Page 7 - September 16, 2019
P. 7
The Weekly Anchor
THE WEEKLY ANCHOR MONDAY SEPTEMBER 16, 2019 PAGE 7 Your Local Independent Newspaper
T he Weekly ANCHOR 6,292 Audited Circulation
Comment Canadian Publication Mail Number - 40014221
OFFICE HOURS: Mon - Thurs 9:00 am to 5:00 p.m.
Fri.: 9:00 am to 3:00 p.m.
Writ is dropped... CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEADLINES: Tuesday, Noon
Published by: 422247 Alberta Ltd.
Member of the
P.O. Box 6870, T7E 1V2
Canada's 2019 Mario Dion found Edson & District 5040 3rd Avenue, Edson, Alberta Media Circulation
Telephone: (780) 723-5787
Fax: (780) 723-5725
federal election From the that Trudeau had Chamber of Email: Weekly Newspapers
campaign is now Publisher’s Desk violated the Conflict Commerce Website: Association
officially Dana McArthur of Interest Act by
underway. trying to urge
On Wednesday morning of Wilson-Raybould to overrule a
September 11, the Governor General decision regarding the Quebec-
of Canada Julie Payette accepted based engineering firm.
Trudeau's request to dissolve the And on Tuesday before the writ
Sue Ann
42nd Parliament, thus launching was dropped, the Globe & Mail Dana McArthur Common Cindy Weisser Kushniruk Mitchener
Canada's 43rd federal election race. reported that the RCMP's probe into Sales Representative Reporter/Office Asst. Reporter
Federal candidates running in the possible obstruction of justice in the
Yellowhead electoral district include SNC-Lavalin affair has been
Conservative Party, Gerald Soroka stymied because the federal
from Yellowhead County; Liberal government won't lift cabinet
Party, Jeremy Hoefsloot from confidentiality for all of the
Edmonton; Green Party, Angelena witnesses.
Conservative Leader Andrew
Riding Update: Satdeo from Edmonton; People's Scheer took aim at this latest
Party of Canada Douglas Galavan
from Drayton Valley; Libertarian development, "Over the next five
Open Letter: Party of Canada Cory Lystang from weeks or so, we're going to be
Mayerthorpe; and the New outlining our vision for the country
Democrats have yet to name a to put more money back in the
candidate as of Sept. 12. pockets of Canadians. But what Letter to the Editor Policy
In a recent Nanos Research poll*, today shows is that you cannot trust
Release: September 10, 2019 the numbers show that the Liberals Justin Trudeau, he will say anything The Weekly Anchor welcomes Letters to the
have a slight lead heading into the to cover up the scandals, and he'll Editor
Alberta green-lights MEG Energy project campaign, but there is no clear say anything to get re-elected." the editor-publisher who reserves the right to
All letters are published at the discretion of
Government’s approval of the MEG Energy Surmont development plan
majority government and the
shows its commitment to supporting investment by moving projects forward
Trudeau's Liberal election
in Albertans’ best interests. leadership of the country is now in campaign kicked off with the edit for clarity, length and libel. All letters
This is an important step in the approval process, as it allows MEG Energy the hands of voters. statement, "This fall Canadians once must bear the name of the writer —and must
to proceed to the next stages of development, including making a final Letter to the Editor Currently the Liberals hold 177 again get to vote for the kind of also include the address and telephone
investment decision and applying for other environmental licences and local seats, the Conservatives hold 95, the Canada they want to live in."
area development permits. Media Release: NDP has 39, the Bloc Quebecois has Let's hope that Canadians decided number (which will not be published). The Rachel Notley’s social licence agenda
“Through this approval, we are showing our support for industry-led 10, the Green Party has two seats, that 'the kind of Canada they want to publisher will consider withholding the
investment in Alberta – particularly when the proponent has undertaken Open Letter: and there are eight sitting as live in' is one that doesn't pit East writer’s name from print if there is a legitimate Letter to the Editor Policy
extensive planning and clearly demonstrated its economic viability.” -Sonya independents. A party needs to win against West, and one that doesn't pit case for reprisals. The Weekly Anchor welcomes Letters to the Editor
Savage, Minister of Energy. 170 seats to win a majority Western provinces against each Letters published do not necessarily reflect the All letters are published at the discretion of the editor-publisher who reserves the right
to edit for clarity, length and libel. All letters must bear the name of the writer —and
Before being submitted for government approval, these development plans – My government. other. policies or beliefs of this newspaper. must also include the address and telephone number (which will not be published). The
also known as schemes – require stringent approval by the Alberta Energy ViewPoint The Liberals have been working publisher will consider withholding the writer’s name from print if there is a legitimate
Regulator, which conducts a detailed review of the application. by Adrienne Tait hard to minimize public attention on case for reprisals.
