Page 5 - October 12 2020
P. 5
The Town of Edson
has a mobile app?
With the app you can:
- View facility schedules
- See what’s going on
around town with the
events calendar.
- Walk the trails with
confidence with a map of
the trails including trail
heads and points of
- Report-a-Problem.
- See what businesses are in
Edson and get directions.
- Receive emergency push notices.
COVID-19 UPDATE – Town of Edson (as of June 17th, 2020)
- Get notices on snow removal and
general town news (set the
notifications in settings).
THE WEEKLY ANCHOR MONDAY OCTOBER 12, 2020 PAGE 5 - Find out when your garbage pickup is Public Information & Notices 2020 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Town of Edsonown of Edson
Office Hours
Office Hours
8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Town of Edson
Public Information & Notices 2020
Monday to Friday
TOWN OF EDSON Town of Edson TOWN OF EDSON Town of Edson Monday to Friday
Town of Edson
Office Hours
Office Hours
Office Hours
Office Hours
8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Public Information & Notices 2020
8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Public Information & Notices 2020 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Public Information & Notices 2020 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Public Information & Notices 2020
Monday to Friday
Monday to Friday
Monday to Friday
Monday to Friday
The Town of Edson and the Local RCMP
Detachment are inviting you to a Virtual Town Hall
Meeting on October 28th from 7PM to 9PM.
Detachment Commander, S/Sgt Christian Delisle,
will be presenting crime statistics and discussing
policing strategies with the community through a
virtual Zoom meeting. If you would like to be part of
the discussion, please join us on October 28th.
Registration is required.
Go to
for more meeting details and a registration link.
We are looking forward to hearing from you!
No tice is hereb y given that th e Develo pm en t Auth ority has autho rized the issuance o f the follow in g Develo pm en t Permits in acco rdance w ith t he
Town of Edson Land Use Bylaw #207 0 as am end ed :
Perm it # Ad dress/Legal Develop m ent Type Use Date Issued Onlin e Zon ing
W eek 1
071-2020 4435 5 Ave/Plan 6384 AC, Block 1 27, Lot 19 Deck an d Setback Variances D iscretio nary October 1, 2020 R -1 B
067-2020 5101 13 Ave/Plan 4467 NY, B lo ck 4, Lot 1 Dem olitio n of Single-Fam ily D iscretio nary October 2, 2020 R -1 B
Dw elling and Co nstruction of New
Mod ular ho me an d Accessory
Bu ildin g (Shed )
066-2020 227 5 7 Street/Plan 802 1334, B lo ck 175 A, Lot Rep air Services Establishm ent P erm itted October 7, 2020 C -2
070-2020 5023 4 Aven ue/Plan 1494 AC , B lock 15, Lot 9- Free Stan ding Sign an d Fascia Sign P erm itted October 7, 2020 C -1
072-2020 7019 G lenw ood Drive/Plan 1376 KS, Bloc k 3, New Single Wide Mo bile Ho me D iscretio nary October 7, 2020 R -G R
Lot 12EH
W eek 2
068-2020 5111 9 Aven ue/Plan 5174 R S, B lo ck 8, Lot 15 Single Wide Mob ile H ome P erm itted Sep temb er 23 , R -M HS
069-2020 7019 Glenw oo d D rive/ Plan 1376 KS, B lock 3, Dem olitio n of Sin gle wide M obile P erm itted Sep temb er 24 , R -G R
Lot 12 EH Ho me an d accesso ry building 2020
(shed )
Any person w ho deem s to b e affected by the issuance of any on e of these perm its may appeal to the Su bdivision and D evelop men t Autho rity by
4:00 p .m ., on the 21 day aft er th e d ate of issu e as p ub lish ed o n the To w n’s w ebsite (ww w.ed so evelop ment ). On Permitted U ses, groun ds
fo r app eal mu st relate only to interpretation , variance, or relax ation o f Lan d Use B ylaw 2070. On Discretionary U ses, all aspects o f the p rop osed
develop men t m ay be challenged upo n appeal. W ritten notice o f ap peal, acco mp an ied by the ap peal fee as establish ed by Tow n C oun cil, mu st b e
filed thro ugh the Office o f th e Secretary of the Sub division and Develo pm ent Appeal B oard at Bo x 6 300, Ed so n, AB T7E 1T7.
TOWN OF EDSON Town of Edson
Town of Edson Public Information & Notices 2020 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Office Hours
Office Hours
8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Public Information & Notices 2020
Monday to Friday
Monday to Friday
has a mobile app?
