Page 3 - September 2, 2019
P. 3
Boys & Girls Club says farewell to Summer
and to some special staff members
by Shaylyn Thornton programming to the kids at the
Club, which taught them skills to
On Friday August 23 the Edson help regulate their stress and
and District Boys & Girls Club held emotions, form positive
their Summer Party to say goodbye relationships, and gave them tools
to summer with crafts, a bouncy to act with kindness and
house, and a barbeque with lots of compassion towards others.
goodies for partygoers to enjoy. The final goodbye was to Altaf
Parents and siblings were invited Ali, the Executive Director of the
to stop by throughout the event and Club since 2016. Ali came into the
see what the kids have been up to, club with a Bachelor degree in
and members of the community social work, so he provided a
were invited to stop by and get a unique perspective and was able to
glimpse into what the Club does, as assist and educate the staff in a lot
well as enjoy the delicious food of different situations.
prepared by the Club. “He came in with a very positive
24 kids aged 19 months to 12 outlook to do everything he could to Staff, children, and parents said goodbye to Spencer Johnston, Mikaila
years participated in the party, and make positive changes,” said Perrino, and Altaf Ali during the Boys & Girls Club's Summer Party on August
approximately 12 parents stopped DePee. “He always had the best 23. photo Shaylyn Thornton
by to check everything out and see interests of the staff and children,
their kids enjoy the Club firsthand. and he put so much extra time into
Program Director Shelby DePee fundraising and volunteering at
said, “The kids loved the party. events.”
They really had a blast.” At the party, DePee, Club staff,
The Summer Party also had a bit and the parents and children in
of a somber note, as the Boys & attendance said goodbye to the
Girls Club had to say goodbye to three, with cards and chocolates as a
three members of their staff. thank you. Though all three
Spencer Johnston was with the goodbyes were emotional, DePee
Club as a summer student, and the choked up during her goodbye to
staff said he was great to have Altaf, noting how much the Club
around and that the kids enjoyed his would miss him.
contributions to the group. His Some of the children in the Club
friendly and easygoing nature was a also cried when they learned of Ali's
welcome addition to the staff. departure, and DePee made it clear Miranda Christie (left), Alex Blackburn, and Lara Schutz were the popcorn
Mikaila Perrino was also with the why. “The kids literally adored chefs during the Boys & Girls Club's Summer Party on August 23. photo
Club for the summer, from the Altaf,” she said. Shaylyn Thornton
group BEST (Bringing Empowered In all, the Summer Party was a
Students Together). great way for the Club to say
BEST focuses on mental health, goodbye to summer and some Edson Funeral Home
and Perrino helped the staff by amazing people and have a fun and
giving tips and tricks for helping exciting refresh before the new
children cope in different mental school year is set to begin.
health situations, both good and The Club looks forward to what is Foothills Memorial Chapel and Crematorium
bad. She also offered parent next for them, and anyone A Caring Part of the Caring Group Corp.
information nights with topics such interested in getting involved, PO Box 6358, 5040 6th Ave., Edson, AB T7E 1T8
as Trip Taking With Children and whether it be to enroll their children
gave mental health focused advice or to help with volunteering and 780-723-3575
for a variety of situations. fundraising, can contact the Club at
Perrino also provided MindUp 780-723-7240.
Our Commitment
Our Commitment Professional Digital
Is To You. Passport System
Is To You.
photos ready
in minutes
while you wait...
Full Service
Funeral Home Offering:
Traditional Funeral Services, The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor
Graveside Services and 5040 3rd Avenue, Edson040 3rd Avenue, Edson
Cremation Options with a Crematorium
on site in Edson. DROP IN AND SEE!ROP IN AND SEE! 7
Cemetery Monuments.
We also offer Prearrangement Plans.
