Page 13 - October 14, 2019
P. 13
County prepares for possible councillor resignations to run for mayor
by Dana McArthur noon. it."
To avoid the cost and ratepayer inconvenience Interim Mayor Sandra Cherniawsky asked,
Yellowhead County Council set October 16 as of holding two by-elections on separate days, "How long ahead of time would we have to
a Special Council meeting date for the purposes Council called the 'special council' meeting for cancel the meeting?" Ramme responded that it
of opening up any divisions that may become October 16. "This meeting can be cancelled if no could be cancelled as late as 4:30pm on October
vacant as a result of a Councillor resigning to run councillor resignations are received," said 15.
for the Mayor's seat. Ramme. Council voted unanimously to schedule the
"Pursuant to the Local Authorities Election Act, Councillor Wade Williams made the motion to special meeting to commencing Oct. 16 at 9:30
any Councillor wishing to challenge for the schedule the Special Meeting for October 16. a.m. at its Edson Administration Building for the
vacant Mayor's seat must resign their current seat Councillor Lavone Olson said, "I would just ask sole purpose of opening nominations and setting
effective 18 days or more before nomination this council that if you plan on running you the election date for any vacant council seats.
day," said County CAO Jack Ramme. The would make it known long before the 16th so
closing date for nominations is November 4 at this could be cancelled if there is no reason for
Youth Interagency teams up to offer fitness fun
photos Brianne Benson
Students were taught a multitude of simple exercises they can do at home at The group of Youth Interagency kids who attended the Train Like A Warrior
the Train Like A Warrior event by the Youth Interagency. event to promote physical activity among youth.
by Brianne Benson to use the technique to benefit their growing works out”.
muscles. He stressed the importance of In an effort to get the kids interested and
The Youth Interagency teamed up recently with remaining active throughout their teenaged years inspired to continue committing to physical
Valhalla Training to offer kids a way to learn to help maintain a healthy body, self esteem, and activity, Goodale demonstrated his ability to
how to have fun with fitness. to prevent injuries. deadlift 315 pounds. He also made sure to teach
Stephan Goodale from Valhalla Training, one Community Services coordinator Krysta the kids workouts that they could do in the
of the new gyms in Edson, took the time to teach Hawboldt, when asked what was one of the most comforts of their own homes.
the YIA children about different ways to train the important things the kids learned, said, “They According to Hawboldt the YIA would be open
body to maintain physical health. learned that being active is not complicated. to doing this event once or twice a year. She also
They were taken through a basic warm up, There are basic moves that you can do anywhere added that, “The kids all left with smiles on their
stretches, and a standard workout circuit. without equipment that will give you great faces, sweat on their brows, and the knowledge
Goodale taught them about foam rolling and how results. You can fit them into your day however it to further pursue physical activity”.
Mia House holding Anika (four weeks old), Anna-Marie Kruger holding Ava
(one) and standing beside them is Ruben (two). They were getting ready to
head out for a nice stroll along the trails at Willmore Park on October 4 then Cyle Kerr, Declan Kerr (4), Ian Kwantes, and Harley Kwantes (3) take a short
watch the (GYAC) Cross Country Run, as they knew a couple of the students rest while out enjoying the recently opened Bike Skills Park at Willmore.
taking part. photo Deanna Mitchener photo Deanna Mitchener
County prepares for possible councillor resignations to run for mayor
by Dana McArthur noon. it."
To avoid the cost and ratepayer inconvenience Interim Mayor Sandra Cherniawsky asked,
Yellowhead County Council set October 16 as of holding two by-elections on separate days, "How long ahead of time would we have to
a Special Council meeting date for the purposes Council called the 'special council' meeting for cancel the meeting?" Ramme responded that it
of opening up any divisions that may become October 16. "This meeting can be cancelled if no could be cancelled as late as 4:30pm on October
vacant as a result of a Councillor resigning to run councillor resignations are received," said 15.
for the Mayor's seat. Ramme. Council voted unanimously to schedule the
"Pursuant to the Local Authorities Election Act, Councillor Wade Williams made the motion to special meeting to commencing Oct. 16 at 9:30
any Councillor wishing to challenge for the schedule the Special Meeting for October 16. a.m. at its Edson Administration Building for the
vacant Mayor's seat must resign their current seat Councillor Lavone Olson said, "I would just ask sole purpose of opening nominations and setting
effective 18 days or more before nomination this council that if you plan on running you the election date for any vacant council seats.
day," said County CAO Jack Ramme. The would make it known long before the 16th so
closing date for nominations is November 4 at this could be cancelled if there is no reason for
Youth Interagency teams up to offer fitness fun
photos Brianne Benson
Students were taught a multitude of simple exercises they can do at home at The group of Youth Interagency kids who attended the Train Like A Warrior
the Train Like A Warrior event by the Youth Interagency. event to promote physical activity among youth.
by Brianne Benson to use the technique to benefit their growing works out”.
muscles. He stressed the importance of In an effort to get the kids interested and
The Youth Interagency teamed up recently with remaining active throughout their teenaged years inspired to continue committing to physical
Valhalla Training to offer kids a way to learn to help maintain a healthy body, self esteem, and activity, Goodale demonstrated his ability to
how to have fun with fitness. to prevent injuries. deadlift 315 pounds. He also made sure to teach
Stephan Goodale from Valhalla Training, one Community Services coordinator Krysta the kids workouts that they could do in the
of the new gyms in Edson, took the time to teach Hawboldt, when asked what was one of the most comforts of their own homes.
the YIA children about different ways to train the important things the kids learned, said, “They According to Hawboldt the YIA would be open
body to maintain physical health. learned that being active is not complicated. to doing this event once or twice a year. She also
They were taken through a basic warm up, There are basic moves that you can do anywhere added that, “The kids all left with smiles on their
stretches, and a standard workout circuit. without equipment that will give you great faces, sweat on their brows, and the knowledge
Goodale taught them about foam rolling and how results. You can fit them into your day however it to further pursue physical activity”.
Mia House holding Anika (four weeks old), Anna-Marie Kruger holding Ava
(one) and standing beside them is Ruben (two). They were getting ready to
head out for a nice stroll along the trails at Willmore Park on October 4 then Cyle Kerr, Declan Kerr (4), Ian Kwantes, and Harley Kwantes (3) take a short
watch the (GYAC) Cross Country Run, as they knew a couple of the students rest while out enjoying the recently opened Bike Skills Park at Willmore.
taking part. photo Deanna Mitchener photo Deanna Mitchener