Page 26 - October 14, 2019
P. 26
T he Weekly ANCHOR
S ports
GYAC hosts Cross Country Run
by Deanna Mitchener
The Grande Yellowhead Athletic Conference
(GYAC) Cross Country Run was held at
Willmore Park on Friday, October 4.
The night before the big race volunteers were
staking out routes and setting up the tent. Julie
Rothwell, who has been a teacher at HRH for the
past five years, said, "We noticed that there was
no GYAC event being hosted for cross country
so we wanted to try and get some more kids out
and get them interested in running the trails we
have. We decided to host the GYAC Cross
Country event for grades 7, 8 and 9 students,
ages 14 and under."
"This is our first year running a Cross Country
(GYAC) event in several years. Parkland Students aged 12 and under line up to compete for fastest time during the (GYAC) Cross Country Run
Composite, Holy Redeemer High School, and that was held at Willmore Park on October 4. photo Deanna Mitchener
Pine Grove are all in partnership hosting the
event. Gerard Redman School from Hinton will Mike McAndrews. Boys 13 and under were 1st, Hayden Davison;
also be joining us for the event. Depending on The weather held out for the event and students 2nd, Noah Warren, and 3rd, Skyler Bodner.
the age group students will run either a two or enjoyed getting out in nature and taking part in Paron Germann was winner for the girls.
three km run. It will be a smaller event this year the Cross Country Run. Boys 14 and under were 1st, Pacen Bowman;
trying to work towards getting numbers up for Results in the Boys 12 and under 2km run were 2nd, Braden Oishi. For the girls 1st, Madison
future years," said Rothwell. 1st, Brody Rogers; 2nd, Liam Parker and 3rd, Materia; and 2nd, Dylan Todd.
"The Edson Cycling Association has done a Mattias Vriend. Girls 12 and under were 1st, At the end of the day senior students were
tremendous job at building trails out here, so we Keely Bowmen; 2nd, Jordyn Derricott; and 3rd, bussed out to run an unofficial race, without
are making good use of them," added Coach Sarah VanderHaeghe. medals just to be a part of the event and to enjoy
the great trails at Willmore Park.
Aeros open regular season with a win
by Shaylyn Thornton Matthew Rathbone scored their Tire. first win and an enthusiastic crowd.
sixth goal for the night. The Aeros' In all, the evening was enjoyed by Aeros' fans can't wait to see what
After an incredible inaugural season opener resulted in a win of the team and fans alike, with a great comes next for the 2019/20 Aeros.
season, the Edson Aeros are looking 6-3.
to expand on the name they've made Rathbone, who earned two points
for themselves thus far. for a goal and an assist, was named
They showed their heart and talent Player of the Game.
again in the preseason opener in Although watching great hockey is
Edson on September 27, and again definitely the main purpose of going
in their first game of the regular to an Aeros game, the team has also
season, held here at home in a fan introduced some exciting new
filled Repsol Place on October 4. games for the crowd to enjoy this
An opening ceremony recognizing season.
the start of the 2019/20 hockey Shoot-to-Win, sponsored by
season was held, announcing the Midwest Glass, is played in the first
full team lineup for the Aeros and intermission, after fans who
announcing local player Brian purchased game day programs
Bailer as Captain. receive a ticket entering them in for
Another exciting moment was a chance to play.
when Kevin Lundin, who was a The person whose ticket is selected
huge asset to the team last season, automatically gets a free rock chip
made his first appearance on the ice repair from Midwest Glass, and gets
so far this year. the chance to win $5000. A board
After the first period, the Aeros covers a hockey net, with a small
were down 1-0 after a goal by hole at the bottom slightly larger
Mario De Capite put the than a puck, and the Shoot-to-Win
Timberwolves on the board. player attempts to get the puck in
In the second period, the Aeros the net from center ice.
came out and showed what they're The first player of the season, Stan
all about, netting five goals amongst Olson, wasn't able to win the $5000
four players. prize but received his free rock chip
Artur Chirkov scored the first goal repair and the honors of being the
for the Aeros in both the game and first ever to try Shoot-to-Win for the
the regular season and scored Aeros.
another in the second period as Another great new game is Chuck-
well. Other second period scorers a-Puck, which is sponsored by
were Antoine St-Onge, Joshua Fountain Tire. Fans can buy foam
Stypka, and Kevin Lundin. pucks with numbers on them, and
In the third period, the during the second intermission all
Timberwolves made an attempt to the fans are invited to throw their The Edson Aeros took on the Hinton Timberwolves at Repsol Place during
push back with a solid two goals, pucks onto the ice. The closest puck their regular season opener on October 4. The Aeros took the win over the
but the Aeros held strong as to the target wins $100 to Fountain Timberwolves with a score of 6-3. photo submitted Michelle DePee
T he Weekly ANCHOR
S ports
GYAC hosts Cross Country Run
by Deanna Mitchener
The Grande Yellowhead Athletic Conference
(GYAC) Cross Country Run was held at
Willmore Park on Friday, October 4.
