Page 22 - October 7, 2019
P. 22
he Weekly ANCHOR
Farm & Fieldarm & Field
News and Views
News and Views
T he Weekly ANCHOR
Farm & Fieldarm & Field PATTERSON’S PART SUPPLY
News and Views
News and Views 780-728-8803 5711 2nd Avenue, Edson
780-728-8803 5711 2nd Avenue, Edson
STARS Air Ambulance updates Town Council
by Cassie Kushniruk This year, we had a sellout once
again, so we're so grateful for the
During Town Council's regular support we've received from
meeting on October 1, STARS' Senior Albertans.”
Municipal Relations Liaison Glenda “About 90% of all [Albertan] rural
Farnden presented an update to municipalities are making an annual
Council with respect to STARS Air contribution, like yourselves, through
Ambulance Services. recognizing STARS as part of their
“We are going to be crossing 35 emergency protective services for Trade issues the focus
years of being in Alberta and we their residents,” said Farnden. “It's
couldn't do it without leaders like currently generating $1.8 million per
yourselves and all Albertans across year in sustainable funding for us to photo Cassie Kushniruk at agriculture meeting
the province,” Farnden began. be able to have three bases within STARS' Senior Municipal Relations Liaison Glenda Farnden presented an
Farnden mentioned that STARS will Alberta.” Farnden also mentioned update to Town Council on October 1 regarding STARS Air Ambulance
be in Edson on November 19 for that STARS can now be accessed Services. During the presentation, Farnden presented the Town of Edson with The Federal, Provincial, and the middle of a bunch of
critical care training with the local throughout all of Western Canada. a plaque welcoming them to STARS' municipal initiative program. Territorial (FPT) Ministers of international fights that have
physicians and nurses at the Edson Last year, Farnden presented to grant to pay for 5 helicopters to cover experience, our family has used Agriculture concluded their two- nothing to do with them. The
Healthcare Centre Council concerning STARS' fleet Western Canada. [STARS] and it sure made a day annual meeting in Quebec industry needs the federal
Currently, STARS is in a 10-year replacement project, which is still in In addition to the $20 million that difference in our lives. What I like is City on July 19. government to pay attention to
affiliation agreement with Alberta the works. “Our helicopters are all 35 needs to be found every year in even if the municipalities or counties During the meeting, the impacts of the current trade
Health Services (AHS), which is due years old,” she said. “Last year we funding, STARS is also in a capital don't get on board or give you any Agriculture and Forestry Minister issues on Alberta’s supply chain,”
to expire next year. Farnden assured had some challenges because we've campaign for the remaining two money, you still fly out to their sites.” Devin Dreeshen strongly stated Devin Dreeshen, Minister
Council that STARS is in the highest discovered that the BK 117s have helicopters, which is projected Bevan asked how STARS chooses recommended the federal of Agriculture and Forestry.
level of conversation with AHS as to been phased out of production.” between $26-$30 million. their medi-vacs. Farnden stated that
where they will go from here. “We thought we were facing a $117 Farnden thanked the Town of Edson STARS requires a high level of government take urgent action to Quick facts
“Normally, AHS has always been at million capital campaign, and then in for their continued leadership and expertise from all employees, “Most provide support to the agriculture India is a significant market for
20% government funding for that December of last year, the support, “We really appreciate not of our pilots are ex-military and industry in the short and long Alberta pulses such as dried peas
block $7 million per year,” she said. Saskatchewan government announced only your dedication to Edson they're usually looking for more of a term. and lentils, totalling $28 million
“Earlier on this year, they gave us a that they would not only sign a 10- residents but your dedication to your family type of schedule and we can The industry is currently as of 2018.