With the app you can:
- View facility schedules
- See what’s going on
around town with the
events calendar.
- Walk the trails with
confidence with a map of
the trails including trail
heads and points of
- Report-a-Problem.
- See what businesses are in
Edson and get directions.
- Receive emergency push notices.
COVID-19 UPDATE – Town of Edson (as of June 17th, 2020)
- Get notices on snow removal and
general town news (set the
notifications in settings).
THE WEEKLY ANCHOR MONDAY OCTOBER 12, 2020 PAGE 5 - Find out when your garbage pickup is Public Information & Notices 2020 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Town of Edsonown of Edson
Office Hours
Office Hours
8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Town of Edson
Public Information & Notices 2020
Monday to Friday
TOWN OF EDSON Town of Edson TOWN OF EDSON Town of Edson Monday to Friday
Town of Edson
Office Hours
Office Hours
Office Hours
Office Hours
8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Public Information & Notices 2020
8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Public Information & Notices 2020 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Public Information & Notices 2020 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Public Information & Notices 2020
Monday to Friday
Monday to Friday
Monday to Friday
Monday to Friday
The Town of Edson and the Local RCMP
Detachment are inviting you to a Virtual Town Hall
Meeting on October 28th from 7PM to 9PM.
Detachment Commander, S/Sgt Christian Delisle,
will be presenting crime statistics and discussing
policing strategies with the community through a
virtual Zoom meeting. If you would like to be part of
the discussion, please join us on October 28th.
Registration is required.
Go to
for more meeting details and a registration link.
We are looking forward to hearing from you!
No tice is hereb y given that th e Develo pm en t Auth ority has autho rized the issuance o f the follow in g Develo pm en t Permits in acco rdance w ith t he
Town of Edson Land Use Bylaw #207 0 as am end ed :
Perm it # Ad dress/Legal Develop m ent Type Use Date Issued Onlin e Zon ing
W eek 1
071-2020 4435 5 Ave/Plan 6384 AC, Block 1 27, Lot 19 Deck an d Setback Variances D iscretio nary October 1, 2020 R -1 B
067-2020 5101 13 Ave/Plan 4467 NY, B lo ck 4, Lot 1 Dem olitio n of Single-Fam ily D iscretio nary October 2, 2020 R -1 B
Dw elling and Co nstruction of New
Mod ular ho me an d Accessory
Bu ildin g (Shed )
066-2020 227 5 7 Street/Plan 802 1334, B lo ck 175 A, Lot Rep air Services Establishm ent P erm itted October 7, 2020 C -2
070-2020 5023 4 Aven ue/Plan 1494 AC , B lock 15, Lot 9- Free Stan ding Sign an d Fascia Sign P erm itted October 7, 2020 C -1
072-2020 7019 G lenw ood Drive/Plan 1376 KS, Bloc k 3, New Single Wide Mo bile Ho me D iscretio nary October 7, 2020 R -G R
Lot 12EH
W eek 2
068-2020 5111 9 Aven ue/Plan 5174 R S, B lo ck 8, Lot 15 Single Wide Mob ile H ome P erm itted Sep temb er 23 , R -M HS
069-2020 7019 Glenw oo d D rive/ Plan 1376 KS, B lock 3, Dem olitio n of Sin gle wide M obile P erm itted Sep temb er 24 , R -G R
Lot 12 EH Ho me an d accesso ry building 2020
(shed )
Any person w ho deem s to b e affected by the issuance of any on e of these perm its may appeal to the Su bdivision and D evelop men t Autho rity by
4:00 p .m ., on the 21 day aft er th e d ate of issu e as p ub lish ed o n the To w n’s w ebsite (ww w.ed so evelop ment ). On Permitted U ses, groun ds
fo r app eal mu st relate only to interpretation , variance, or relax ation o f Lan d Use B ylaw 2070. On Discretionary U ses, all aspects o f the p rop osed
develop men t m ay be challenged upo n appeal. W ritten notice o f ap peal, acco mp an ied by the ap peal fee as establish ed by Tow n C oun cil, mu st b e
filed thro ugh the Office o f th e Secretary of the Sub division and Develo pm ent Appeal B oard at Bo x 6 300, Ed so n, AB T7E 1T7.
TOWN OF EDSON Town of Edson
Town of Edson Public Information & Notices 2020 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Office Hours
Office Hours
8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Public Information & Notices 2020
Monday to Friday
Monday to Friday