Page 8 - September 16, 2019
P. 8
Edson Landfill Recovery Operation update
New landfill cell construction to commence in 2020
by Cassie Kushniruk from Weyerhauser and that there will need to be Deputy Mayor Janet Wilkinson asked
a designated spot in the landfill for this waste so approximately how long the transfer station
Town Council was presented with an update as to not “mix that type of volume in a daily operation will continue. Verhaeghe replied, “At
regarding the Town of Edson Landfill Recovery cell”. this time that is still open for discussion but we
Operation during their September 10 Committee “At the same time we will be reviewing our would anticipate the actual construction would
of the Whole meeting. landfill user fees as well as our operating hours,” not complete an opening for 6 months into
Since March 8, there have been no smoke or said Thompson. 2020.”
steam emissions observed from the fire zone. Through the course of suppressing the fire, Mayor Zahara noted, “I still get a lot of
Environmental & Fleet Service Manager Bruce Thompson stated that the on-site clay stock that feedback that Sunday being closed is a huge
Thompson added, “Our fire specialist from was used to remediate the landfill has been detriment to many people in our community and
Vancouver has declared, through the monitoring essentially used up. “We will be looking for I would like to have further discussion on that
of the gas probes on site, that there is no more sources of clay throughout the region,” he said. issue.”
combustion happening down below.” As of today, the waste transfer station continues With regards to the large quantities of wood
However, Thompson stated that the summer to operate at the Edson Landfill. Operating costs chips the Edson Landfill receives from
rains have created “a bit of a mess” to the clay have exceeded regular landfill operations. Weyerhaeuser, Wilkinson asked, “Are there
cover, which will require major work to repair. Thompson added, “We've also not generated as enough wood chips left there to be a fire hazard?
“It's been difficult to get in to do any kind of much revenue as we'd anticipated in that a lot of How would you protect that from starting
major repairs up there so we may include that as the large loads are going to Hinton instead of another fire in the landfill?”
part of the construction of the new cell,” he said. coming across our scales.” Thompson replied, “We need to have the loads
The location for a new landfill area has been Edson Mayor Kevin Zahara commented, “My come in more frequently so we can stay on top of
presented to Alberta Environment and approval biggest concern is, if we're looking at slower loads than having a massive one come in
in principle has been provided for a vertical construction next year, where would the funding a spending hours trying to cover it over.”
expansion to the north of the current site. come from? Which reserves are we looking at The next update will be presented to Council
“Myself, in conjunction with the consultant, are and what are we doing to deal with that following final approval of the landfill
meeting now for our official approval process implication? What communication have we had application by Alberta Environment. A review of
and we're hoping to get that in the next couple of with Yellowhead County?” the design and the new Site Operation Plan and
months,” said Thompson. “We will then upon General Manager of Infrastructure and associated costs will also be presented at this
approval begin the final design for construction Planning Martino Verhaeghe replied, “We do time.
and be prepared to build next year with bidding actually have this included in my recommended
at an appropriate time in January/February.” budget changes for the spring that you have
In the meantime, pre-construction activities approved. We're not necessarily going to be
will include a revised Site Operation Plan for the exceeding that amount, but we do have $450,000
landfill site to better control landfilling activities, set aside for the construction of the cell.”
avoid hot-loads and potential fires, and optimize CAO Mike Derricott added that Administration
air space. has been in contact with Yellowhead County and
“The construction of this next cell will include will continue to make sure they are aware of the
fire barriers, so as we close a cell we will ensure situation moving forward.
it is encapsulated with clay so if we happen to Councillor Troy Sorenson asked, “If the fire
get a hot load or we have a fire it's contained has been put out, why can't we re-open the
within a small part of the overall landfill,” landfill?”
Thompson said. Thompson replied that ground conditions in the
Thompson added that the Edson Landfill south end of the cell are not favorable to move
currently receives large quantities of wood chips material into and that it will take a great amount
of preparation to get back up and running. “Plus
the proposal now is to expand to the north not to
BILL MITCHELL the south,” he added.
Western Star Trucks (North) Ltd.