$2 million top up for additional costs. year affiliation agreement for 50% municipal neighbors. That is a offer that. Paramedics need to be experiencing numerous trade Until recently, Alberta’s durum
It is very much a united effort as we government funding, but that they commitment to everyone having advanced life support paramedics and issues across several markets wheat exports to the EU averaged
work together.” would also pay for one helicopter at quality of life.” need to have 5 years of experience. including: $67 million, with Italy
Even with AHS' funding, Farnden $13 million,” Farnden continued. Farnden then presented a plaque to Nurses have to have emergency Restrictive practices involving accounting for an average of $47
stated that there is still $20 million “This led AHS in March of this year the Town welcoming them to STARS' critical care experience. Once they fumigation requirements and million (70 per cent). In 2018,
that needs to be found every year. “Of saying that they would pay for one municipal initiative program. “We are hired, we put them through quota restrictions on pulse crop Alberta’s durum exports to the
that, the single largest funding source helicopter for Alberta.” hope this small token of appreciation STARS Academy, which is an even imports with India. EU dropped to $22 million, the
is the STARS lottery,” she said. “We Farnden added that although the can show your residents that you are higher level of critical care training, PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE Negative ramifications of lowest value since 2002.
are the only charitable lottery in federal government previously doing something special for their and then they buddy up with someone Country of Origin Labelling In 2018, Alberta’s agrifood
Canada that had a sellout for 23 years viewed STARS as a provincial entity, safety and quality of life.” for several months before they're Professional Digital Passport System photos (COOL) on durum wheat exports exports to China totalled $2.6
straight. The last two years we did not they have now recognized STARS Councillor Trevor Bevan actually allowed to fly. It is the ready in minutes while you wait... to Italy. billion, with canola seed
and it really had hurt us quite a bit. and have given them a $65 million commented, “From personal highest level of critical care training.” Continued trade tension accounting for $812 million.
between Canada and China, with Last year, pork was Alberta’s
Yellowhead County Fire Department's new Pumper Tanker China blocking Canadian canola sixth-largest agriculture export in
value – we exported $492 million
from entering its market due to
by Brianne Benson The new pumper tanker is “a This new apparatus holds 3,600 new emissions standards in an effort an alleged pest issue and its worth of pork products to more
modernized version of the truck it's gallons of water, and has a 1,500 to restrict carbon and make trucks customs agency planning to than 20 nations.
The Yellowhead County Fire replacing, now with a pump and a gallon per minute pump. The more environmentally friendly. increase inspections of Canadian Wheat and barley accounted
Department's new Pumper Tanker bigger tank that will be utilized for previous truck held less than half the pork and pork product imports. for more than 93 per cent of
truck was delivered to Station 12 in the protection of the citizens in the capacity of water and had Continuation of Saudi Arabia’s Alberta’s agrifood exports to
Edson on September 17. community,” said Bahri. no pump. It also meets ban on trade with Canada, Saudi Arabia between 2014 and
The Fire Chief in Yellowhead including wheat and barley. 2017.
Professional Digital
County, Albert Bahri, explained that “Alberta farmers are caught in Professional Digital
each apparatus in their fleet has a
Passport System
cyclical replacement schedule. “As Passport System
trucks age out over that 20-25-year
mark we have to replace them”. In the SEMINAR for photos ready
photos ready
past the time cycle was 15 years, but
this was changed so that the SHEEP & GOAT OWNERS
in minutes
department could get more life out of in minutes
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
the trucks before replacing them. Tuesday, October 15, 2019
while you wait...
The process normally takes two while you wait...
7 p.m. at the Peers Multiplex
years from the time they receive 7 p.m. at the Peers Multiplex
approval from the county council to photo submitted DROP IN AND SEE!ROP IN AND SEE!
the time the billing process is Yellowhead County Fire Department's new pumper tanker truck The Edson Veterinary Clinic and
completed. creates a more effective fleet to keep the community safe. Mayerthorpe Veterinary Services will 5
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson040 3rd Avenue, Edson
be hosting a seminar for sheep and
Corey Halabi, Director of goat owners in the area. They will be 7
The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor
G Y P S D ' s Tr a n s p o r t a t i o n welcoming Dr. Melanie Wowk from
Services, shows the jurisdiction's T
commitment to rail safety with the Zoetis to talk about vaccination and The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor
addition of rail safety stickers on deworming protocols.
the division's fleet. With him is 5040 3rd Avenue, Edson040 3rd Avenue, Edson
Kirk Gilks, Manager of Train There will be coffee and desserts.
