Page 3 - October 12 2020
P. 3

Edson RCMP

respond to multiple

suspicious fires

by Dana McArthur that can provide home
surveillance footage,
In the early hours of dash cam footage or
Sunday October 4, the may have seen anything
E d s o n R C M P suspicious to contact
responded to three them at 780-723-8822.
separate fires within the If you wish to remain
town limits. anonymous, you can
A mobile home at the contact Crime Stoppers
Cedars Mobile Home a t 1 - 8 0 0 - 2 2 - 8 4 7 7
Park was fully engulfed (TIPS), online at
and ultimately com- w w w. P 3 T i p s . c o m
pletely destroyed by (
fire. A neighbouring /) or by using the "P3
home has sustained Tips" app available
extensive damage in the through the Apple or Nurse Tracey Putzenberger and Tracey Corriea (Facilities Manager at the Edson Hospital) sit at the table and chairs
related fire. Google Play Store. donated by friends Bev, Bridget, Chris, Cindy C., Cindy Y., Dianne, Marlene, and Paula in memory of Putzenberger's
RCMP also responded mother, Maureen Harapiak who had spent some time in the hospital. She passed away on Sept. 1, 2020. Harapiak
was the librarian at Vanier Community Catholic School since 1983, so some former colleagues wanted to do
to two separate vehicle (with files Edson something in memory of her. The patio set is located on the balcony in the active care section of the Edson Hospital
fires that resulted in RCMP) and will provide a welcome respite for patients, visitors and staff. Over the years, the friends shared many
both vehicles being lost conversations and laughs with Harapiak and hope that others can do the same around this table. submitted
to fire.
All three fires were
attended by numerous
first responders includ-
ing the Town of Edson
Fire Department and the
Yellowhead County
Fire Department.
James, who owned one
the vehicles lost in the
fires, said, "I came out to
the back [of his resi-
dence] about 2:30 am
and saw smoke coming
from my truck's driver
side door. I opened the
unlocked door and
smoke billowed out.
James said there was a
fire on the front seat. "I
heard the sirens and
thought someone had
already called for help
so I tried to contain the
PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE fire until they arrived. Summers Drilling
Summers Drilling
When the sirens began
Water Well Drillingater Well Drilling
The Weekly Anchor to move away I knew I W
had to head inside and
call 911. By the time I
got back outside the
A proud Alberta business, since 1917,
flames were coming out A proud Alberta business, since 1917,
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson the truck window. It Summers Drilling specializes in water well
Summers Drilling specializes in water well
drilling and water well repairs.
drilling and water well repairs.
took me a long time to
780-723-5787 save for that truck, it's a
big setback for me to
CALL FOR Y lose it this way."
Edson RCMP along
with the Office of the
F i r e I n v e s t i g a t o r
continue to investigate
the cause of these fires.
On Oct. 5, 2020, the 4405 50 streeteet 780-963-1282
4405 50 str
Town of Edson Fire Stony Plain, AB
Stony Plain, AB
Chief deemed these
i n c i d e n t s a r s o n .
Estimates of the damage
are being tallied and no
one was injured in these
It is believed that these
recent fires are not
related to the previous
arson fires that occurred
in Edson in late 2019
and early 2020.
Edson RCMP are
asking anyone that may
have been in the area of
these fires on the
morning of Oct. 4, 2020,
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