Page 20 - October 7, 2019
P. 20
for kids
Parkland and Mary Bergeron flash-mob s CHOOL

surprise crowd for Alberta Cultural Days Times

by Trish Day -PCHS instruction of MBE teacher Amy Wesolowsky.
Students learned the choreography quickly and
The crowd clapped along as PCHS and MBE had a good time perfecting their moves. The end
students performed a surprise flash mob at the result was a fun experience for all students
s UMMER Galloway Station Museum on Sunday, involved. This was a great way for students to
September 29 for Alberta Cultural Days. As soon get involved in our community and show support
for local events. Even PCHS mascot 'Cobalt'
as the music began, students emerged from the
Fun for Kids crowd to form an impressive 60-person mob joined the mob to get his grove on.
A big thank you to teachers from both schools,
dancing to the song 'Anthem' by Alberta artist
Amy Wesolowsky from MBE, and Danette
Brett Kissel.
Dickson from PCHS for making this team a huge
Grade 4 and 5 students from Mary Bergeron
teamed up with grades 9 through 12 from success! Parkland's Performing Arts class has
Parkland's Performing Arts class to rehearse many more exciting performances planned
earlier that week on Tuesday to learn the throughout the semester, including the return of Parkland and Mary Bergeron students surprise the
choreography in the Parkland gym under the our Haunted House before Halloween, and our crowd at the Galloway Station on September 29
yearly school musical in February. during Alberta Cultural Days with a flash-mob and
choreographed dance they learned. submitted
Annual Pine Grove Walk-A-Thon raises over 13k

by Shaylyn Thornton the Walk-A-Thon is “super weather
Over 350 students Grades 6-8 The original plan for the event was
participated in Pine Grove's Annual that it would be a walk down
Walk-A-Thon fundraiser on Grande Prairie Trail, with a lunch
September 26. halfway through at the Trail Hall.
The Walk-A-Thon aims to raise The day of, the school decided to
money for extracurricular activities, move the event to the trails behind
events, and helps with things like Parkland School.
booking buses for field trips. “We weren't really sure what the
“Basically anything that isn't weather was going to do, and at
covered within the budget, the Trail Hall there isn't really a place
Walk-A-Thon money can help or shelter for the students to warm
with,” said Grade 7/8 teacher up during their lunch,” said
Christa Coubrough. “It all goes Assistant Principal Helen Payette
right back to the students. regarding the change.
Coubrough along with fellow Payette noted that the group would All of the students from Pine Grove School participated in their Annual Walk-
teacher Georges Davi-Digui do two full loops of the Parkland A-Thon on September 26. The students are all Grades 6-8. photo submitted
organized the Walk-A-Thon and trails, then take a break for lunch
made sure everything was in place before doing another two full loops. the food order, and Husky donated The incentive is a great offering
for the event to go through, though Each loop is approximately 2km the use of their barbeque for the for the kids, as students worked
Coubrough was quick to note that and takes about a half hour to event. hard and raised over $13,000 for the
“it takes a team.” complete. The Walk-A-Thon also offers school this year. “Last year was
With any large event, challenges The 8km got them close to the incentives for the kids participating. about $10,000,” said Coubrough.
in planning are sure to arise. Getting 9km walk that the Grande Prairie A trophy case of prizes was in the “The more we raise, the more we
all the forms in and having all of the Trail usually is and kept them close front lobby of the school, full of can improve different programs for
IT’S BACK necessary information from students to the school in case the weather items like board games, sports the school.
TO SCHOOL is a big job, and multiple people suddenly shifted. equipment, jerseys, water bottles, Certainly, this money will help
WATCH FOR work to make sure the event is The lunch in between was a nice and more. make a difference for a number of
SCHOOL covered on the administration side. break for the students, as they “The kid who raises the most programs this school year at Pine
Grove. As one student of
Other challenges include making
ZONES! sure that there are enough aides for enjoyed a great meal prepared by money gets to pick a prize first, Coubrough’s remarked, “The Walk-
then second gets to pick, and so
some of the school's staff.
high needs children, and of course Independent Grocers assisted with on,” said Coubrough. A-Thon is amazing!”


Career and Post Secondary Fair at Parkland School
submitted Trish Day -PCHS students. The fair is to give students potentially immediate employment may want to further investigate in
an idea of possible employers around or even for careers that a student their future.
Parkland Composite High School Edson and elsewhere, and for
is proud to present their annual
Career Fair & Post-Secondary
Event on Wednesday, October 16. KID’S CORNER
Many vendors will be in attendance,
and final numbers are still being Meet Sawyer Scott! Sawyer is a grade-four
confirmed. Mary Bergeron student who loves history.
From 9 am to 11:30 am, the He has a little sister named Leah, and his
Educational Association for favourite food is Greek salad with
Alberta's post-secondary vendors meatballs. (Which is his own creation he
will set up booths for students to calls Mr. Delicious pasta!) If Sawyer could
peruse, ask questions, and to see have any super power it would be super
what sparks their interests. speed and stretch! Sawyer's favourite
Accommodating many post-
secondary schools in one location holiday destination would be Las Vegas or
allows students to engage with the Disneyland.
individuals/schools and to make a Kid’s Corner is sponsor
Kid’s Corner is sponsored by:ed by:
better informed decision on what
Sand & Gravel Sales/Haulingand & Gravel Sales/Hauling
their post-secondary journey could S
look like.
Quality W
In the afternoon, from 1pm to 2:30 Students get the opportunity asks Quality Workork
pm, our Career Fair will be open to questions and visit many booths to see Serving Edson & District Since 1974
Serving Edson & District Since 1974
what sparks their interests. submitted
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