Operations West, for ViaRail
Canada Inc., and Operation Please RSVP Edson Vet Clinic
Lifesaver representative. 7
he Weekly ANCHOR
Farm & Fieldarm & Field
News and Views
News and Views
T he Weekly ANCHOR
Farm & Fieldarm & Field PATTERSON’S PART SUPPLY
News and Views
News and Views 780-728-8803 5711 2nd Avenue, Edson
780-728-8803 5711 2nd Avenue, Edson
STARS Air Ambulance updates Town Council
by Cassie Kushniruk This year, we had a sellout once
again, so we're so grateful for the
During Town Council's regular support we've received from
meeting on October 1, STARS' Senior Albertans.”
Municipal Relations Liaison Glenda “About 90% of all [Albertan] rural
Farnden presented an update to municipalities are making an annual
Council with respect to STARS Air contribution, like yourselves, through
Ambulance Services. recognizing STARS as part of their
“We are going to be crossing 35 emergency protective services for Trade issues the focus
years of being in Alberta and we their residents,” said Farnden. “It's
couldn't do it without leaders like currently generating $1.8 million per
yourselves and all Albertans across year in sustainable funding for us to photo Cassie Kushniruk at agriculture meeting
the province,” Farnden began. be able to have three bases within STARS' Senior Municipal Relations Liaison Glenda Farnden presented an
Farnden mentioned that STARS will Alberta.” Farnden also mentioned update to Town Council on October 1 regarding STARS Air Ambulance
be in Edson on November 19 for that STARS can now be accessed Services. During the presentation, Farnden presented the Town of Edson with The Federal, Provincial, and the middle of a bunch of
critical care training with the local throughout all of Western Canada. a plaque welcoming them to STARS' municipal initiative program. Territorial (FPT) Ministers of international fights that have
physicians and nurses at the Edson Last year, Farnden presented to grant to pay for 5 helicopters to cover experience, our family has used Agriculture concluded their two- nothing to do with them. The
Healthcare Centre Council concerning STARS' fleet Western Canada. [STARS] and it sure made a day annual meeting in Quebec industry needs the federal
Currently, STARS is in a 10-year replacement project, which is still in In addition to the $20 million that difference in our lives. What I like is City on July 19. government to pay attention to
affiliation agreement with Alberta the works. “Our helicopters are all 35 needs to be found every year in even if the municipalities or counties During the meeting, the impacts of the current trade
Health Services (AHS), which is due years old,” she said. “Last year we funding, STARS is also in a capital don't get on board or give you any Agriculture and Forestry Minister issues on Alberta’s supply chain,”
to expire next year. Farnden assured had some challenges because we've campaign for the remaining two money, you still fly out to their sites.” Devin Dreeshen strongly stated Devin Dreeshen, Minister
Council that STARS is in the highest discovered that the BK 117s have helicopters, which is projected Bevan asked how STARS chooses recommended the federal of Agriculture and Forestry.
level of conversation with AHS as to been phased out of production.” between $26-$30 million. their medi-vacs. Farnden stated that
where they will go from here. “We thought we were facing a $117 Farnden thanked the Town of Edson STARS requires a high level of government take urgent action to Quick facts
“Normally, AHS has always been at million capital campaign, and then in for their continued leadership and expertise from all employees, “Most provide support to the agriculture India is a significant market for
20% government funding for that December of last year, the support, “We really appreciate not of our pilots are ex-military and industry in the short and long Alberta pulses such as dried peas
block $7 million per year,” she said. Saskatchewan government announced only your dedication to Edson they're usually looking for more of a term. and lentils, totalling $28 million
“Earlier on this year, they gave us a that they would not only sign a 10- residents but your dedication to your family type of schedule and we can The industry is currently as of 2018.
