Page 10 - September 9, 2019
P. 10
A rts - Entertainment - Events - and what’s going on
The Scene
Upcoming Events
Upcoming Events 47th Annual Grandparent Walk-a-thon
Sept 6: The Pioneer Cabin will be hosting a by Deanna Mitchener will be served after the walk," said Strang.
"Proceeds from pledges will go towards
Jamboree. Supper will be served at 5:30 p.m. September 21 will be the 47th Annual making a difference for the 72 residents that
Parkland Lodge Auxiliary's Grandparent Walk- are currently residing in Parkland Lodge. Local
Sept 6: Nomination deadline for the 2019 a-thon. M.P. Jim Eglinski has donated a lovely gift
Arts on Fire awards. Nomination forms are The Walk-a-thon starts at 10 a.m. with basket and everyone who participates in the
available at the Town Community Services everyone meeting at the front entrance of the walk-a-thon will have their name entered into
Office, Galloway Station Museum, Red Brick temporary Parkland Lodge location, which is the draw," said Strang.
Arts Centre, and Edson Public Library. the old hospital 4716 - 5th Ave. "What I really enjoy about this walk for our
Submit forms to Galloway Station Museum In an interview with The Weekly Anchor, seniors, is the opportunity to give back to
or Community Services, or email them to Ivan Strang, the President of the Auxiliary, them. A lot of them are eager to take part in the Call 780-723-4403 for said,"We have two routes that will be marked walk themselves too. They also take part by
more information. for this event, one for those in wheel chairs or collecting pledges and this makes me feel very
that have walkers, and a longer route for those proud to know everyone is working together.
Sept 10: Meet Krysta Hawboldt, wishes to do a longer stretch. We hope more We need to get more families and youngsters
Community Development Coordinator, for a families will join us this year so bring the little joining in so this can continue for all seniors
weekly walk around town. Route/distance will ones, the teenagers —and pets are welcome now and down the road," said Strang.
be determined based on the participants in too." The Walk-a-thon also helps raise awareness
attendance. All ages are encouraged to "All funds raised from our sponsors help us for community members to stay in touch with
attend. This group is stroller friendly. This give back to the seniors in the lodge. The our seniors. Many seniors loose touch with
group will meet on Tuesdays at 9:30 am and Grandparents Walk-a-thon is a non- their own family members or have moved to
Wednesdays at 2:30 pm. Meet at the front competitive one mile walk at your own pace. the lodge from outside the area. Our seniors
doors of Repsol Place. There is no registration fee to take part, but have a wealth to share, and you may even
participants are encouraged to collect pledges enjoy getting together on a regular basis to
Sept 11: The Edson Air Cadets meet every to help our seniors," said Strang. play a game or activity.
Wednesday from 6:30 pm to 9:15 pm at "Pledge forms can be picked up at Parkland For more information or to pick up a pledge
Holy Redeemer Catholic High School. The Lodge Monday through Friday between 8:30 form you can also call Carol at 780-723-5518,
organization provides training in citizenship, a.m. and 4 p.m. or from the Town Office Ivan at 780-723-4020, or Ann at 780-723-
leadership and training in aviation to youth during regular business hours. Refreshments 4522.
from 12-19 years old. For more information
contact Capt. Kelly Jensen at 780-712-5735. th
Sept 14: Visit YKCS for Western Days 39 annual Terry Fox Run
starting at 1 pm. The event will include an
ABRA approved barrel race, chilli cook-off, by Deanna Mitchener
carnival games, petting zoo, live music and
entertainment, concession, chili on a bun, Terrance 'Terry' Stanley Fox was a Canadian
and more. Proceeds from the event will athlete, humanitarian, and cancer research
support the school. activist. In 1980, after having one leg
amputated due to cancer, Fox embarked on an
east-to-west cross-Canada run to raise money
Sept 15: Participate in the 39 annual Terry and awareness for cancer research. Fox was
Fox Run at Repsol Place. Register online at born in July 28, 1958 in Winnipeg and sadly Pledge lost his battle to cancer on June 28, 1981 in
forms are available at the Town office, Repsol New Westminster, B.C.
Place, Edson & District Public Library, and The 39 annual Terry Fox Run will take place
ATB Financial. For more information or to in Edson on September 15 at Repsol Place from
12:30 pm to 3 pm.
volunteer, contact Andrea at Terry Fox Run Chairperson Andrea Longman said, “We raised $1,110 in 2018 and had 52
people attend. I believe the weather played a
Sept 20: Application deadline for the 2020 major factor last year with the snow; it
Town of Edson Youth Council is at 4 pm. definitely deterred people from attending.”
Open to all youth ages 13-18 living in or “I spearhead the event with sponsorship from
attending school in Edson. For more WSP for the snacks and refreshments after the
Remember to drop off your walk,” said Longman. “I also had volunteers
Remember to drop off your donations for the information visit, phone 780- who helped with registration. This will be my
donations for the EDSON FOOD BANK 723-4403, or text 780-725-3083. third year running the event.”
