Page 12 - October 26 2020
P. 12
Includes process colour pages 1,4,5,7,10,11,14,15,18,20,21,24
LEAP Centre opens in Edson to support children with developmental or learning needs
by Deanna Mitchener anything. providing services directly in your community. All
“We feel strongly that, with the right support and proceeds stay within Edson area,” explained Vander EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY
A new LEAP Therapy and Resource Centre has resources, all families can not only participate fully Haeghe.
opened their doors in Edson. They offer in their community, but they can LEAP to new The LEAP Society is looking for sponsors and Parts & Service
Weekly Anchor comprehensive support to families who are raising heights,” she said. volunteers. Potential sponsored items could include
EMPLOYMENT OPP0RTUNITIES amazing children with differing developmental The team includes Michelle Campbell (Speech- specialized equipment such as swings, or sponsoring
children to attend therapy sessions or respite camps.
Language Pathologist), Heather Burri (Teacher-
and/or learning needs.
Anna Vander Haeghe and Michelle Campbell Kindergarten Lead, Respite Worker), Christina Supporting LEAP means that you would be Department
started up this non-profit society that includes eager Gauchier (Language-Literacy Group Lead, Stepping supporting children and families in your community
local parents who want to help support the Stones Provider, BDS Aide, Respite Worker), and helping them access programs that they may not
West Yellowhead MLA community better. Melissa Johnson (Classroom Facilitator, BDS Aide, otherwise be able to. Freedom Powersports Edson Ltd. is currently
Martin Long "We have highly skilled pediatric therapists and Respite Worker), and Vander Haeghe herself who is Vander Haeghe said that the program is “always seeking someone to join our Team by taking on a
eager for local partners” and could use support in the
an Occupational Therapist.
assistants that support our programs and live and
2020 Parents and Grandparents Program work in your community,” said Vander Haeghe. Just a few of the services being offered at this time form of cleaning, handyman jobs, and donation of role in the Parts & Service Department. This
time and resources.
include Speech and Language Therapy,
“The Edson LEAP Centre is the brainchild of
individual must be able to work in a fast paced
passionate professionals and parents in your Occupational Therapy, Respite Services, Children's The program is also looking for supplies and/or
community that want to help families and children Groups, Family Support, Preschool PUF services, talent to create an outdoor sign, and is in need of environment, multi-task, work well with others
Op/Ed: OTTAWA: Gerald Soroka, Yellowhead, Gerald Soroka reach their goals and achieve their dreams.” Kindergarten PUF services. For more information new flooring. and have great people skills.
Member of Parliament for Gerald Soroka wishes to inform For the non-profit, LEAP stands for Learning you can call 780-723-1295 or go to If you can assist with any of these items or are
Yellowhead, wishes to constituents that the Canada opportunities, Enrichment of environments, Access able to volunteer your time and help a great new Lots of room for advancement with this position!
program in the community, you can contact the
advise that the Minister of MP Yellowhead Revenue Agency (CRA) has to community life, with Program support —but "By attending and supporting our community Edson LEAP Society secretary at 780-517-4831.
events you directly support the LEAP Society in
Immigration, Refugees and opened the application Vander Haeghe noted that LEAP can represent The position is full time, Monday to Friday plus
Citizenship announced yesterday the 2020 process for the Canada Recovery Benefit every second Saturday.
Parents and Grandparents (PGP) Program (CRB).
application for those interested in sponsoringa The CRB provides $500 per week up to 26 Starting wage to be determined by experience
parent or grandparent to immigrate to Canada. weeks, for workers who have stopped working
The application window for the interest to or had their employment/self-employment level.
sponsor form is open for a three-week period income reduced by at least 50% due to Event Reminder
until November 3, 2020, where interested COVID-19 and are not eligible for EI. Please fax, email or drop off your resume.
individuals can apply to sponsor their parents The CRA is providing an application process E:
and/or grandparents for Canadian permanent for the CRB similar to the one that Canadians May 9: For mental health week, join F: 780-723-3955
residence. used to access Canada Emergency Response the Town of Edson for Darkness to
Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Benefit (CERB). Those eligible can apply for Light – Mental Health Awareness. Join
Canada will then randomly select 10,000 these benefits online through the CRA's 'My the community and place luminaries or
interested applicants through a lottery to apply Account' portal or toll-free at: 1-800-959-2019 a simple candle outside your home to
to become a sponsor for the Parents and or 1-800-959-2041. u n i t e f o r a l i g h t a t d a w n
Grandparents Program. Once selected To ensure the recovery benefits provide more (approximately 5:10 am).
applicants will have 60 days to submit their targeted support for those who continue to
application. need it, the application process forCRB
More information can be found at: includes new elements, such as: - shorter eligibility periods of two weeks;
refugees-citizenship/news/2020/10/how-will- - retroactive periods, (those applying will be
the-2020-parents-and-grandparents-program- required to apply after the two-week period has
intake-process-work.html ended);
The interest to sponsor form can be found at: - a 10% tax withholding at source; (will receive payments of $900 for each two-week
refugees-citizenship/services/immigrate- eligibility period);
canada/family-sponsorship/sponsor-parents- - a three-to-five-day window to receive
grandparents/tell-us-you-want-sponsor-parent- payments for applications made by direct
grandparent.html deposit, and,
- a 10-12-day window for cheque by mail.