$2 million top up for additional costs. year affiliation agreement for 50% municipal neighbors. That is a offer that. Paramedics need to be experiencing numerous trade Until recently, Alberta’s durum
It is very much a united effort as we government funding, but that they commitment to everyone having advanced life support paramedics and issues across several markets wheat exports to the EU averaged
work together.” would also pay for one helicopter at quality of life.” need to have 5 years of experience. including: $67 million, with Italy
Even with AHS' funding, Farnden $13 million,” Farnden continued. Farnden then presented a plaque to Nurses have to have emergency Restrictive practices involving accounting for an average of $47
stated that there is still $20 million “This led AHS in March of this year the Town welcoming them to STARS' critical care experience. Once they fumigation requirements and million (70 per cent). In 2018,
that needs to be found every year. “Of saying that they would pay for one municipal initiative program. “We are hired, we put them through quota restrictions on pulse crop Alberta’s durum exports to the
that, the single largest funding source helicopter for Alberta.” hope this small token of appreciation STARS Academy, which is an even imports with India. EU dropped to $22 million, the
is the STARS lottery,” she said. “We Farnden added that although the can show your residents that you are higher level of critical care training, PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE Negative ramifications of lowest value since 2002.
are the only charitable lottery in federal government previously doing something special for their and then they buddy up with someone Country of Origin Labelling In 2018, Alberta’s agrifood
Canada that had a sellout for 23 years viewed STARS as a provincial entity, safety and quality of life.” for several months before they're Professional Digital Passport System photos (COOL) on durum wheat exports exports to China totalled $2.6
straight. The last two years we did not they have now recognized STARS Councillor Trevor Bevan actually allowed to fly. It is the ready in minutes while you wait... to Italy. billion, with canola seed
and it really had hurt us quite a bit. and have given them a $65 million commented, “From personal highest level of critical care training.” Continued trade tension accounting for $812 million.
between Canada and China, with Last year, pork was Alberta’s
Yellowhead County Fire Department's new Pumper Tanker China blocking Canadian canola sixth-largest agriculture export in
value – we exported $492 million
from entering its market due to
by Brianne Benson The new pumper tanker is “a This new apparatus holds 3,600 new emissions standards in an effort an alleged pest issue and its worth of pork products to more
modernized version of the truck it's gallons of water, and has a 1,500 to restrict carbon and make trucks customs agency planning to than 20 nations.
The Yellowhead County Fire replacing, now with a pump and a gallon per minute pump. The more environmentally friendly. increase inspections of Canadian Wheat and barley accounted
Department's new Pumper Tanker bigger tank that will be utilized for previous truck held less than half the pork and pork product imports. for more than 93 per cent of
truck was delivered to Station 12 in the protection of the citizens in the capacity of water and had Continuation of Saudi Arabia’s Alberta’s agrifood exports to
Edson on September 17. community,” said Bahri. no pump. It also meets ban on trade with Canada, Saudi Arabia between 2014 and
The Fire Chief in Yellowhead including wheat and barley. 2017.
Professional Digital
County, Albert Bahri, explained that “Alberta farmers are caught in Professional Digital
each apparatus in their fleet has a
Passport System
cyclical replacement schedule. “As Passport System
trucks age out over that 20-25-year
mark we have to replace them”. In the SEMINAR for photos ready
photos ready
past the time cycle was 15 years, but
this was changed so that the SHEEP & GOAT OWNERS
in minutes
department could get more life out of in minutes
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
the trucks before replacing them. Tuesday, October 15, 2019
while you wait...
The process normally takes two while you wait...
7 p.m. at the Peers Multiplex
years from the time they receive 7 p.m. at the Peers Multiplex
approval from the county council to photo submitted DROP IN AND SEE!ROP IN AND SEE!
the time the billing process is Yellowhead County Fire Department's new pumper tanker truck The Edson Veterinary Clinic and
completed. creates a more effective fleet to keep the community safe. Mayerthorpe Veterinary Services will 5
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson040 3rd Avenue, Edson
be hosting a seminar for sheep and
Corey Halabi, Director of goat owners in the area. They will be 7
The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor
G Y P S D ' s Tr a n s p o r t a t i o n welcoming Dr. Melanie Wowk from
Services, shows the jurisdiction's T
commitment to rail safety with the Zoetis to talk about vaccination and The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor
addition of rail safety stickers on deworming protocols.
the division's fleet. With him is 5040 3rd Avenue, Edson040 3rd Avenue, Edson
Kirk Gilks, Manager of Train There will be coffee and desserts.
Operations West, for ViaRail
Canada Inc., and Operation Please RSVP Edson Vet Clinic
Lifesaver representative. 7