Tara Burdock (left) and Mikaila Perrino manned the barbeque during the Boys
& Girls Club's Summer Party on August 23. photo Shaylyn Thornton
Boys & Girls Club says farewell to Summer
and to some special staff members
by Shaylyn Thornton programming to the kids at the
Club, which taught them skills to
On Friday August 23 the Edson help regulate their stress and
and District Boys & Girls Club held emotions, form positive
their Summer Party to say goodbye relationships, and gave them tools
to summer with crafts, a bouncy to act with kindness and
house, and a barbeque with lots of compassion towards others.
goodies for partygoers to enjoy. The final goodbye was to Altaf
Parents and siblings were invited Ali, the Executive Director of the
to stop by throughout the event and Club since 2016. Ali came into the
see what the kids have been up to, club with a Bachelor degree in
and members of the community social work, so he provided a
were invited to stop by and get a unique perspective and was able to
glimpse into what the Club does, as assist and educate the staff in a lot
well as enjoy the delicious food of different situations.
prepared by the Club. “He came in with a very positive
24 kids aged 19 months to 12 outlook to do everything he could to Staff, children, and parents said goodbye to Spencer Johnston, Mikaila
years participated in the party, and make positive changes,” said Perrino, and Altaf Ali during the Boys & Girls Club's Summer Party on August
approximately 12 parents stopped DePee. “He always had the best 23. photo Shaylyn Thornton
by to check everything out and see interests of the staff and children,
their kids enjoy the Club firsthand. and he put so much extra time into
Program Director Shelby DePee fundraising and volunteering at
said, “The kids loved the party. events.”
They really had a blast.” At the party, DePee, Club staff,
The Summer Party also had a bit and the parents and children in
of a somber note, as the Boys & attendance said goodbye to the
Girls Club had to say goodbye to three, with cards and chocolates as a
three members of their staff. thank you. Though all three
Spencer Johnston was with the goodbyes were emotional, DePee
Club as a summer student, and the choked up during her goodbye to
staff said he was great to have Altaf, noting how much the Club
around and that the kids enjoyed his would miss him.
contributions to the group. His Some of the children in the Club
friendly and easygoing nature was a also cried when they learned of Ali's
welcome addition to the staff. departure, and DePee made it clear Miranda Christie (left), Alex Blackburn, and Lara Schutz were the popcorn
Mikaila Perrino was also with the why. “The kids literally adored chefs during the Boys & Girls Club's Summer Party on August 23. photo
Club for the summer, from the Altaf,” she said. Shaylyn Thornton
group BEST (Bringing Empowered In all, the Summer Party was a
Students Together). great way for the Club to say
BEST focuses on mental health, goodbye to summer and some Edson Funeral Home
and Perrino helped the staff by amazing people and have a fun and
giving tips and tricks for helping exciting refresh before the new
children cope in different mental school year is set to begin.
health situations, both good and The Club looks forward to what is Foothills Memorial Chapel and Crematorium
bad. She also offered parent next for them, and anyone A Caring Part of the Caring Group Corp.
information nights with topics such interested in getting involved, PO Box 6358, 5040 6th Ave., Edson, AB T7E 1T8
as Trip Taking With Children and whether it be to enroll their children
gave mental health focused advice or to help with volunteering and 780-723-3575
for a variety of situations. fundraising, can contact the Club at
Perrino also provided MindUp 780-723-7240.
Our Commitment
Our Commitment Professional Digital
Is To You. Passport System
Is To You.
photos ready
in minutes
while you wait...
Full Service
Funeral Home Offering:
Traditional Funeral Services, The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor
Graveside Services and 5040 3rd Avenue, Edson040 3rd Avenue, Edson
Cremation Options with a Crematorium
on site in Edson. DROP IN AND SEE!ROP IN AND SEE! 7
Cemetery Monuments.
We also offer Prearrangement Plans.
Tara Burdock (left) and Mikaila Perrino manned the barbeque during the Boys
& Girls Club's Summer Party on August 23. photo Shaylyn Thornton