Canada Recovery Benefit (CRB) Now To learn more or to apply for the Canada
Open Recovery Benefit please visit:
OTTAWA: Member of Parliament for
LEAP Centre opens in Edson to support children with developmental or learning needs
by Deanna Mitchener anything. providing services directly in your community. All
“We feel strongly that, with the right support and proceeds stay within Edson area,” explained Vander EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY
A new LEAP Therapy and Resource Centre has resources, all families can not only participate fully Haeghe.
opened their doors in Edson. They offer in their community, but they can LEAP to new The LEAP Society is looking for sponsors and Parts & Service
Weekly Anchor comprehensive support to families who are raising heights,” she said. volunteers. Potential sponsored items could include
EMPLOYMENT OPP0RTUNITIES amazing children with differing developmental The team includes Michelle Campbell (Speech- specialized equipment such as swings, or sponsoring
children to attend therapy sessions or respite camps.
Language Pathologist), Heather Burri (Teacher-
and/or learning needs.
Anna Vander Haeghe and Michelle Campbell Kindergarten Lead, Respite Worker), Christina Supporting LEAP means that you would be Department
started up this non-profit society that includes eager Gauchier (Language-Literacy Group Lead, Stepping supporting children and families in your community
local parents who want to help support the Stones Provider, BDS Aide, Respite Worker), and helping them access programs that they may not
West Yellowhead MLA community better. Melissa Johnson (Classroom Facilitator, BDS Aide, otherwise be able to. Freedom Powersports Edson Ltd. is currently
Martin Long "We have highly skilled pediatric therapists and Respite Worker), and Vander Haeghe herself who is Vander Haeghe said that the program is “always seeking someone to join our Team by taking on a
eager for local partners” and could use support in the
an Occupational Therapist.
assistants that support our programs and live and
2020 Parents and Grandparents Program work in your community,” said Vander Haeghe. Just a few of the services being offered at this time form of cleaning, handyman jobs, and donation of role in the Parts & Service Department. This
time and resources.
include Speech and Language Therapy,
“The Edson LEAP Centre is the brainchild of
individual must be able to work in a fast paced
passionate professionals and parents in your Occupational Therapy, Respite Services, Children's The program is also looking for supplies and/or
community that want to help families and children Groups, Family Support, Preschool PUF services, talent to create an outdoor sign, and is in need of environment, multi-task, work well with others
Op/Ed: OTTAWA: Gerald Soroka, Yellowhead, Gerald Soroka reach their goals and achieve their dreams.” Kindergarten PUF services. For more information new flooring. and have great people skills.
Member of Parliament for Gerald Soroka wishes to inform For the non-profit, LEAP stands for Learning you can call 780-723-1295 or go to If you can assist with any of these items or are
Yellowhead, wishes to constituents that the Canada opportunities, Enrichment of environments, Access able to volunteer your time and help a great new Lots of room for advancement with this position!
program in the community, you can contact the
advise that the Minister of MP Yellowhead Revenue Agency (CRA) has to community life, with Program support —but "By attending and supporting our community Edson LEAP Society secretary at 780-517-4831.
events you directly support the LEAP Society in
Immigration, Refugees and opened the application Vander Haeghe noted that LEAP can represent The position is full time, Monday to Friday plus
Citizenship announced yesterday the 2020 process for the Canada Recovery Benefit every second Saturday.
Parents and Grandparents (PGP) Program (CRB).
application for those interested in sponsoringa The CRB provides $500 per week up to 26 Starting wage to be determined by experience
parent or grandparent to immigrate to Canada. weeks, for workers who have stopped working
The application window for the interest to or had their employment/self-employment level.
sponsor form is open for a three-week period income reduced by at least 50% due to Event Reminder
until November 3, 2020, where interested COVID-19 and are not eligible for EI. Please fax, email or drop off your resume.
individuals can apply to sponsor their parents The CRA is providing an application process E:
and/or grandparents for Canadian permanent for the CRB similar to the one that Canadians May 9: For mental health week, join F: 780-723-3955
residence. used to access Canada Emergency Response the Town of Edson for Darkness to
Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Benefit (CERB). Those eligible can apply for Light – Mental Health Awareness. Join
Canada will then randomly select 10,000 these benefits online through the CRA's 'My the community and place luminaries or
interested applicants through a lottery to apply Account' portal or toll-free at: 1-800-959-2019 a simple candle outside your home to
to become a sponsor for the Parents and or 1-800-959-2041. u n i t e f o r a l i g h t a t d a w n
Grandparents Program. Once selected To ensure the recovery benefits provide more (approximately 5:10 am).
applicants will have 60 days to submit their targeted support for those who continue to
application. need it, the application process forCRB
More information can be found at: includes new elements, such as: - shorter eligibility periods of two weeks;
refugees-citizenship/news/2020/10/how-will- - retroactive periods, (those applying will be
the-2020-parents-and-grandparents-program- required to apply after the two-week period has
intake-process-work.html ended);
The interest to sponsor form can be found at: - a 10% tax withholding at source; (will receive payments of $900 for each two-week
refugees-citizenship/services/immigrate- eligibility period);
canada/family-sponsorship/sponsor-parents- - a three-to-five-day window to receive
grandparents/tell-us-you-want-sponsor-parent- payments for applications made by direct
grandparent.html deposit, and,
- a 10-12-day window for cheque by mail.
Canada Recovery Benefit (CRB) Now To learn more or to apply for the Canada
Open Recovery Benefit please visit:
OTTAWA: Member of Parliament for