EDSON FOOD BANK “Terry Fox is a Canadian hero; he is an
at Independent Grocer, Sobeys at Independent Grocer, Sobeys Sept 21: Parkland Lodge Auxiliary again example of what one person can do if they have
or the Edson Food Bank
or the Edson Food Bank sponsors their annual Grandparents' a dream,” Longman said. “His legacy has been
The Food Bank will be open two Thursday evenings, The Food Bank will be open Walkathon at Parkland Lodge on 5 Avenue. living on for 39 years. Being part of this event
is important to me as many of us have been
the second and last Thursday of the Month two Thursday evenings, The Walkathon starts at 10 am. For more affected by cancer and this is something we can
6:45-8:00 pm. the second and last Thursday of information and pledge forms please phone all do to change the future of cancer by raising
Open regular hours every Tuesday from the Month 6:45-8:00 pm. Ivan at 780-723-4020, Carol at 780-723- funds for research.”
9-11 am. Open regular hours every 5518, or Ann at 780-723-4522. Please note Last fall, Longman had the opportunity to
780-723-1350 that the correct date is September 21. visit Mile Zero only a week after the run in Pictured is Terry Fox Run Chairperson Andrea
Sponsored by The Weekly Anchor Tuesday from 9-11 am. Longman at Mile Zero in Victoria on September 22,
Hours: Tues 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. Edson. “It reminded me of the reasons I chose 2018; one week after the 2018 Terry Fox Run in
Last Thursday of the month 6:45 p.m. to 8 p.m. Sept 27: Stop by the Red Brick from 3:30- to continue Terry's legacy in our community,” Edson. photo submitted
Food Bank located at 4511 5th Ave., Edson 780-723-1350 5:30 pm for refreshments in celebration of the she said.
Hours: Tues 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. Longman said, “There is a 5km or 10km out- Run can be picked up at the Town of Edson
Last Thursday of the month 6:45 p.m. to 8 p.m. 2019 Alberta Culture Days. and-back through the trail system for those that Office, Repsol Place, ATB Bank or Edson &
Food Bank located at wish to walk, bike or run. Dogs and strollers District Public Library. Register online at
4511 5th Ave., Edson See Classified Page for are always welcome, so bring the whole For further
Sponsored by The Weekly Anchor monthly meetings and activities family.” th information or to volunteer, contact Andrea at
Pledge forms for the 39 annual Terry Fox
A rts - Entertainment - Events - and what’s going on
The Scene
Upcoming Events
Upcoming Events 47th Annual Grandparent Walk-a-thon
Sept 6: The Pioneer Cabin will be hosting a by Deanna Mitchener will be served after the walk," said Strang.
"Proceeds from pledges will go towards
Jamboree. Supper will be served at 5:30 p.m. September 21 will be the 47th Annual making a difference for the 72 residents that
Parkland Lodge Auxiliary's Grandparent Walk- are currently residing in Parkland Lodge. Local
Sept 6: Nomination deadline for the 2019 a-thon. M.P. Jim Eglinski has donated a lovely gift
Arts on Fire awards. Nomination forms are The Walk-a-thon starts at 10 a.m. with basket and everyone who participates in the
available at the Town Community Services everyone meeting at the front entrance of the walk-a-thon will have their name entered into
Office, Galloway Station Museum, Red Brick temporary Parkland Lodge location, which is the draw," said Strang.
Arts Centre, and Edson Public Library. the old hospital 4716 - 5th Ave. "What I really enjoy about this walk for our
Submit forms to Galloway Station Museum In an interview with The Weekly Anchor, seniors, is the opportunity to give back to
or Community Services, or email them to Ivan Strang, the President of the Auxiliary, them. A lot of them are eager to take part in the Call 780-723-4403 for said,"We have two routes that will be marked walk themselves too. They also take part by
more information. for this event, one for those in wheel chairs or collecting pledges and this makes me feel very
that have walkers, and a longer route for those proud to know everyone is working together.
Sept 10: Meet Krysta Hawboldt, wishes to do a longer stretch. We hope more We need to get more families and youngsters
Community Development Coordinator, for a families will join us this year so bring the little joining in so this can continue for all seniors
weekly walk around town. Route/distance will ones, the teenagers —and pets are welcome now and down the road," said Strang.
be determined based on the participants in too." The Walk-a-thon also helps raise awareness
attendance. All ages are encouraged to "All funds raised from our sponsors help us for community members to stay in touch with
attend. This group is stroller friendly. This give back to the seniors in the lodge. The our seniors. Many seniors loose touch with
group will meet on Tuesdays at 9:30 am and Grandparents Walk-a-thon is a non- their own family members or have moved to
Wednesdays at 2:30 pm. Meet at the front competitive one mile walk at your own pace. the lodge from outside the area. Our seniors
doors of Repsol Place. There is no registration fee to take part, but have a wealth to share, and you may even
participants are encouraged to collect pledges enjoy getting together on a regular basis to
Sept 11: The Edson Air Cadets meet every to help our seniors," said Strang. play a game or activity.
