Page 9 - October 3 2016
P. 9
County opens three amazing pump tracks
continued from front not they would last. “The builders stand behind you have something that is multiuse, people want
provided by the County. their work. They put so much effort into each layer to come to your park and spend the day there. I
County Mayor Gerald Soroka and Councillors of and each structural bit. It was very impressive to think we're slowly accomplishing this,” said
the hamlets were on hand to welcome residents and watch,” reassures Reed. Soroka.
guests to the opening. The county also plans on building pump tracks in Although some excited kids turnout for the event
A contest was also held to nickname each pump other hamlets within Yellowhead County. “One of without a helmet, the importance of using helmets
track. The person choosing the best name will win our long range plans, with all of our hamlets, is to was stressed by the officials.
a free BMX bike. Once chosen, the nickname will have more green space and more of a park-like
go on the pump track sign. setting. I don't want to compare to the cities but if with files Dana McArthur
The tracks were built to encourage youth
activities and exercise. Kids can use roller blades,
bicycles, skate boards and scooters. “As long as it's
got wheels you can use it on the track. That's the
nice thing. So many residents have told me that this
is the greatest thing we've ever done,” remarked
County Mayor, Gerald Soroka.
Director of Community Services, Christopher
Reed, said, “You get the most number of youths
with the easiest access. There's no cost and there's
very little equipment you need.”
During the Parks and Open Space Plan public
consultation sessions, a year and a half ago,
residents overwhelmingly brought up the need to
have activities youth could get engaged in.
Professionals, hired by the county, started looking
at options that would be easily adaptable, would be
low in maintenance and would be used often. They
came up with six ideas to present to the county,
with the pump track idea supported by majority of Kids try out the new Niton Pump Track with some already showing off their new skills during its grand
the staff. opening in Yellowhead County on September 24. photo Mikaela Kuefler
The construction phase took two weeks to
complete. In Niton the builders had difficulty
getting their machines onto the site due to the soft
moist ground. Jason McLean, from Poison Creek
Contracting stepped up and donated the use of
some rig mats to help out.
The tracks have an estimated life of 20 years
although there was some concern about whether or
Riders break through the ribbon to officially open the new pump track in Wildwood on September 24.
Holding the ribbon was Councillor Shawn Berry (left) and Councillor Anthony Giezen. photo Dana
Kids of all ages riding the new pump track in
Wildwood on September 24. photo Dana McArthur
County Mayor Gerald Soroka welcomes residents Councillor Sandra Cherniawsky and Councillor Anthony Giezen hold the ribbon as kids excitedly head
to the new pump track in Evansburg on September down to break through officially opening the new pump track in Evansburg on September 24. photo
24. photo Dana McArthur Dana McArthur
County opens three amazing pump tracks
continued from front not they would last. “The builders stand behind you have something that is multiuse, people want
provided by the County. their work. They put so much effort into each layer to come to your park and spend the day there. I
County Mayor Gerald Soroka and Councillors of and each structural bit. It was very impressive to think we're slowly accomplishing this,” said
the hamlets were on hand to welcome residents and watch,” reassures Reed. Soroka.
guests to the opening. The county also plans on building pump tracks in Although some excited kids turnout for the event
A contest was also held to nickname each pump other hamlets within Yellowhead County. “One of without a helmet, the importance of using helmets
track. The person choosing the best name will win our long range plans, with all of our hamlets, is to was stressed by the officials.
a free BMX bike. Once chosen, the nickname will have more green space and more of a park-like
go on the pump track sign. setting. I don't want to compare to the cities but if with files Dana McArthur
The tracks were built to encourage youth
activities and exercise. Kids can use roller blades,
bicycles, skate boards and scooters. “As long as it's
got wheels you can use it on the track. That's the
nice thing. So many residents have told me that this
is the greatest thing we've ever done,” remarked
County Mayor, Gerald Soroka.
Director of Community Services, Christopher
Reed, said, “You get the most number of youths
with the easiest access. There's no cost and there's
very little equipment you need.”
During the Parks and Open Space Plan public
consultation sessions, a year and a half ago,
residents overwhelmingly brought up the need to
have activities youth could get engaged in.
Professionals, hired by the county, started looking
at options that would be easily adaptable, would be
low in maintenance and would be used often. They
came up with six ideas to present to the county,
with the pump track idea supported by majority of Kids try out the new Niton Pump Track with some already showing off their new skills during its grand
the staff. opening in Yellowhead County on September 24. photo Mikaela Kuefler
The construction phase took two weeks to
complete. In Niton the builders had difficulty
getting their machines onto the site due to the soft
moist ground. Jason McLean, from Poison Creek
Contracting stepped up and donated the use of
some rig mats to help out.
The tracks have an estimated life of 20 years
although there was some concern about whether or
Riders break through the ribbon to officially open the new pump track in Wildwood on September 24.
Holding the ribbon was Councillor Shawn Berry (left) and Councillor Anthony Giezen. photo Dana
Kids of all ages riding the new pump track in
Wildwood on September 24. photo Dana McArthur
County Mayor Gerald Soroka welcomes residents Councillor Sandra Cherniawsky and Councillor Anthony Giezen hold the ribbon as kids excitedly head
to the new pump track in Evansburg on September down to break through officially opening the new pump track in Evansburg on September 24. photo
24. photo Dana McArthur Dana McArthur