Page 4 - October 7, 2019
P. 4
Culture Days events
hosted at Edson Library
by Shaylyn Thornton girls. He was so enthusiastic, making
sure all three participated,” said Boyce.
The Edson & District Public “Then he very patiently waited
Library hosted a number of events for because one of his daughters really
Alberta Culture Days 2019. wanted to make a second one. And he
On September 28, they hosted a made one too.”
LEGO Block Party in the library area, Boyce's favorite part of Culture
and the Edson Craft Centre Potter's Days is that they get to be a part of
Guild and Art Club held an event keeping the community interested in A group of young boys enjoyed the LEGO Block Party at the Edson Library on
complete with tours, pottery demos, art. Since Culture Days first began in September 28. Pictured are, from left: Joaquin Gomez, Andrew Gomez, Dayin
Mitchell, Billy Martel, and Tristan Mitchell. photo Shaylyn Thornton
craft making, and more. 2010, Edson was one of the first
The LEGO Block Party saw communities to sign up for it, with less
approximately 210 guests come than three dozen communities
through the door, with people of all participating the first year.
ages taking part in building and Boyce is happy to see the town
creating with LEGO pieces. supporting Culture Days and is proud
The Library has offered a LEGO to have been a part of it since day one.
party as a part of Alberta Culture Days Moving over into the Potter's Guild
for a few years now, as they see it as a area, kids and parents were gathered
great way to get people involved in around a table, modelling clay into
creating. “LEGO is accessible to different shapes. The shapes would be
everyone,” said organizer Melissa used together to create an adorable
Gagne. “You never know what it will owl, which the volunteers at the event
inspire people to create. Both kids and would then glue a magnet to, so that : Kids and parents worked on creating owl magnets out of air-dry modelling clay during
adults love it.” kids could hang it on their fridge at the Edson Craft Center and Potter's Guild Culture Days event on September 28. photo
The Library actually has a LEGO home. Shaylyn Thornton
table that is available for people to use Annette McGill, Education
at any time, and they like being able to Coordinator with the Edson Craft
promote that during the event as well. Centre was fantastic with the children, P
The party also offered the chance to taking time to help them choose colors
win door prizes, with Harry Potter and and showing them how to form the clay Sponsored by Jiffy Lube
Lord of the Rings LEGO prize packs into the different shapes.
available, to tie into a literary theme. McGill noted that normally classes
The Library loves being a part of would use pottery clay and a kiln to
Culture Days, and Gagne noted that finish them, but they used air dry clay
literature is an important part in for the event so that children could take
keeping up with different cultures. them home right away.
“At the library, there is a space for A board with step by step
everyone,” she said. “Everyone is instructions was also available, which
welcome to be creative and learn about was a good thing because the room was
other cultures.” very busy.
“To me, culture is being part of a Approximately 55 people of all Edson's Senior's Drop In Centre
community, and getting to know your ages made their way through the room,
neighbors,” Gagne continued. “To be some participating in the owl magnet Located at 4836 7th Avenue
creative, and to find inspiration.” making, and others enjoying watching Call - 780-723-5777
Gagne noted that the Edson Library the pottery demos by some of the
has been working on their own culture members of the Guild. Office Hours: Monday to Thursday - 9 am to 4 pm.
lately, and wanting to change the way McGill enjoys taking part in No Cabin Fever Here - October Activities
people view libraries in general. Culture Days and recognizes the
“We want to get away from that importance of promoting the art of OCTOBER 4: Jamboree
sterile environment. We are loud and clay. “The art of pottery can be fun for OCTOBER 5: 60th Anniversary for Alf & Elaine Weisser
we are messy,” she laughed. “The anyone,” she said, noting that her OCTOBER 8: Canada Revenue Agency/will speak about Senior Benefits
Library really can be known as a favorite part of any art event or class is
community hub.” “seeing the joy on children's faces at Soup/Sandwich -
Across the hall at the Library, the when they get to create something.” OCTOBER 18: General Meeting
Edson Craft Center and Art Club held Certainly, what was evident OCTOBER 22: Fraud Prevention Speaker/ at Soup/Sandwich
their own events. The three groups throughout the Culture Days events at OCTOBER 25: Halloween Tea starts at 2.00 pm
coordinated to be able to offer more to the library was the love for art by the OCTOBER 25: Singing Sawyer & His Band starts at 7.00 pm - free
people at the same time. “We've kind of many volunteers that make events like evening of entertainment / with snacks
worked together over the years,” said these possible. Their infectious energy
Gagne. makes a huge difference for the guests OCTOBER 26: Crib Tournament stats at 1.00 pm
Walking into the arts center, groups stopping by, and has a lasting impact on Cabin Rentals and Catering Available - New Memberships Welcome.