Quick facts the SNC-Lavalin scandal, when last (*A random telephone survey poll of 1,000 Canadians
that is accurate ±3.1 percentage points, plus or minus, 19
- Once operational, the MEG Energy Surmont project will produce month the Ethics Commissioner times out of 20.)
approximately 120,000 barrels of bitumen per day. PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE
- The project will extract bitumen using steam-assisted gravity drainage. Jim Eglinski
- The project is in the Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo, ViewPoint
approximately 80 kilometres south of Fort McMurray. by Cassie Kushniruk MP Yellowhead
Handicap Accessible Edson asks for help making town more accessible
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
by Dana McArthur making our community more accessible for asking that if anyone knows of an
the disabled." accessibility issue they have encountered 780-723-5787 The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor
There is a new group in Edson that formed The group will also be advocating for use to contact them and let them know. "We
MLA just last week called Handicap Accessible of audible signals at frequently used road want to get the word going around asking Views & News
Eric Rosendahl Edson. crossings as well as other accessibility people what we can do to make Edson by Deanna Mitchener
more handicap accessible." They can be
They are a group of people living in Edson improvements in the area.
that have a passion to make the town more Handicap Accessible Edson is currently contacted at 780-723-0393 or on social
accessible for those who have disabilities. media.
"We would like people to take the time to
look around and make sure their sidewalks The Weekly Anchor 6,300 Audited 5040 3rd Avenue, Edson, Alberta Canadian
Published by: 422247 Alberta Ltd.
Media Circulation
are clear of obstructions, hedges, Your Canadian Publication Mail Number - 40014221 Telephone: (780) 723-5787 Audit
P.O. Box 6870, T7E 1V2
overhanging trees, vehicles, and garbage Local Independent Newspaper OFFICE HOURS: Mon - Thurs 9:00 am to 4:30 p.m. Email: Weekly Newspapers
Fax: (780) 723-5725
Fri.: 9:00 am to 3:00 p.m.
cans and are not obstructing access for CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEADLINES: Tuesday, Noon Website: Association
people with mobility issues," said Member of the
spokesperson Martin Sobush. "Those of us Edson & District
CORRECTION who have mobility issues have a hard time Chamber of
Apologies on my behalf to the Edson Cycling Association for a using the sidewalks with these obstacles in Commerce Dana McArthur Sue Ann Cindy Weisser Cassie Deanna
misqoute of projected full cost build of the new Bike Park that is Publisher/Owner Sales Representative Graphics/Layout Reporter/Office Asst. Mitchener
going in out at Willmore. In the last issue my article incorrectly said our way and we appreciate your help
$350,000 when actually it is a $624,000 projected cost for the full
build. Please accept my apologies and I take full blame, not the
Weekly Anchor. Deanna Mitchener
Deanna has a new photo
Jim Eglinski
MP Yellowhead
The Weekly Anchor
THE WEEKLY ANCHOR MONDAY SEPTEMBER 16, 2019 PAGE 7 Your Local Independent Newspaper
T he Weekly ANCHOR 6,292 Audited Circulation
Comment Canadian Publication Mail Number - 40014221
OFFICE HOURS: Mon - Thurs 9:00 am to 5:00 p.m.
Fri.: 9:00 am to 3:00 p.m.
Writ is dropped... CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEADLINES: Tuesday, Noon
Published by: 422247 Alberta Ltd.
Member of the
P.O. Box 6870, T7E 1V2
Canada's 2019 Mario Dion found Edson & District 5040 3rd Avenue, Edson, Alberta Media Circulation
Telephone: (780) 723-5787
Fax: (780) 723-5725
federal election From the that Trudeau had Chamber of Email: Weekly Newspapers
campaign is now Publisher’s Desk violated the Conflict Commerce Website: Association
officially Dana McArthur of Interest Act by
underway. trying to urge
On Wednesday morning of Wilson-Raybould to overrule a
September 11, the Governor General decision regarding the Quebec-
of Canada Julie Payette accepted based engineering firm.
Trudeau's request to dissolve the And on Tuesday before the writ
Sue Ann
42nd Parliament, thus launching was dropped, the Globe & Mail Dana McArthur Common Cindy Weisser Kushniruk Mitchener
Canada's 43rd federal election race. reported that the RCMP's probe into Sales Representative Reporter/Office Asst. Reporter
Federal candidates running in the possible obstruction of justice in the
Yellowhead electoral district include SNC-Lavalin affair has been
Conservative Party, Gerald Soroka stymied because the federal
from Yellowhead County; Liberal government won't lift cabinet
Party, Jeremy Hoefsloot from confidentiality for all of the
Edmonton; Green Party, Angelena witnesses.