The night before the big race volunteers were
staking out routes and setting up the tent. Julie
Rothwell, who has been a teacher at HRH for the
past five years, said, "We noticed that there was
no GYAC event being hosted for cross country
so we wanted to try and get some more kids out
and get them interested in running the trails we
have. We decided to host the GYAC Cross
Country event for grades 7, 8 and 9 students,
ages 14 and under."
"This is our first year running a Cross Country
(GYAC) event in several years. Parkland Students aged 12 and under line up to compete for fastest time during the (GYAC) Cross Country Run
Composite, Holy Redeemer High School, and that was held at Willmore Park on October 4. photo Deanna Mitchener
Pine Grove are all in partnership hosting the
event. Gerard Redman School from Hinton will Mike McAndrews. Boys 13 and under were 1st, Hayden Davison;
also be joining us for the event. Depending on The weather held out for the event and students 2nd, Noah Warren, and 3rd, Skyler Bodner.
the age group students will run either a two or enjoyed getting out in nature and taking part in Paron Germann was winner for the girls.
three km run. It will be a smaller event this year the Cross Country Run. Boys 14 and under were 1st, Pacen Bowman;
trying to work towards getting numbers up for Results in the Boys 12 and under 2km run were 2nd, Braden Oishi. For the girls 1st, Madison
future years," said Rothwell. 1st, Brody Rogers; 2nd, Liam Parker and 3rd, Materia; and 2nd, Dylan Todd.
"The Edson Cycling Association has done a Mattias Vriend. Girls 12 and under were 1st, At the end of the day senior students were
tremendous job at building trails out here, so we Keely Bowmen; 2nd, Jordyn Derricott; and 3rd, bussed out to run an unofficial race, without
are making good use of them," added Coach Sarah VanderHaeghe. medals just to be a part of the event and to enjoy
the great trails at Willmore Park.
Aeros open regular season with a win
by Shaylyn Thornton Matthew Rathbone scored their Tire. first win and an enthusiastic crowd.
sixth goal for the night. The Aeros' In all, the evening was enjoyed by Aeros' fans can't wait to see what
After an incredible inaugural season opener resulted in a win of the team and fans alike, with a great comes next for the 2019/20 Aeros.
season, the Edson Aeros are looking 6-3.
to expand on the name they've made Rathbone, who earned two points
for themselves thus far. for a goal and an assist, was named
They showed their heart and talent Player of the Game.
again in the preseason opener in Although watching great hockey is
Edson on September 27, and again definitely the main purpose of going
in their first game of the regular to an Aeros game, the team has also
season, held here at home in a fan introduced some exciting new
filled Repsol Place on October 4. games for the crowd to enjoy this
An opening ceremony recognizing season.
the start of the 2019/20 hockey Shoot-to-Win, sponsored by
season was held, announcing the Midwest Glass, is played in the first
full team lineup for the Aeros and intermission, after fans who
announcing local player Brian purchased game day programs
Bailer as Captain. receive a ticket entering them in for
Another exciting moment was a chance to play.
when Kevin Lundin, who was a The person whose ticket is selected
huge asset to the team last season, automatically gets a free rock chip
made his first appearance on the ice repair from Midwest Glass, and gets
so far this year. the chance to win $5000. A board
After the first period, the Aeros covers a hockey net, with a small
were down 1-0 after a goal by hole at the bottom slightly larger
Mario De Capite put the than a puck, and the Shoot-to-Win
Timberwolves on the board. player attempts to get the puck in
In the second period, the Aeros the net from center ice.
came out and showed what they're The first player of the season, Stan
all about, netting five goals amongst Olson, wasn't able to win the $5000
four players. prize but received his free rock chip
Artur Chirkov scored the first goal repair and the honors of being the
for the Aeros in both the game and first ever to try Shoot-to-Win for the
the regular season and scored Aeros.
another in the second period as Another great new game is Chuck-
well. Other second period scorers a-Puck, which is sponsored by
were Antoine St-Onge, Joshua Fountain Tire. Fans can buy foam
Stypka, and Kevin Lundin. pucks with numbers on them, and
In the third period, the during the second intermission all
Timberwolves made an attempt to the fans are invited to throw their The Edson Aeros took on the Hinton Timberwolves at Repsol Place during
push back with a solid two goals, pucks onto the ice. The closest puck their regular season opener on October 4. The Aeros took the win over the
but the Aeros held strong as to the target wins $100 to Fountain Timberwolves with a score of 6-3. photo submitted Michelle DePee