Wednesday from 6:30 pm to 9:15 pm at "Pledge forms can be picked up at Parkland For more information or to pick up a pledge
Holy Redeemer Catholic High School. The Lodge Monday through Friday between 8:30 form you can also call Carol at 780-723-5518,
organization provides training in citizenship, a.m. and 4 p.m. or from the Town Office Ivan at 780-723-4020, or Ann at 780-723-
leadership and training in aviation to youth during regular business hours. Refreshments 4522.
from 12-19 years old. For more information
contact Capt. Kelly Jensen at 780-712-5735. th
Sept 14: Visit YKCS for Western Days 39 annual Terry Fox Run
starting at 1 pm. The event will include an
ABRA approved barrel race, chilli cook-off, by Deanna Mitchener
carnival games, petting zoo, live music and
entertainment, concession, chili on a bun, Terrance 'Terry' Stanley Fox was a Canadian
and more. Proceeds from the event will athlete, humanitarian, and cancer research
support the school. activist. In 1980, after having one leg
amputated due to cancer, Fox embarked on an
east-to-west cross-Canada run to raise money
Sept 15: Participate in the 39 annual Terry and awareness for cancer research. Fox was
Fox Run at Repsol Place. Register online at born in July 28, 1958 in Winnipeg and sadly Pledge lost his battle to cancer on June 28, 1981 in
forms are available at the Town office, Repsol New Westminster, B.C.
Place, Edson & District Public Library, and The 39 annual Terry Fox Run will take place
ATB Financial. For more information or to in Edson on September 15 at Repsol Place from
12:30 pm to 3 pm.
volunteer, contact Andrea at Terry Fox Run Chairperson Andrea Longman said, “We raised $1,110 in 2018 and had 52
people attend. I believe the weather played a
Sept 20: Application deadline for the 2020 major factor last year with the snow; it
Town of Edson Youth Council is at 4 pm. definitely deterred people from attending.”
Open to all youth ages 13-18 living in or “I spearhead the event with sponsorship from
attending school in Edson. For more WSP for the snacks and refreshments after the
Remember to drop off your walk,” said Longman. “I also had volunteers
Remember to drop off your donations for the information visit, phone 780- who helped with registration. This will be my
donations for the EDSON FOOD BANK 723-4403, or text 780-725-3083. third year running the event.”
EDSON FOOD BANK “Terry Fox is a Canadian hero; he is an
at Independent Grocer, Sobeys at Independent Grocer, Sobeys Sept 21: Parkland Lodge Auxiliary again example of what one person can do if they have
or the Edson Food Bank
or the Edson Food Bank sponsors their annual Grandparents' a dream,” Longman said. “His legacy has been
The Food Bank will be open two Thursday evenings, The Food Bank will be open Walkathon at Parkland Lodge on 5 Avenue. living on for 39 years. Being part of this event
is important to me as many of us have been
the second and last Thursday of the Month two Thursday evenings, The Walkathon starts at 10 am. For more affected by cancer and this is something we can
6:45-8:00 pm. the second and last Thursday of information and pledge forms please phone all do to change the future of cancer by raising
Open regular hours every Tuesday from the Month 6:45-8:00 pm. Ivan at 780-723-4020, Carol at 780-723- funds for research.”
9-11 am. Open regular hours every 5518, or Ann at 780-723-4522. Please note Last fall, Longman had the opportunity to
780-723-1350 that the correct date is September 21. visit Mile Zero only a week after the run in Pictured is Terry Fox Run Chairperson Andrea
Sponsored by The Weekly Anchor Tuesday from 9-11 am. Longman at Mile Zero in Victoria on September 22,
Hours: Tues 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. Edson. “It reminded me of the reasons I chose 2018; one week after the 2018 Terry Fox Run in
Last Thursday of the month 6:45 p.m. to 8 p.m. Sept 27: Stop by the Red Brick from 3:30- to continue Terry's legacy in our community,” Edson. photo submitted
Food Bank located at 4511 5th Ave., Edson 780-723-1350 5:30 pm for refreshments in celebration of the she said.
Hours: Tues 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. Longman said, “There is a 5km or 10km out- Run can be picked up at the Town of Edson
Last Thursday of the month 6:45 p.m. to 8 p.m. 2019 Alberta Culture Days. and-back through the trail system for those that Office, Repsol Place, ATB Bank or Edson &
Food Bank located at wish to walk, bike or run. Dogs and strollers District Public Library. Register online at
4511 5th Ave., Edson See Classified Page for are always welcome, so bring the whole For further
Sponsored by The Weekly Anchor monthly meetings and activities family.” th information or to volunteer, contact Andrea at
Pledge forms for the 39 annual Terry Fox