Page 10 - October 12 2020
P. 10
Includes process colour pages 1,4,5,7,10,11,14,15,18,20,21,24
EDCLS Spooky Ghouls and Goblins event
takes over Centennial Park
by Jordan Rae that reside in Edson. permanent residency in
Raelene Young, the Canada and refugees build
On October 1, the Edson Community and Indigenous social connections and learn
and District Community Liaison for the EDCLS, said about the community, and it
Learning Society hosted a events like this help also helps them to just find
Spooktacular Ghouls and newcomers to Edson in big support,” she said.
Goblins Halloween event at ways. “We have Community A p p r o x i m a t e l y 2 5
Centennial Park for Connection programs, like individuals from about 10
p e r m a n e n t r e s i d e n t the Halloween event, which families took part in
immigrants and refugees helps families who have Halloween traditions.“It's
just to get people out visiting
and having fun with their
West Yellowhead MLA PUBLIC NOTICE kids, with the other families
that have immigrated to
Martin Long PEAT CORP (ALBERTA) INC. Canada, and just to learn a
little bit about Halloween
NOTICE OF APPLICATION and how it's done in
Canada,” said Young.
Notice is given that Peat Corp (Alberta) Inc. “A lot of the kids did dress
has filed an application under the provisions of up, so they were really
the Water Act for authorization of peat excited about it. It was great
harvesting operations located at N½ & SW 35- to see them dressed up and
053-08-W5, NE 28-053-08-W5, 33-053-08-W5, running around getting
04-054-08-W5, W½ 03-054-08-W5 and SW excited for Halloween,” said
Young. Some of the
West Yellowhead MLA 10-054-08-W5. All works occur on privately costumes included a
owned lands in three areas. Water quality
Martin Long monitoring takes place at each location while Spiderman, a skeleton, and a
little dancer.
harvesting operations occur. Environmental One of the favorite
protection measures are implemented to activities at the event was a
prevent impacts to surface water quality within trick or treat scavenger hunt,
the site and off-site locations subject to surface where organizers handed out Event Reminder
water discharges from the site. Buffer zones clues as to where staff
are established anywhere peat harvesting is members and teenage
adjacent to a road or other land use. volunteers were hiding May 9: For mental health week, join
Gerald Soroka Any person who is directly affected by this younger children then went the Town of Edson for Darkness to
around Centennial Park. The
around and found people
Light – Mental Health Awareness. Join
application may submit a written statement of
MP Yellowhead concern within 7 days of the date of this notice who were hiding in their the community and place luminaries or
respective spots. Once
volunteers were found, the a simple candle outside your home to
kids received a variety of u n i t e f o r a l i g h t a t d a w n
Environment and Parks treats including candy,
Regulatory Approvals Centre pencils, and different toys. (approximately 5:10 am).
5th Floor, South Petroleum Plaza The kids were also able to
9915 108 Street take part in the time-honored
Edmonton, Alberta T5K 2G8 tradition of decorating
Phone: 780-427-6311 pumpkins. “There was a
Fax: 780-422-0154 bunch of sparkly paints that
Email: the kids really enjoyed, in all
different colors,” said
The written statement of concern should Young.
include the following: After all of the fun
· the application/file number: 5045677 activities, “[The event] kind
(EMS 001-00466883) of just turned into a big
· describe concerns that are relevant to visiting session,” said
Young. “The kids were
matters regulated by the Water Act running around playing tag,
· explain how the filer of the concern will be the parents were all gathered
directly affected by the activity and/or diversion chatting with each other, so it
of water proposed in the application was really good to get out
· provide the legal land location of the land with the community. We had
owned or used by the filer where the concerns a good turnout. It seemed
described are believed to be applicable like people had a really good
· state the distance between the land owned or time, so we were glad people
used by the filer and the site in the application enjoyed it.”
· contact information including the full name Young says events like this
and mailing address of the filer. Please are great for socialization.
provide the telephone number and/or email “Just to kind of break the ice,
address for ease of contact. and have everybody come
out, have fun, and just kind
of learn about things in
Environment and Parks will review each Canada, and see some things
written statement of concern, seek more that Edson has to offer, like
information if needed, and notify each filer by the parks and the trail
letter of the decision to accept or reject their system,” she said.
written submission as a valid statement of The EDCLS plans to have
concern. The Public Notice of this application more family sessions like
will also be posted on the Department's this in the future, including
website at youth information sessions. These sessions would be for
youth who have permanent
Statements of concern submitted regarding residency or who are
this application are public records which are refugees on many school
accessible by the public and the applicant. related topics such as
Failure to file a statement of concern may bullying, hygiene, and peer
affect the right to file a Notice of Appeal with support.
the Environmental Appeals Board. The group will also look to
offer translation services,
and other informative
Copies of the application and additional sessions on a variety of
information can be obtained from: topics including education,
banking, healthcare, and the
April Ziegler Welcome to Canada Guide.
Associated Environmental Consultants Inc. “It's kind of all encompass-
Phone: 780-451-7666, ing, and we really like
Email: Community Connection
programs,” said Young.