of people were seen working on a craft arts and culture in our community.
called bleedable tissue paper with wax Please call the Cabin between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. Monday, Tuesday,
resist. The technique Wednesday or Thursday. The Cabin also prepares frozen meals for
involves using colorful ALL CANDIDATES purchase.
tissue paper, water, and
negative space to create The cabin is a great place to stay involved with your community,
beautiful designs. FORUM socialize and do so many activities. They are always hosting different
Approximately 55 activities each month, so please stay tuned for up coming events.
people participated in the Thursday,
craft, taking home their
own unique pieces of art. October 10, 2019
“I researched what would We Change More Than Just Your Motor Oil ...
be a good project,” said Let us Tune-Up Your Fuel System!
Sonja Boyce, Art Club 7 p.m.
Treasurer. “This was fun * Transmission Fluid * Cooling System Fluid * Driveline Fluids
and effective, bright and to be held at the WARRANTY APPROVED - NO APPOINTMENTS NECESSARY
colorful. It was good for Galloway Station Museum
kids, but adults could do it,
too.” 223 55 Street, Edson
Of the 55 people, quite Hosted by:
a few chose to make more
than one because it was so 5220 4 Avenue
much fun to create. “One Edson, AB Ph: 712-5333
father brought three little Fax: 712-5358
Culture Days events
hosted at Edson Library
by Shaylyn Thornton girls. He was so enthusiastic, making
sure all three participated,” said Boyce.
The Edson & District Public “Then he very patiently waited
Library hosted a number of events for because one of his daughters really
Alberta Culture Days 2019. wanted to make a second one. And he
On September 28, they hosted a made one too.”
LEGO Block Party in the library area, Boyce's favorite part of Culture
and the Edson Craft Centre Potter's Days is that they get to be a part of
Guild and Art Club held an event keeping the community interested in A group of young boys enjoyed the LEGO Block Party at the Edson Library on
complete with tours, pottery demos, art. Since Culture Days first began in September 28. Pictured are, from left: Joaquin Gomez, Andrew Gomez, Dayin
Mitchell, Billy Martel, and Tristan Mitchell. photo Shaylyn Thornton
craft making, and more. 2010, Edson was one of the first
The LEGO Block Party saw communities to sign up for it, with less
approximately 210 guests come than three dozen communities
through the door, with people of all participating the first year.
ages taking part in building and Boyce is happy to see the town
creating with LEGO pieces. supporting Culture Days and is proud
The Library has offered a LEGO to have been a part of it since day one.
party as a part of Alberta Culture Days Moving over into the Potter's Guild
for a few years now, as they see it as a area, kids and parents were gathered
great way to get people involved in around a table, modelling clay into
creating. “LEGO is accessible to different shapes. The shapes would be
everyone,” said organizer Melissa used together to create an adorable
Gagne. “You never know what it will owl, which the volunteers at the event
inspire people to create. Both kids and would then glue a magnet to, so that : Kids and parents worked on creating owl magnets out of air-dry modelling clay during
adults love it.” kids could hang it on their fridge at the Edson Craft Center and Potter's Guild Culture Days event on September 28. photo
The Library actually has a LEGO home. Shaylyn Thornton
table that is available for people to use Annette McGill, Education
at any time, and they like being able to Coordinator with the Edson Craft
promote that during the event as well. Centre was fantastic with the children, P
The party also offered the chance to taking time to help them choose colors
win door prizes, with Harry Potter and and showing them how to form the clay Sponsored by Jiffy Lube
Lord of the Rings LEGO prize packs into the different shapes.
available, to tie into a literary theme. McGill noted that normally classes
The Library loves being a part of would use pottery clay and a kiln to
Culture Days, and Gagne noted that finish them, but they used air dry clay
literature is an important part in for the event so that children could take
keeping up with different cultures. them home right away.
