Page 3 - October 14, 2019
P. 3
Snow removal amendments spark debate at Town Council
by Cassie Kushniruk another area. Don't get too strongly we're partially through and it snows without an approval.”
worded because it could work for or again, we've got to go back to the Councillor Chouinard expressed Edson Funeral Home
During the October 8 Committee against us too strongly.” priority routes and start again. Last concern with the budget shared
of the Whole meeting, amendments Councillor Jacqui Currie concurred year we managed three times. I think between the Town's snow clearing
to the Snow & Ice Control policy with Sorenson, adding, “There have that's going to be reduced with not program and summer maintenance
sparked an extensive discussion been on many occasions where roads using contractors because of the time program, “I don't believe that we Foothills Memorial Chapel and Crematorium
from Town Council concerning have been left overnight, not its going to take us to get there.” should be punishing our summer A Caring Part of the Caring Group Corp.
issues with the Town's snow removal because of broken equipment, but Verhaeghe pointed out to Council program because it snowed too PO Box 6358, 5040 6th Ave., Edson, AB T7E 1T8
process and budget. because of changing of shift which that the Town's snow clearing much. Most summer programs are EDSON
Currently, there are several policies has prevented people from being program is incorporated in the same pre-determined, but we cannot 780-723-3575
that address the task of snow and ice able to get to their houses. If we're budget as their summer maintenance control the amount of snow.” FUNERAL
control. “The previous policies were being that strong on what we're program, “Everything we do in the Zahara noted, “I think part of the
separated into three different expecting of our public, there needs summer takes away from our issue is that weather events are HOME
policies,” explained Transportation to be some ownership on us that we capacity in the winter, but becoming more extreme and we
Manager Sam Shine. “Each one was don't do the same thing.” everything we do in the winter, haven't increased our snow removal
Our Commitment
very minimal and lacking some Shine stated that if timelines were which is usually an emergency budget for as long as I can MUST BE
critical information.” In addition to applied, it might mean having to situation, takes away from our remember. I think we need to have a Our Commitment
this, operational elements were drop all priority routes in order to ability to meet the service conversation whether or not we are RIGHT HAND PAGE
included in the policies preventing backtrack and clear someone's expectations during the rest of the budgeting enough when it comes to
adjustment. driveway, thus presenting problems year.” snow removal.” UP FRONT
Is To You.
The recommended amendments for emergency routes. Councillor Baier asked if a snow “I think that we are starting to fail
would enable three policies to be Verhaeghe added, “We don't want dump site has been secured for this on our transportation network,” Is To You.
combined into one complete policy. to create any liabilities for the year, to which Verhaeghe responded, Zahara continued. “When it comes
This would enable operational organization with regards to having “We have several sites that we've to snow removal, that's the most
elements to be documented, but also unachievable goals. Municipalities looked at and have made tangible thing taxpayers see with
allow for adjustments when required have been found guilty where they applications to Alberta Environment, their tax dollars, same thing with
without unnecessary council said they would clear something but they have not yet indicated a potholes, and I think we should not
involvement. within 48 hours and they did not, so timeframe they would be able to get be making our road infrastructure Full Service
With regards to the Snow & Ice they were at fault for negligence.” back to us. However, we do have suffer because we're not budgeting
Control policy principles, which With regards to snow removal in several sites that we've worked out enough.”
state 'snow pushed onto public roads the downtown core, Zahara stated that do meet the minimum Amendments to the Snow & Ice Funeral Home Offering:
from adjacent properties will be that “the hiring of contracted regulatory requirements for Alberta Control Policy will be brought up at Traditional Funeral Services,
considered a hazard to public safety services should be done all the Environment and our understanding a future Council meeting for official
to be enforced by local bylaw' and time”. “They can work at night in is that the regulations allow us to approval. Graveside Services and
vice versa 'the work crews will strive our downtown core and leave our place it on that site for one year Cremation Options with a Crematorium
not to block driveways and entrance staff to work in the residential
points with windrows for any neighborhoods during the day. I on site in Edson.
extended period', Councillor Troy think we're a little bit too slow to get Cemetery Monuments.
Sorenson noted, “The vice versa is to our downtown core and I think we We also offer Prearrangement Plans.
very weak in my opinion. It should need to do a better job there.”
be strengthened so that maybe Deputy Mayor Janet Wilkinson
there's a time frame that if Town commented, “I like the policy the
blocks a driveway or an entrance way it's worded now because if
point, it will be dealt with within 12 people continually push their snow
hours or something.” out on the road, it is a safety hazard
General Manager of Infrastructure and they do need to be fined.”
and Planning Martino Verhaeghe “As far as going and cleaning up
replied, “If you establish a service everyone's driveway, I do believe it
level in a policy and we don't have is all of our responsibilities,”
resources expanded to deal with that, Wilkinson added. “It still reflects
it can be problematic, not to mention back to the only person who pays for
making it stronger without providing it and that's the taxpayer
for a clear parameter is difficult.” themselves.”
In response to Sorenson's Mayor Zahara asked how often it
comment, Councillor Gean is anticipated that the residential
Chouinard stated, “I would have to areas will be cleared under the new
disagree. There's been circumstances policy. Shine replied, “Once we've
where people have been plowed in performed the priority routes we'll PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE
but it's not the Town's fault where head into the commercial areas
equipment has broken down or where the majority of people attend
they're clearing a certain area of on a regular basis. Then we'll be Professional Digital
town and then they have to move to moving into the residential zones. If
Passport System
photos ready
Elect WAYNE in minutes
while you wait...
