Page 16 - October 26 2020
P. 16
PAGE 16 MONDAY MAY 18, 2020
T he Weekly ANCHOR
F T he Weekly ANCHOR
Farm & Fieldarm & Field
News and V
Gerald Soroka News and Viewsiews 780-728-8803 5711 2nd Avenue, Edson Faith
780-728-8803 5711 2nd Avenue, Edson
MP Yellowhead
Local farm family gives back to the Kinettes
by Shaylyn Thornton
Each year, the Kinette Club in Edson puts
together hundreds of Christmas Hampers and
hands them out to members of the community in
need of a little extra help. The Kinettes have PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE
Gerald Soroka many generous sponsors throughout Edson and
area who help make this possible.
One such sponsor is Rivervalley Produce, a
MP Yellowhead local farm owned and operated by Harvey and Professional Digital
Professional Digital
Jill DePee, who work alongside four of their Passport System
Passport System
children: Derek, Dylan, Shantel, and Shelby.
photos ready
Chanda Guenette, Kinette Club Vice President, photos ready
said that Rivervalley Produce is one of their in minutes...
in minutes...
many sponsors who “go the extra mile.”
“They give us hundreds of bags of potatoes
every year for over 15 years,” Guenette said.
“And they deliver!”
Each Christmas Hamper has a bag of spuds to
go along with it, and Harvey says that being able
to contribute is important to him and his family. Rivervalley Produce, a local farm run by the DePee family, are big supporters of the Kinette Christmas
“We like to help people,” he said. “We like to Hampers. Pictured, from left: Shantel Los, Harvey DePee, Jill DePee, Dylan DePee, and Derek DePee.
Wildwood & District give back to the community of Edson which In front: Andrew and Robert DePee. photo Shaylyn Thornton
The Weekly Anchoreekly Anchor
Agricultural Society supports us and supports our business.” With COVID-19 rules and regulations in mind, The W
For the DePees, supporting the Kinette's the Kinettes are changing up their distribution
5040 3rd A
"Bylaw Revision" Christmas Hamper Program is an easy choice. protocols this year with the help of local First Time for Tails 5040 3rd Avenue, Edsonvenue, Edson
Wednesday, October 28, 7pm LEGENDS “The Kinettes do great work. It's a well-run Responders and local motorcycle group the 212
program, and is so needed, especially in times
Crew: Bikers Against Bullying. “We will be
At Lone Pine Ranch B & B & B, Wildwood. like these,” said Harvey. “We want to help delivering for the first time ever!” Guenette said. by Dawn Mitchell 780-723-5787
THERE WILL BE SOCIAL DISTANCING families, and that's exactly what they do.” The Kinettes are still in need of non-perishable
For information contact Wilma at 780-325-2424 CAFÉ & PIZZA “It's hard to imagine a child at Christmas food items, unwrapped toys for ages 0-12, and
Highway 16 West, Edson, Alberta without something good to eat and a gift to cash donations are also much appreciated, as PLEASE CALL US TO BOOK
4308 - 4 Avenue open,” added Jill. “Christmas is a beautiful their hamper grocery bill is typically
723-4811 723-4813 season, and the entire reason is giving. How “astronomical.” To donate food or toys, you can Y
could we not want to share?”
drop items off at many local businesses or
Open 7 days a week from 6am to 11pm Last year, the Kinettes handed out 350 food schools, and cash donations can be sent via
Delivery starts at 5pm hampers and 400 toy hampers to families in etransfer to
Edson. This year, they expect the demand to be Items or cash can also be dropped off at the
even higher with the recession and the COVID- Catholic Church December 16-19, where
19 pandemic causing a lot of families to fall on hardworking volunteers will be putting the
hard times. hampers together. Those interested in helping out
“We are fully expecting greater demand this can contact Chanda at 780-712-3420.
year,” said Guenette. “More people are out of With the Kinettes expecting this year to be
work, or had their hours reduced, or are having their “biggest yet,” they are counting on the
to homeschool their kids. It's a tough situation community more than ever. Still, Guenette says
for many local families.” she is confident that all of their recipient's needs
The Kinette Club's motto is, “Serving our will be met.
“Edson is full of generosity, and we see that
community's greatest needs,” and Guenette even more in times like these,” she said. “Our
Gearheads Auto DAILY SPECIALS! does exactly that. “This is one of our main community always comes through for us.”
believes that the Christmas Hamper Program
focuses,” she said.
