Page 8 - October 7, 2019
P. 8
Edson Legion hosts Joe Wynne Centenary Celebration
by Dawn Olsvik
On the day before Joe Wynne
would have turned 100, a gathering
took place at the Edson Legion to
celebrate the birthday of the Branch
51's namesake. Wynne's four
surviving children, Harold,
Lorraine, Michael, and Maryanne
and one of his grandchildren,
Chelsea, were in attendance on
September 29, as well as other
relatives, old friends and colleagues.
Granddaughter Chelsea Wynne
(Michael's daughter) said, “It was so
fun to meet people and listen to the
stories about my Grandpa that I
never got to meet.”
A neighbor of Joe Wynne's, Alf
Weisser, said, “We were involved
with their family for years. I met
him because my brother and dad
fixed the foundation of the house he
lived in behind the Legion. Later we
all moved out to the Grande Prairie
trail. My wife Elaine and Joe's wife
Irene along with the other ladies of
the neighborhood, had a coffee
clutch for years and they would plan Joe Wynne's children and long time friend Florence Browne on September 29 during the Edson Legion's celebration
birthdays and such.” of the 100th birthday of the Branch's namesake. Left to right are Harold, Maryanne, Florence, Lorraine, and Michael.
photo Dawn Olsvik
Weisser continued,” Joe was
always there to help, he was not the time of black outs. That is when him – You're dead! He replied – oh avenues with many different people.
there as a government official to he told us about the song 'When the no! What did I do now! I then had You couldn't be around him and not
impose any kind of ruling, no he Lights go on Again, All Over the to explain to him what had become a better person. It was
was there to help you. He had a World' by Vera Lynn.” happened.” emotional to come today, to see his
good reputation. Them [sic] were “He came back after the war to Browne added, “Joe was known kids. Lots of shared tears and
the good old days and we are the Halifax and then took a train west. and liked by everyone. The exceptionally happy memories.”
last of the old neighborhood left out He never went on the ocean again. Indigenous people had a Sun Dance Legion volunteers estimate that
there.” He always said it wasn't like the out at Medicine Lodge and he was pancakes and sausage were served
Randy Hexter, a nephew of Joe movies – no big heroes, they were always an honored guest. His to about 250 people.
Wynne's, donated a picture he just surviving.” He continued, “The friendship extended in many, many
painted as a silent auction item with Legion was not named after my dad
proceeds going to the Legion. Joe's for his heroics in wartime – it was
daughter Lorraine said, “Randy named after him for all the good he
surprised us all with this painting did here after the war.”
today as a tribute to dad. They were Florence Browne, a long-time
close – Randy even lived with us for friend and colleague of Wynne's
a time.” was also in attendance. Her favorite
Son Michael told of some stories story was about Joe literally giving
they heard as children. “Dad didn't away the sweater on his back to a
talk much about the war. Dad said I less fortunate soul. “Another funny
can't swim so why not join the story is one-time Joe went to Peers
Navy? If I get blown up in the to help someone with a will.
Atlantic, I'll freeze to death anyway. Another fellow, who was quite deaf,
He did many crossings of the was sure he heard on the radio that
Atlantic on escort duty – sometimes Joe had passed away. In the matter
out of Boston or New York. He even of a few hours the news spread like
got to hear Ella Fitzgerald sing live wildfire. People were calling Mr.
– how cool is that? Once he told us Joy, the undertaker, they called me
about going to London by train on at the office, they called Irene, the
leave. He said it was interesting and flower shop called all to find out
kind of spooky to be in a city the when the service would be. When
size of London with no lights – in Joe returned to the office, I said to
Edson Legion hosts Joe Wynne Centenary Celebration
by Dawn Olsvik
On the day before Joe Wynne
would have turned 100, a gathering
took place at the Edson Legion to
celebrate the birthday of the Branch
51's namesake. Wynne's four
surviving children, Harold,
Lorraine, Michael, and Maryanne
and one of his grandchildren,
Chelsea, were in attendance on
September 29, as well as other
relatives, old friends and colleagues.
Granddaughter Chelsea Wynne
(Michael's daughter) said, “It was so
fun to meet people and listen to the
stories about my Grandpa that I
never got to meet.”
A neighbor of Joe Wynne's, Alf
Weisser, said, “We were involved
with their family for years. I met
him because my brother and dad
fixed the foundation of the house he
lived in behind the Legion. Later we
all moved out to the Grande Prairie
trail. My wife Elaine and Joe's wife
Irene along with the other ladies of
the neighborhood, had a coffee
clutch for years and they would plan Joe Wynne's children and long time friend Florence Browne on September 29 during the Edson Legion's celebration
birthdays and such.” of the 100th birthday of the Branch's namesake. Left to right are Harold, Maryanne, Florence, Lorraine, and Michael.
photo Dawn Olsvik
Weisser continued,” Joe was
always there to help, he was not the time of black outs. That is when him – You're dead! He replied – oh avenues with many different people.
there as a government official to he told us about the song 'When the no! What did I do now! I then had You couldn't be around him and not
impose any kind of ruling, no he Lights go on Again, All Over the to explain to him what had become a better person. It was
was there to help you. He had a World' by Vera Lynn.” happened.” emotional to come today, to see his
good reputation. Them [sic] were “He came back after the war to Browne added, “Joe was known kids. Lots of shared tears and
the good old days and we are the Halifax and then took a train west. and liked by everyone. The exceptionally happy memories.”
last of the old neighborhood left out He never went on the ocean again. Indigenous people had a Sun Dance Legion volunteers estimate that
there.” He always said it wasn't like the out at Medicine Lodge and he was pancakes and sausage were served
Randy Hexter, a nephew of Joe movies – no big heroes, they were always an honored guest. His to about 250 people.
Wynne's, donated a picture he just surviving.” He continued, “The friendship extended in many, many
painted as a silent auction item with Legion was not named after my dad
proceeds going to the Legion. Joe's for his heroics in wartime – it was
daughter Lorraine said, “Randy named after him for all the good he
surprised us all with this painting did here after the war.”
today as a tribute to dad. They were Florence Browne, a long-time
close – Randy even lived with us for friend and colleague of Wynne's
a time.” was also in attendance. Her favorite
Son Michael told of some stories story was about Joe literally giving
they heard as children. “Dad didn't away the sweater on his back to a
talk much about the war. Dad said I less fortunate soul. “Another funny
can't swim so why not join the story is one-time Joe went to Peers
Navy? If I get blown up in the to help someone with a will.
Atlantic, I'll freeze to death anyway. Another fellow, who was quite deaf,
He did many crossings of the was sure he heard on the radio that
Atlantic on escort duty – sometimes Joe had passed away. In the matter
out of Boston or New York. He even of a few hours the news spread like
got to hear Ella Fitzgerald sing live wildfire. People were calling Mr.
– how cool is that? Once he told us Joy, the undertaker, they called me
about going to London by train on at the office, they called Irene, the
leave. He said it was interesting and flower shop called all to find out
kind of spooky to be in a city the when the service would be. When
size of London with no lights – in Joe returned to the office, I said to