The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor
Yellowhead T
County Mayor 5040 3rd Avenue, Edson040 3rd Avenue, Edson
County Mayor
Monday, December
Monday, December
16, 2019
16, 2019
Snow removal amendments spark debate at Town Council
by Cassie Kushniruk another area. Don't get too strongly we're partially through and it snows without an approval.”
worded because it could work for or again, we've got to go back to the Councillor Chouinard expressed Edson Funeral Home
During the October 8 Committee against us too strongly.” priority routes and start again. Last concern with the budget shared
of the Whole meeting, amendments Councillor Jacqui Currie concurred year we managed three times. I think between the Town's snow clearing
to the Snow & Ice Control policy with Sorenson, adding, “There have that's going to be reduced with not program and summer maintenance
sparked an extensive discussion been on many occasions where roads using contractors because of the time program, “I don't believe that we Foothills Memorial Chapel and Crematorium
from Town Council concerning have been left overnight, not its going to take us to get there.” should be punishing our summer A Caring Part of the Caring Group Corp.
issues with the Town's snow removal because of broken equipment, but Verhaeghe pointed out to Council program because it snowed too PO Box 6358, 5040 6th Ave., Edson, AB T7E 1T8
process and budget. because of changing of shift which that the Town's snow clearing much. Most summer programs are EDSON
Currently, there are several policies has prevented people from being program is incorporated in the same pre-determined, but we cannot 780-723-3575
that address the task of snow and ice able to get to their houses. If we're budget as their summer maintenance control the amount of snow.” FUNERAL
control. “The previous policies were being that strong on what we're program, “Everything we do in the Zahara noted, “I think part of the
separated into three different expecting of our public, there needs summer takes away from our issue is that weather events are HOME
policies,” explained Transportation to be some ownership on us that we capacity in the winter, but becoming more extreme and we
Manager Sam Shine. “Each one was don't do the same thing.” everything we do in the winter, haven't increased our snow removal
Our Commitment
very minimal and lacking some Shine stated that if timelines were which is usually an emergency budget for as long as I can MUST BE
critical information.” In addition to applied, it might mean having to situation, takes away from our remember. I think we need to have a Our Commitment
this, operational elements were drop all priority routes in order to ability to meet the service conversation whether or not we are RIGHT HAND PAGE
included in the policies preventing backtrack and clear someone's expectations during the rest of the budgeting enough when it comes to
adjustment. driveway, thus presenting problems year.” snow removal.” UP FRONT
Is To You.
The recommended amendments for emergency routes. Councillor Baier asked if a snow “I think that we are starting to fail
would enable three policies to be Verhaeghe added, “We don't want dump site has been secured for this on our transportation network,” Is To You.
combined into one complete policy. to create any liabilities for the year, to which Verhaeghe responded, Zahara continued. “When it comes
This would enable operational organization with regards to having “We have several sites that we've to snow removal, that's the most
elements to be documented, but also unachievable goals. Municipalities looked at and have made tangible thing taxpayers see with
allow for adjustments when required have been found guilty where they applications to Alberta Environment, their tax dollars, same thing with
without unnecessary council said they would clear something but they have not yet indicated a potholes, and I think we should not
involvement. within 48 hours and they did not, so timeframe they would be able to get be making our road infrastructure Full Service
With regards to the Snow & Ice they were at fault for negligence.” back to us. However, we do have suffer because we're not budgeting
Control policy principles, which With regards to snow removal in several sites that we've worked out enough.”
state 'snow pushed onto public roads the downtown core, Zahara stated that do meet the minimum Amendments to the Snow & Ice Funeral Home Offering:
from adjacent properties will be that “the hiring of contracted regulatory requirements for Alberta Control Policy will be brought up at Traditional Funeral Services,
considered a hazard to public safety services should be done all the Environment and our understanding a future Council meeting for official
to be enforced by local bylaw' and time”. “They can work at night in is that the regulations allow us to approval. Graveside Services and
vice versa 'the work crews will strive our downtown core and leave our place it on that site for one year Cremation Options with a Crematorium
not to block driveways and entrance staff to work in the residential
points with windrows for any neighborhoods during the day. I on site in Edson.
extended period', Councillor Troy think we're a little bit too slow to get Cemetery Monuments.
Sorenson noted, “The vice versa is to our downtown core and I think we We also offer Prearrangement Plans.
very weak in my opinion. It should need to do a better job there.”
be strengthened so that maybe Deputy Mayor Janet Wilkinson
there's a time frame that if Town commented, “I like the policy the
blocks a driveway or an entrance way it's worded now because if
point, it will be dealt with within 12 people continually push their snow
hours or something.” out on the road, it is a safety hazard
General Manager of Infrastructure and they do need to be fined.”
and Planning Martino Verhaeghe “As far as going and cleaning up
replied, “If you establish a service everyone's driveway, I do believe it
level in a policy and we don't have is all of our responsibilities,”
resources expanded to deal with that, Wilkinson added. “It still reflects
it can be problematic, not to mention back to the only person who pays for
making it stronger without providing it and that's the taxpayer
for a clear parameter is difficult.” themselves.”
In response to Sorenson's Mayor Zahara asked how often it
comment, Councillor Gean is anticipated that the residential
Chouinard stated, “I would have to areas will be cleared under the new
disagree. There's been circumstances policy. Shine replied, “Once we've
where people have been plowed in performed the priority routes we'll PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE
but it's not the Town's fault where head into the commercial areas
equipment has broken down or where the majority of people attend
they're clearing a certain area of on a regular basis. Then we'll be Professional Digital
town and then they have to move to moving into the residential zones. If
Passport System
photos ready
Elect WAYNE in minutes
while you wait...
The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor
Yellowhead T
County Mayor 5040 3rd Avenue, Edson040 3rd Avenue, Edson
County Mayor
Monday, December
Monday, December
16, 2019
16, 2019