September 19th at 10 am! Pet of the Week
Pet of the Week
Call for information 712-6788
* Barbeque * Vendors Call for information 712-6788 KID’S CORNER
* Activities for Kids * Door Prizes Lady Iris is looking for a household to call her own- as in no Say hello to Maxxamis Longmore, who is four years old. Gearheads Auto
He attends the Pre-kindergarten (Edson Friendship
Centre) Play & Learn, three day’s a week. There, he
kids or other cats. Iris is a lovely year old female who loves to enjoys doing crafts, playing with friends, and learning
Donations will be gratefully accepted for the Hinton Woman's Shelter as well as Mobbin Kings Bike cuddle with her favorite humans. She loves to sing the song of new things. Maxxamis says, “My favourite colour is red, I
Club that supports needs inside our communities as well as surrounding communities. her people, especially if it earns her some of that delicious soft love chicken fingers, and I can’t wait for my dad to teach
me to snowboard this winter. I have a kitten called Taco.”
cat food that she just goes crazy for. Adopt or foster our sweet
Come join us at 4720 2nd Ave.,
Come join us at 4720 2nd Ave., Iris and help her bloom in a forever home! Find out how to He loves to run and jump, and play basketball and Free interior vehicle disinfectingFree interior vehicle disinfecting
baseball. He also love bedtime stories, spending time
adopt by visiting
with mamma and papa Longmore, going swimming with
East bound lane at 47 St., Edson EARS is still facilitating adoptions during the pandemic-- send us a message, his dad, especially when they get a hotel with a pool for
East bound lane at 47 St., Edson
with every tire purchase!
the weekend. This young fellow was only three years old
give us a call or find us on Facebook to learn more. We need you more than the first time he rode a sheep at the Medicine Lodge with every tire purchase!
Kid’s Corner is sponsored by:ed by:
Sponsored by: Kid’s Corner is sponsor
Come see us at 4720 2nd Ave.,
Sand & Gravel Sales/Haulingavel Sales/Hauling
413 50 St., Sand & Gr Come see us at 4720 2nd Ave.,
413 50 St.,
Quality Work
780-723-6220 Quality Work
East bound lane at 47 St., Edson
Serving Edson & District Since 1974
Serving Edson & District Since 1974 East bound lane at 47 St., Edson
Gearheads Auto offers fantastic pricing on tires for all makes and models
Chevy Cruze LT stock size
HAIDA HD668 ALL SEASON 215/60R16 - only $89 per tire
Dodge Journey SXT stock size
HAIDA HD837 ALL SEASON 225/65R17 – only $101 per tire
Ford F150 XL 4x4 stock size
HAIDA HD837 ALL SEASON P265/70R17 – only $135 per tire
RAM 3500 ST 4x4 stock size
HAIDA HD828 ALL TERRAIN LT275/70R18 10PLY – only $205 per tire
Spring tire changeover special – Only $99 to mount and
balance 4 tires.
4606 3 Avenue
Member of Five Stars 4606 3 Avenue
(Corner of 46 Street & 3rd Avenue)
** all tire orders may be subject to shipping cost. Loyalty Program (Corner of 46 Street & 3rd Avenue)
PAGE 16 MONDAY MAY 18, 2020
T he Weekly ANCHOR
F T he Weekly ANCHOR
Farm & Fieldarm & Field
News and V
Gerald Soroka News and Viewsiews 780-728-8803 5711 2nd Avenue, Edson Faith
780-728-8803 5711 2nd Avenue, Edson
MP Yellowhead
Local farm family gives back to the Kinettes
by Shaylyn Thornton
Each year, the Kinette Club in Edson puts
together hundreds of Christmas Hampers and
hands them out to members of the community in
need of a little extra help. The Kinettes have PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE
Gerald Soroka many generous sponsors throughout Edson and
area who help make this possible.
One such sponsor is Rivervalley Produce, a
MP Yellowhead local farm owned and operated by Harvey and Professional Digital
Professional Digital
Jill DePee, who work alongside four of their Passport System
Passport System
children: Derek, Dylan, Shantel, and Shelby.
photos ready
Chanda Guenette, Kinette Club Vice President, photos ready
said that Rivervalley Produce is one of their in minutes...
in minutes...
many sponsors who “go the extra mile.”
“They give us hundreds of bags of potatoes
every year for over 15 years,” Guenette said.
“And they deliver!”
Each Christmas Hamper has a bag of spuds to
go along with it, and Harvey says that being able
to contribute is important to him and his family. Rivervalley Produce, a local farm run by the DePee family, are big supporters of the Kinette Christmas
“We like to help people,” he said. “We like to Hampers. Pictured, from left: Shantel Los, Harvey DePee, Jill DePee, Dylan DePee, and Derek DePee.
Wildwood & District give back to the community of Edson which In front: Andrew and Robert DePee. photo Shaylyn Thornton
The Weekly Anchoreekly Anchor
Agricultural Society supports us and supports our business.” With COVID-19 rules and regulations in mind, The W
For the DePees, supporting the Kinette's the Kinettes are changing up their distribution
5040 3rd A
"Bylaw Revision" Christmas Hamper Program is an easy choice. protocols this year with the help of local First Time for Tails 5040 3rd Avenue, Edsonvenue, Edson
Wednesday, October 28, 7pm LEGENDS “The Kinettes do great work. It's a well-run Responders and local motorcycle group the 212
program, and is so needed, especially in times
Crew: Bikers Against Bullying. “We will be
At Lone Pine Ranch B & B & B, Wildwood. like these,” said Harvey. “We want to help delivering for the first time ever!” Guenette said. by Dawn Mitchell 780-723-5787
THERE WILL BE SOCIAL DISTANCING families, and that's exactly what they do.” The Kinettes are still in need of non-perishable
For information contact Wilma at 780-325-2424 CAFÉ & PIZZA “It's hard to imagine a child at Christmas food items, unwrapped toys for ages 0-12, and
Highway 16 West, Edson, Alberta without something good to eat and a gift to cash donations are also much appreciated, as PLEASE CALL US TO BOOK
4308 - 4 Avenue open,” added Jill. “Christmas is a beautiful their hamper grocery bill is typically
723-4811 723-4813 season, and the entire reason is giving. How “astronomical.” To donate food or toys, you can Y
could we not want to share?”
