Page 4 - September 2, 2019
P. 4

First annual Duathlon Adventure Race a success

by Deanna Mitchener done a great job with all the trails, it has been There were many positive remarks from people
tremendous, with the community support behind who attended the event including Sherrie Ellis,

The weather held out for a great first annual events." "The event was well organized with music, beer
Edson Duathlon Adventure Race that took place "The Austin MacDougall Trail just opened this gardens, and lots of volunteers so everything
at Willmore Park on August 24. past week and now the Duathlon. Just a very seemed to run smoothly. We've been to other
The event was hosted by both the Edson Kinette positive event for our community to come events where they haven't been very organized. So
Club and the Edson Rotary Club, along with together on. We are looking forward to the Bike with this being the first race of this kind here in
many volunteers and sponsors coming together to Skills Park when it opens —another great place Edson, it was organized very well. I hope they
make it a great event. for members of the community to enjoy as well as have good turnouts in the future as our family will
There's not much a person can do about the attract tourism into our community," said Zahara. be back to take part."
weather, but the sun was shining right up until just
before the end of the day. The rain did decide to
sprinkle at the end but it was a nice way to cool
off after the race.
Race Director Vivian Williams said, "A special
thanks to the many wonderful volunteers, as we
couldn't hold an event like this without all your
help and support. We wanted to host an event to
help promote our beautiful trail system out here at
Willmore. The Edson Cycling Association does
such an amazing job with the trails. Maintaining
all the trails is a lot of hard work and many hours
that go into keeping them in great shape. All the
hours put in from volunteers on a weekly and
monthly basis, with people heading out after work
swinging a pick axe, along with everything else
that goes into maintaining these beautiful trails.
The trails look fantastic and so many people can
come out to walk, run, and bike them on a regular
"Lots of hours went into preparing for this new
event including flagging trails, setting up tents,
registrations, organizing, and talking with
sponsors that donated items. Plus taking
everything back down after the event is over," The youngest group of kids were ready to hit the trail during Edson's First Annual Adventure Race on
said Williams. "The turnout was very pleasing for August 24, at Willmore Park. This young group rode their bikes around the Day Use Area and then
our first time hosting an event such as this. The around the Riverside campsites. photo Deanna Mitchener
two organizations worked well together and we
look forward to another joint effort again next
year. This first year was a learning curve and now
that we have worked through a few kinks, future
years will hopefully be even better as we know
what to look out for and what needs to be done."
"With close to 40 kids taking part in the kids
PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE event, it was pretty spectacular watching their
excitement as spectators clapped and encouraged
everyone to the finish line," said Williams.
The TRI-a-duathlon Solo winners were Stephen
Professional Digital
Professional Digital Brinks in first place; 2nd place was Patrick
Passport System
Passport System Blundell; and 3rd place winner was Alyssa
Sprint duathlon 1st. place was Levi Ellis; 2nd
photos ready
photos ready was Jason Lucas; and third was Greg Guenette.
The Team Sprint duathlon went to Beaner and
in minutes Williams; 2nd place to Bennett and Tuftin; and
in minutes
while you wait... 3rd place to Gargus and Kulynych.
while you wait...
The Masters Team was won by West and
Chipiuk taking 1st; and William and Williams Town Councillor Krystal Baier, Edson Mayor Kevin Zahara, winners of the Team Spirit Duathlon: 2nd
taking 2nd. The Master Solo event went to Brian place Bennett and Tuftin, 1st place Beaner and Williams, and 3rd place Garry's and Kulynych, along with
Yellowhead MLA Martin Long, and Town Councillor Troy Sorensen just after the participants received
Nelson for the males and female master went to their medals during the Edson Adventure Race on August 24. photo Deanna Mitchener
Katy Poirier.
"We very much appreciate the community
support on so many different levels, thanks for
T helping us bring this vision to life. We are proud
The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor
of our joint efforts showing what we can really do
when we work together," said Williams .
West Yellowhead MLA Martin Long attended
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson the Adventure Race to see what it was all about.
"This event is fantastic. Seeing all this excitement
780-723-5787 shows the quality of people in these communities
that I get to represent that take their time and
energy to put into a project such as this race. It is
truly amazing the amount of volunteer hours that
go into events like this. A person can't really even
DROP IN AND SEE!ROP IN AND SEE! begin to add and track how many hours really
went in, as everyone was busy. It sounds like
everyone is really pleased and considered it to be
a very good success, which is exciting, and
hopefully we see it again next year."
Edson Mayor Kevin Zahara, who also attended,
said, "Willmore Park is one of our most hidden
gems in our community so anytime there is an
event out here such as this one, it brings people Town Councillor Krystal Baier, Edson Mayor Kevin Zahara, 1st place winner for the men's in the Master
out to explore and experience the trail systems Solo Brian Nelson, missing from photo is 1st place winner for the females Katy Poirier, West Yellowhead
that are in place. The Cycling Association has MLA Martin Long, and Town Councillor Troy Sorensen just after participants receive their medals during
the Edson Adventure Race on August 24. photo Deanna Mitchener
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