Page 15 - October 5 2020
P. 15
Includes process colour pages 1,4,5,7,10,11,14,15,18,20,21,24

A 'sticky situation' at the Galloway

Museum in support of Culture Days

by Jordan Rae wanted. across Canada in-person where possible, and
Submissions included everything from poetry online."
It's not uncommon to find sticky notes around and doodles, to simple "[artist's name] was here" The Sticky Note Community Art Show was on
any workplace, and for the month of September the messages, to inspirational quotes. One note read, display all September long.
Galloway Station Museum has been no different. In "You have to be willing to get happy about
this case, though, these sticky notes held even more nothing." Another showcased a doodle of Mickey
purpose than just a reminder. Mouse. Edson Food Bank
The Museum came up with a great way to Gift Shop and Travel Center Manager Nicole
Pet of the Week celebrate Canada's annual Culture Days: with a Fossheim organized the show and made the choice Appointment phone line
Pet of the Week
to do a sticky note community art piece. "I was
Call for information 712-6788
Call for information 712-6788 Sticky Note Community Art Show. looking for a way we could help celebrate Culture
www. The promotional poster for the Community Art
Email: Show stated, "Generally, we try to inspire people to Days, and with all the COVID restrictions I thought 780.725.3185
think big, but this year we are asking you to think it would be good to have small pieces people could
Awesome Ash is looking for an adult lap to curl small." Edsonites were asked to put their creativity contribute on their own, to a larger group project," Edson Food Bank hours are
up in. Ash is nearly 3 year old fluffy male kitty onto standard sized sticky notes, which were then she said.
who is a bit unsure of those young kiddo types displayed as a collective community art piece on a According to the official Culture Days 2020 every Tuesday 9am to 11am
and is looking for a mature establishment to call much larger collage canvas for all to enjoy. website, this year's events were adjusted somewhat and the
his own. Ash likes to give hugs and is all purrs Submissions were collected August 31 through to keep the celebration alive. The site read,
when it comes to a good snuggle. Fill out an "Reimagined to engage and delight despite the Second and Last
adoption form on and September 30, and according to the poster, the only times, Culture Days has extended beyond the
add Ash to your family. rule was, "There are no rules." Participating artists Thursdays of the month
could also submit as many sticky notes as they traditional weekend to a four-week interactive,
immersive arts and culture experience happening from 6:45 to 8pm
EARS is still facilitating adoptions during the pandemic-- send us a Event Reminder
message, give us a call or find us on Facebook to learn more. We need
you more than ever! Please call Mondays to
Sponsored by: A collection of May 9: For mental health week, join
submitted sticky note make an appointment for the Town of Edson for Darkness to
413 50 St., art pieces by Tuesday mornings. Light – Mental Health Awareness. Join
413 50 St.,
Edsonites was on the community and place luminaries or
780-723-6220 display at the
Galloway Station Please call Thursdays to a simple candle outside your home to
Museum and Travel u n i t e f o r a l i g h t a t d a w n
Center throughout the make an appointment for (approximately 5:10 am).
month of September. the two Thursday evenings
photo Jordan Rae
that we're open.

Edson Recycle Depot

Come join us "we are back again" on
Wednesday October 7, 2020

for Seniors Day

at the Recycle Depot

Enjoy some

refreshments, snacks,

luncheon items, and let us

take care

of your recyclables!

Edson Recycle Depot 10:00 am to 1:00 pm

For more info 780-723-1603
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