.m. to 8 p.m. to do in the community when in reality, we do.
Food Bank located at 4511 5th Ave., Edson Sponsored by The Weekly Anchor Repsol Place Pool is a facility that youths can
swim in all year round, which is amazing,” she
Barnes has many more quirky and spooky
activity ideas planned for next year's party and
hopes to continue to host such incredible Sugar skull inspired face painting done at the
turnouts. Repsol Place Fright Night Pool Party. photo
Brianne Benson