drop items off at many local businesses or
Open 7 days a week from 6am to 11pm Last year, the Kinettes handed out 350 food schools, and cash donations can be sent via
Delivery starts at 5pm hampers and 400 toy hampers to families in etransfer to
Edson. This year, they expect the demand to be Items or cash can also be dropped off at the
even higher with the recession and the COVID- Catholic Church December 16-19, where
19 pandemic causing a lot of families to fall on hardworking volunteers will be putting the
hard times. hampers together. Those interested in helping out
“We are fully expecting greater demand this can contact Chanda at 780-712-3420.
year,” said Guenette. “More people are out of With the Kinettes expecting this year to be
work, or had their hours reduced, or are having their “biggest yet,” they are counting on the
to homeschool their kids. It's a tough situation community more than ever. Still, Guenette says
for many local families.” she is confident that all of their recipient's needs
The Kinette Club's motto is, “Serving our will be met.
“Edson is full of generosity, and we see that
community's greatest needs,” and Guenette even more in times like these,” she said. “Our
Gearheads Auto DAILY SPECIALS! does exactly that. “This is one of our main community always comes through for us.”
believes that the Christmas Hamper Program
focuses,” she said.
September 19th at 10 am! Pet of the Week
Pet of the Week
Call for information 712-6788
* Barbeque * Vendors Call for information 712-6788 KID’S CORNER
* Activities for Kids * Door Prizes Lady Iris is looking for a household to call her own- as in no Say hello to Maxxamis Longmore, who is four years old. Gearheads Auto
He attends the Pre-kindergarten (Edson Friendship
Centre) Play & Learn, three day’s a week. There, he
kids or other cats. Iris is a lovely year old female who loves to enjoys doing crafts, playing with friends, and learning
Donations will be gratefully accepted for the Hinton Woman's Shelter as well as Mobbin Kings Bike cuddle with her favorite humans. She loves to sing the song of new things. Maxxamis says, “My favourite colour is red, I
Club that supports needs inside our communities as well as surrounding communities. her people, especially if it earns her some of that delicious soft love chicken fingers, and I can’t wait for my dad to teach
me to snowboard this winter. I have a kitten called Taco.”
cat food that she just goes crazy for. Adopt or foster our sweet
Come join us at 4720 2nd Ave.,
Come join us at 4720 2nd Ave., Iris and help her bloom in a forever home! Find out how to He loves to run and jump, and play basketball and Free interior vehicle disinfectingFree interior vehicle disinfecting
baseball. He also love bedtime stories, spending time
adopt by visiting
with mamma and papa Longmore, going swimming with
East bound lane at 47 St., Edson EARS is still facilitating adoptions during the pandemic-- send us a message, his dad, especially when they get a hotel with a pool for
East bound lane at 47 St., Edson
with every tire purchase!
the weekend. This young fellow was only three years old
give us a call or find us on Facebook to learn more. We need you more than the first time he rode a sheep at the Medicine Lodge with every tire purchase!
Kid’s Corner is sponsored by:ed by:
Sponsored by: Kid’s Corner is sponsor
Come see us at 4720 2nd Ave.,
Sand & Gravel Sales/Haulingavel Sales/Hauling
413 50 St., Sand & Gr Come see us at 4720 2nd Ave.,
413 50 St.,
Quality Work
780-723-6220 Quality Work
East bound lane at 47 St., Edson
Serving Edson & District Since 1974
Serving Edson & District Since 1974 East bound lane at 47 St., Edson
Gearheads Auto offers fantastic pricing on tires for all makes and models
Chevy Cruze LT stock size
HAIDA HD668 ALL SEASON 215/60R16 - only $89 per tire
Dodge Journey SXT stock size
HAIDA HD837 ALL SEASON 225/65R17 – only $101 per tire
Ford F150 XL 4x4 stock size
HAIDA HD837 ALL SEASON P265/70R17 – only $135 per tire
RAM 3500 ST 4x4 stock size
HAIDA HD828 ALL TERRAIN LT275/70R18 10PLY – only $205 per tire
Spring tire changeover special – Only $99 to mount and
balance 4 tires.
4606 3 Avenue
Member of Five Stars 4606 3 Avenue
(Corner of 46 Street & 3rd Avenue)
** all tire orders may be subject to shipping cost. Loyalty Program (Corner of 46 Street & 3rd Avenue)