Page 14 - October 5 2020
P. 14
Includes process colour pages 1,4,5,7,10,11,14,15,18,20,21,24
Graveyard Memories: Exploring the history of Edson's
famous and infamous permanent residents
EDITOR'S NOTE: We would like to introduce our youngest contributor
Éllie Walter. At 14 years old Éllie expressed to us her enthusiasm for
writing. Under the guidance of our assistant editor Shaylyn Thornton this
is Éllie's first article to appear in The Weekly Anchor.
by Éllie Walter interesting history of our town that
was once known as Heatherwood.
On September 26 the Galloway Guides also shared their knowledge
West Yellowhead MLA Museum hosted a historical tour of of a variety of symbols to be seen on
Martin Long two of Edson's local cemeteries, the grave markers, and even learned the
old Edson Cemetery and the
meanings behind some of the others
Glenwood Cemetery. The tour was from members of the tour.
sold out in three days and had an “We like connecting people with
excellent turnout of 33 people. their path and telling those peoples'
This year's tour was the fourth such stories, and really everyone in there
event hosted by the Galloway Station has a story,” said Museum Manager
Museum. It was presented by three Shari McDowell.
of the staff members of our local The afternoon covered everything
museum, as well as a Heritage and from unfortunate mine explosions to
West Yellowhead MLA Cultural Service worker, Christopher pioneering entrepreneurs that helped
Martin Long White. turn Edson into the town it is today.
The guides were not only
Grave Memories was attended by
knowledgeable, but also generous people from elementary age up to
with their time in answering grandparents, and was a fun learning
questions and sharing stories of experience for all. Event Reminder
many of the interesting people laid to While leaving, many attendees
rest here in our town. shared how pleased they were, and
The stories included that of Nels E. asked additional questions of the May 9: For mental health week, join
Bell, the namesake of our local guides. the Town of Edson for Darkness to
library, and Jack the Frog, a local The museum hopes to host another
moonshiner and outlaw of the tour on October 17 focusing on some Light – Mental Health Awareness. Join
Prohibition period. of the military veterans interred in the community and place luminaries or
Another story involved the Switzer the Glenwood Cemetery. a simple candle outside your home to
legacy, which includes Edson's first The Grave Memories Tour was a u n i t e f o r a l i g h t a t d a w n
mayor and one of his sons, for whom great success. Stop by the Galloway (approximately 5:10 am).
Switzer Provincial Park was named. Station Museum for more
The tour covered the impact of the information or call them at 780-723-
Spanish flu, the popularity of the 5696. The Grave Memories Tour had a great turnout as people walked and listened
Coal Branch area, and much of the to the guides at the event on September 26. photo Éllie Walter
Operation Christmas Child Program
Operation Christmas Child shoebox program will take place this year.
You can pack a box online at
or if you want to pack an actual box please call
Augustine at 780-723-3050 for more information.
Shoeboxes will be picked up on November 14.
Graveyard Memories: Exploring the history of Edson's
famous and infamous permanent residents
EDITOR'S NOTE: We would like to introduce our youngest contributor
Éllie Walter. At 14 years old Éllie expressed to us her enthusiasm for
writing. Under the guidance of our assistant editor Shaylyn Thornton this
is Éllie's first article to appear in The Weekly Anchor.
by Éllie Walter interesting history of our town that
was once known as Heatherwood.
On September 26 the Galloway Guides also shared their knowledge
West Yellowhead MLA Museum hosted a historical tour of of a variety of symbols to be seen on
Martin Long two of Edson's local cemeteries, the grave markers, and even learned the
old Edson Cemetery and the
meanings behind some of the others
Glenwood Cemetery. The tour was from members of the tour.
sold out in three days and had an “We like connecting people with
excellent turnout of 33 people. their path and telling those peoples'
This year's tour was the fourth such stories, and really everyone in there
event hosted by the Galloway Station has a story,” said Museum Manager
Museum. It was presented by three Shari McDowell.
of the staff members of our local The afternoon covered everything
museum, as well as a Heritage and from unfortunate mine explosions to
West Yellowhead MLA Cultural Service worker, Christopher pioneering entrepreneurs that helped
Martin Long White. turn Edson into the town it is today.
The guides were not only
Grave Memories was attended by
knowledgeable, but also generous people from elementary age up to
with their time in answering grandparents, and was a fun learning
questions and sharing stories of experience for all. Event Reminder
many of the interesting people laid to While leaving, many attendees
rest here in our town. shared how pleased they were, and
The stories included that of Nels E. asked additional questions of the May 9: For mental health week, join
Bell, the namesake of our local guides. the Town of Edson for Darkness to
library, and Jack the Frog, a local The museum hopes to host another
moonshiner and outlaw of the tour on October 17 focusing on some Light – Mental Health Awareness. Join
Prohibition period. of the military veterans interred in the community and place luminaries or
Another story involved the Switzer the Glenwood Cemetery. a simple candle outside your home to
legacy, which includes Edson's first The Grave Memories Tour was a u n i t e f o r a l i g h t a t d a w n
mayor and one of his sons, for whom great success. Stop by the Galloway (approximately 5:10 am).
Switzer Provincial Park was named. Station Museum for more
The tour covered the impact of the information or call them at 780-723-
Spanish flu, the popularity of the 5696. The Grave Memories Tour had a great turnout as people walked and listened
Coal Branch area, and much of the to the guides at the event on September 26. photo Éllie Walter
Operation Christmas Child Program
Operation Christmas Child shoebox program will take place this year.
You can pack a box online at
or if you want to pack an actual box please call
Augustine at 780-723-3050 for more information.
Shoeboxes will be picked up on November 14.