“At the library, there is a space for A board with step by step
everyone,” she said. “Everyone is instructions was also available, which
welcome to be creative and learn about was a good thing because the room was
other cultures.” very busy.
“To me, culture is being part of a Approximately 55 people of all Edson's Senior's Drop In Centre
community, and getting to know your ages made their way through the room,
neighbors,” Gagne continued. “To be some participating in the owl magnet Located at 4836 7th Avenue
creative, and to find inspiration.” making, and others enjoying watching Call - 780-723-5777
Gagne noted that the Edson Library the pottery demos by some of the
has been working on their own culture members of the Guild. Office Hours: Monday to Thursday - 9 am to 4 pm.
lately, and wanting to change the way McGill enjoys taking part in No Cabin Fever Here - October Activities
people view libraries in general. Culture Days and recognizes the
“We want to get away from that importance of promoting the art of OCTOBER 4: Jamboree
sterile environment. We are loud and clay. “The art of pottery can be fun for OCTOBER 5: 60th Anniversary for Alf & Elaine Weisser
we are messy,” she laughed. “The anyone,” she said, noting that her OCTOBER 8: Canada Revenue Agency/will speak about Senior Benefits
Library really can be known as a favorite part of any art event or class is
community hub.” “seeing the joy on children's faces at Soup/Sandwich -
Across the hall at the Library, the when they get to create something.” OCTOBER 18: General Meeting
Edson Craft Center and Art Club held Certainly, what was evident OCTOBER 22: Fraud Prevention Speaker/ at Soup/Sandwich
their own events. The three groups throughout the Culture Days events at OCTOBER 25: Halloween Tea starts at 2.00 pm
coordinated to be able to offer more to the library was the love for art by the OCTOBER 25: Singing Sawyer & His Band starts at 7.00 pm - free
people at the same time. “We've kind of many volunteers that make events like evening of entertainment / with snacks
worked together over the years,” said these possible. Their infectious energy
Gagne. makes a huge difference for the guests OCTOBER 26: Crib Tournament stats at 1.00 pm
Walking into the arts center, groups stopping by, and has a lasting impact on Cabin Rentals and Catering Available - New Memberships Welcome.
of people were seen working on a craft arts and culture in our community.
called bleedable tissue paper with wax Please call the Cabin between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. Monday, Tuesday,
resist. The technique Wednesday or Thursday. The Cabin also prepares frozen meals for
involves using colorful ALL CANDIDATES purchase.
tissue paper, water, and
negative space to create The cabin is a great place to stay involved with your community,
beautiful designs. FORUM socialize and do so many activities. They are always hosting different
Approximately 55 activities each month, so please stay tuned for up coming events.
people participated in the Thursday,
craft, taking home their
own unique pieces of art. October 10, 2019
“I researched what would We Change More Than Just Your Motor Oil ...
be a good project,” said Let us Tune-Up Your Fuel System!
Sonja Boyce, Art Club 7 p.m.
Treasurer. “This was fun * Transmission Fluid * Cooling System Fluid * Driveline Fluids
and effective, bright and to be held at the WARRANTY APPROVED - NO APPOINTMENTS NECESSARY
colorful. It was good for Galloway Station Museum
kids, but adults could do it,
too.” 223 55 Street, Edson
Of the 55 people, quite Hosted by:
a few chose to make more
than one because it was so 5220 4 Avenue
much fun to create. “One Edson, AB Ph: 712-5333
father brought three little Fax: 712-5358