EDCLS Spooky Ghouls and Goblins event
takes over Centennial Park
by Jordan Rae that reside in Edson. permanent residency in
Raelene Young, the Canada and refugees build
On October 1, the Edson Community and Indigenous social connections and learn
and District Community Liaison for the EDCLS, said about the community, and it
Learning Society hosted a events like this help also helps them to just find
Spooktacular Ghouls and newcomers to Edson in big support,” she said.
Goblins Halloween event at ways. “We have Community A p p r o x i m a t e l y 2 5
Centennial Park for Connection programs, like individuals from about 10
p e r m a n e n t r e s i d e n t the Halloween event, which families took part in
immigrants and refugees helps families who have Halloween traditions.“It's
just to get people out visiting
and having fun with their
West Yellowhead MLA PUBLIC NOTICE kids, with the other families
that have immigrated to
Martin Long PEAT CORP (ALBERTA) INC. Canada, and just to learn a
little bit about Halloween
NOTICE OF APPLICATION and how it's done in
Canada,” said Young.
Notice is given that Peat Corp (Alberta) Inc. “A lot of the kids did dress
has filed an application under the provisions of up, so they were really
the Water Act for authorization of peat excited about it. It was great
harvesting operations located at N½ & SW 35- to see them dressed up and
053-08-W5, NE 28-053-08-W5, 33-053-08-W5, running around getting
04-054-08-W5, W½ 03-054-08-W5 and SW excited for Halloween,” said
Young. Some of the
West Yellowhead MLA 10-054-08-W5. All works occur on privately costumes included a
owned lands in three areas. Water quality
Martin Long monitoring takes place at each location while Spiderman, a skeleton, and a
little dancer.
harvesting operations occur. Environmental One of the favorite
protection measures are implemented to activities at the event was a
prevent impacts to surface water quality within trick or treat scavenger hunt,
the site and off-site locations subject to surface where organizers handed out Event Reminder
water discharges from the site. Buffer zones clues as to where staff
are established anywhere peat harvesting is members and teenage
adjacent to a road or other land use. volunteers were hiding May 9: For mental health week, join
Gerald Soroka Any person who is directly affected by this younger children then went the Town of Edson for Darkness to
around Centennial Park. The
around and found people
Light – Mental Health Awareness. Join
application may submit a written statement of
MP Yellowhead concern within 7 days of the date of this notice who were hiding in their the community and place luminaries or
respective spots. Once
volunteers were found, the a simple candle outside your home to
kids received a variety of u n i t e f o r a l i g h t a t d a w n
Environment and Parks treats including candy,
Regulatory Approvals Centre pencils, and different toys. (approximately 5:10 am).
5th Floor, South Petroleum Plaza The kids were also able to
9915 108 Street take part in the time-honored
Edmonton, Alberta T5K 2G8 tradition of decorating
Phone: 780-427-6311 pumpkins. “There was a
Fax: 780-422-0154 bunch of sparkly paints that
Email: the kids really enjoyed, in all
different colors,” said
The written statement of concern should Young.
include the following: After all of the fun
· the application/file number: 5045677 activities, “[The event] kind
(EMS 001-00466883) of just turned into a big
· describe concerns that are relevant to visiting session,” said
Young. “The kids were
matters regulated by the Water Act running around playing tag,
· explain how the filer of the concern will be the parents were all gathered
directly affected by the activity and/or diversion chatting with each other, so it
of water proposed in the application was really good to get out
· provide the legal land location of the land with the community. We had
owned or used by the filer where the concerns a good turnout. It seemed
described are believed to be applicable like people had a really good
· state the distance between the land owned or time, so we were glad people
used by the filer and the site in the application enjoyed it.”
· contact information including the full name Young says events like this
and mailing address of the filer. Please are great for socialization.
provide the telephone number and/or email “Just to kind of break the ice,
address for ease of contact. and have everybody come
out, have fun, and just kind
of learn about things in
Environment and Parks will review each Canada, and see some things
written statement of concern, seek more that Edson has to offer, like
information if needed, and notify each filer by the parks and the trail
letter of the decision to accept or reject their system,” she said.
written submission as a valid statement of The EDCLS plans to have
concern. The Public Notice of this application more family sessions like
will also be posted on the Department's this in the future, including
website at youth information sessions. These sessions would be for
youth who have permanent
Statements of concern submitted regarding residency or who are
this application are public records which are refugees on many school
accessible by the public and the applicant. related topics such as
Failure to file a statement of concern may bullying, hygiene, and peer
affect the right to file a Notice of Appeal with support.
the Environmental Appeals Board. The group will also look to
offer translation services,
and other informative
Copies of the application and additional sessions on a variety of
information can be obtained from: topics including education,
banking, healthcare, and the
April Ziegler Welcome to Canada Guide.
Associated Environmental Consultants Inc. “It's kind of all encompass-
Phone: 780-451-7666, ing, and we really like
Email: Community Connection
programs,” said Young.