24210 114 Avenue
Acheson, AB T7X 6B9
Toll Free 1-800-252-7500 Cell: 780-984-2224
Phone: 780-453-3452 Fax: 780-447-5317
Summers Drilling
Summers Drilling
Water Well Drilling
Water Well Drilling
A proud Alberta business, since 1917, oud Alberta business, since 1917,
A pr
Summers Drilling specializes in water well
Summers Drilling specializes in water well
drilling and water well repairs. epairs.
drilling and water well r
4405 50 street 780-963-1282
4405 50 street
Stony Plain, AB
Stony Plain, AB
Edson Landfill Recovery Operation update
New landfill cell construction to commence in 2020
by Cassie Kushniruk from Weyerhauser and that there will need to be Deputy Mayor Janet Wilkinson asked
a designated spot in the landfill for this waste so approximately how long the transfer station
Town Council was presented with an update as to not “mix that type of volume in a daily operation will continue. Verhaeghe replied, “At
regarding the Town of Edson Landfill Recovery cell”. this time that is still open for discussion but we
Operation during their September 10 Committee “At the same time we will be reviewing our would anticipate the actual construction would
of the Whole meeting. landfill user fees as well as our operating hours,” not complete an opening for 6 months into
Since March 8, there have been no smoke or said Thompson. 2020.”
steam emissions observed from the fire zone. Through the course of suppressing the fire, Mayor Zahara noted, “I still get a lot of
Environmental & Fleet Service Manager Bruce Thompson stated that the on-site clay stock that feedback that Sunday being closed is a huge
Thompson added, “Our fire specialist from was used to remediate the landfill has been detriment to many people in our community and
Vancouver has declared, through the monitoring essentially used up. “We will be looking for I would like to have further discussion on that
of the gas probes on site, that there is no more sources of clay throughout the region,” he said. issue.”
combustion happening down below.” As of today, the waste transfer station continues With regards to the large quantities of wood
However, Thompson stated that the summer to operate at the Edson Landfill. Operating costs chips the Edson Landfill receives from
rains have created “a bit of a mess” to the clay have exceeded regular landfill operations. Weyerhaeuser, Wilkinson asked, “Are there
cover, which will require major work to repair. Thompson added, “We've also not generated as enough wood chips left there to be a fire hazard?
“It's been difficult to get in to do any kind of much revenue as we'd anticipated in that a lot of How would you protect that from starting
major repairs up there so we may include that as the large loads are going to Hinton instead of another fire in the landfill?”
part of the construction of the new cell,” he said. coming across our scales.” Thompson replied, “We need to have the loads
The location for a new landfill area has been Edson Mayor Kevin Zahara commented, “My come in more frequently so we can stay on top of
presented to Alberta Environment and approval biggest concern is, if we're looking at slower loads than having a massive one come in
in principle has been provided for a vertical construction next year, where would the funding a spending hours trying to cover it over.”
expansion to the north of the current site. come from? Which reserves are we looking at The next update will be presented to Council
“Myself, in conjunction with the consultant, are and what are we doing to deal with that following final approval of the landfill
meeting now for our official approval process implication? What communication have we had application by Alberta Environment. A review of
and we're hoping to get that in the next couple of with Yellowhead County?” the design and the new Site Operation Plan and
months,” said Thompson. “We will then upon General Manager of Infrastructure and associated costs will also be presented at this
approval begin the final design for construction Planning Martino Verhaeghe replied, “We do time.
and be prepared to build next year with bidding actually have this included in my recommended
at an appropriate time in January/February.” budget changes for the spring that you have
In the meantime, pre-construction activities approved. We're not necessarily going to be
will include a revised Site Operation Plan for the exceeding that amount, but we do have $450,000
landfill site to better control landfilling activities, set aside for the construction of the cell.”
avoid hot-loads and potential fires, and optimize CAO Mike Derricott added that Administration
air space. has been in contact with Yellowhead County and
“The construction of this next cell will include will continue to make sure they are aware of the
fire barriers, so as we close a cell we will ensure situation moving forward.
it is encapsulated with clay so if we happen to Councillor Troy Sorenson asked, “If the fire
get a hot load or we have a fire it's contained has been put out, why can't we re-open the
within a small part of the overall landfill,” landfill?”
Thompson said. Thompson replied that ground conditions in the
Thompson added that the Edson Landfill south end of the cell are not favorable to move
currently receives large quantities of wood chips material into and that it will take a great amount
of preparation to get back up and running. “Plus
the proposal now is to expand to the north not to
BILL MITCHELL the south,” he added.
Western Star Trucks (North) Ltd.
24210 114 Avenue
Acheson, AB T7X 6B9
Toll Free 1-800-252-7500 Cell: 780-984-2224
Phone: 780-453-3452 Fax: 780-447-5317
Summers Drilling
Summers Drilling
Water Well Drilling
Water Well Drilling
A proud Alberta business, since 1917, oud Alberta business, since 1917,
A pr
Summers Drilling specializes in water well
Summers Drilling specializes in water well
drilling and water well repairs. epairs.
drilling and water well r
4405 50 street 780-963-1282
4405 50 street
Stony Plain, AB
Stony Plain, AB