Conservative Leader Andrew
Riding Update: Satdeo from Edmonton; People's Scheer took aim at this latest
Party of Canada Douglas Galavan
from Drayton Valley; Libertarian development, "Over the next five
Open Letter: Party of Canada Cory Lystang from weeks or so, we're going to be
Mayerthorpe; and the New outlining our vision for the country
Democrats have yet to name a to put more money back in the
candidate as of Sept. 12. pockets of Canadians. But what Letter to the Editor Policy
In a recent Nanos Research poll*, today shows is that you cannot trust
Release: September 10, 2019 the numbers show that the Liberals Justin Trudeau, he will say anything The Weekly Anchor welcomes Letters to the
have a slight lead heading into the to cover up the scandals, and he'll Editor
Alberta green-lights MEG Energy project campaign, but there is no clear say anything to get re-elected." the editor-publisher who reserves the right to
All letters are published at the discretion of
Government’s approval of the MEG Energy Surmont development plan
majority government and the
shows its commitment to supporting investment by moving projects forward
Trudeau's Liberal election
in Albertans’ best interests. leadership of the country is now in campaign kicked off with the edit for clarity, length and libel. All letters
This is an important step in the approval process, as it allows MEG Energy the hands of voters. statement, "This fall Canadians once must bear the name of the writer —and must
to proceed to the next stages of development, including making a final Letter to the Editor Currently the Liberals hold 177 again get to vote for the kind of also include the address and telephone
investment decision and applying for other environmental licences and local seats, the Conservatives hold 95, the Canada they want to live in."
area development permits. Media Release: NDP has 39, the Bloc Quebecois has Let's hope that Canadians decided number (which will not be published). The Rachel Notley’s social licence agenda
“Through this approval, we are showing our support for industry-led 10, the Green Party has two seats, that 'the kind of Canada they want to publisher will consider withholding the
investment in Alberta – particularly when the proponent has undertaken Open Letter: and there are eight sitting as live in' is one that doesn't pit East writer’s name from print if there is a legitimate Letter to the Editor Policy
extensive planning and clearly demonstrated its economic viability.” -Sonya independents. A party needs to win against West, and one that doesn't pit case for reprisals. The Weekly Anchor welcomes Letters to the Editor
Savage, Minister of Energy. 170 seats to win a majority Western provinces against each Letters published do not necessarily reflect the All letters are published at the discretion of the editor-publisher who reserves the right
to edit for clarity, length and libel. All letters must bear the name of the writer —and
Before being submitted for government approval, these development plans – My government. other. policies or beliefs of this newspaper. must also include the address and telephone number (which will not be published). The
also known as schemes – require stringent approval by the Alberta Energy ViewPoint The Liberals have been working publisher will consider withholding the writer’s name from print if there is a legitimate
Regulator, which conducts a detailed review of the application. by Adrienne Tait hard to minimize public attention on case for reprisals.
Quick facts the SNC-Lavalin scandal, when last (*A random telephone survey poll of 1,000 Canadians
that is accurate ±3.1 percentage points, plus or minus, 19
- Once operational, the MEG Energy Surmont project will produce month the Ethics Commissioner times out of 20.)
approximately 120,000 barrels of bitumen per day. PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE
- The project will extract bitumen using steam-assisted gravity drainage. Jim Eglinski
- The project is in the Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo, ViewPoint
approximately 80 kilometres south of Fort McMurray. by Cassie Kushniruk MP Yellowhead
Handicap Accessible Edson asks for help making town more accessible
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
by Dana McArthur making our community more accessible for asking that if anyone knows of an
the disabled." accessibility issue they have encountered 780-723-5787 The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor
There is a new group in Edson that formed The group will also be advocating for use to contact them and let them know. "We
MLA just last week called Handicap Accessible of audible signals at frequently used road want to get the word going around asking Views & News
Eric Rosendahl Edson. crossings as well as other accessibility people what we can do to make Edson by Deanna Mitchener
more handicap accessible." They can be
They are a group of people living in Edson improvements in the area.
that have a passion to make the town more Handicap Accessible Edson is currently contacted at 780-723-0393 or on social
accessible for those who have disabilities. media.
"We would like people to take the time to
look around and make sure their sidewalks The Weekly Anchor 6,300 Audited 5040 3rd Avenue, Edson, Alberta Canadian
Published by: 422247 Alberta Ltd.
Media Circulation
are clear of obstructions, hedges, Your Canadian Publication Mail Number - 40014221 Telephone: (780) 723-5787 Audit
P.O. Box 6870, T7E 1V2
overhanging trees, vehicles, and garbage Local Independent Newspaper OFFICE HOURS: Mon - Thurs 9:00 am to 4:30 p.m. Email: Weekly Newspapers
Fax: (780) 723-5725
Fri.: 9:00 am to 3:00 p.m.
cans and are not obstructing access for CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEADLINES: Tuesday, Noon Website: Association
people with mobility issues," said Member of the
spokesperson Martin Sobush. "Those of us Edson & District
CORRECTION who have mobility issues have a hard time Chamber of
Apologies on my behalf to the Edson Cycling Association for a using the sidewalks with these obstacles in Commerce Dana McArthur Sue Ann Cindy Weisser Cassie Deanna
misqoute of projected full cost build of the new Bike Park that is Publisher/Owner Sales Representative Graphics/Layout Reporter/Office Asst. Mitchener
going in out at Willmore. In the last issue my article incorrectly said our way and we appreciate your help
$350,000 when actually it is a $624,000 projected cost for the full
build. Please accept my apologies and I take full blame, not the
Weekly Anchor. Deanna Mitchener
Deanna has a new photo
Jim Eglinski
MP Yellowhead