Page 12 - April 11 2016
P. 12

Volunteer enjoys helping create

lasting memories for kids

by Isabella Sellar Voll daughter's activities, but involved with Brownies “ E v e r y o n e h a s
she found that she and Girl Guides as a something to offer.” Jeri
Every year the call enjoyed it, so she child. She now works to Mitchell muses. “If I
goes out for volunteers. continued each year. create these same kinds can help one child to
Coaches, assistants, While Jeri has found it of lasting memories for have a more positive
Board Members and challenging at times, it her daughter and other outlook or teach them a
league directors - all has also been rewarding girls in the program. new skill, that means so
required for the Edson “to see the kids learning Mitchell believes much to me!”
Minor Soccer League to new skills and having a v e h e m e n t l y t h a t But it isn't all about
run programs for fun and successful v o l u n t e e r i n g i s what she gives, but also
community youth each season…I love working extremely important as what she gets in return.
year. with kids and watching a way to reach out to Mitchell says “I gain a
E a c h y e a r J e r i t h e m g r o w a n d m e m b e r s o f t h e huge sense of meaning
Mitchell has responded e x p e r i e n c e n e w community who may and purpose from
to this call and given her things…it's exciting!” need guidance. She volunteering…It is one
time and talent for the B e y o n d s o c c e r , says, “There may be of the most rewarding
b e n e f i t o f t h e Mitchell spends the off- young kids or young “jobs!”
community. season volunteering adults out there who If you know an active
After five years of with the Girl Guides of don't have positive role v o l u n t e e r i n t h e
involvement, including C a n a d a . H e r models in their lives…” community and would
several years as league commitments have The programs that she like to see them in the
director and as a changed and grown as works with fill this need spotlight, please contact
member of the board of her daughter has - first in the community. the Anchor at (780) 723-
directors, she will be as a Brownie leader, and Further, however, she 5787 to submit their
entering her sixth year then in the following maintains that it offers name and contact
of volunteering. year as a Brownie and a all children, as well as information.
M i t c h e l l s t a r t e d Girl Guide leader, and in the volunteers, an
volunteering for Edson year three as a Girl opportunity to “just get
Minor soccer because Guide leader. out and make new Volunteers are the roots of
she wanted to be more Mitchell remembers friends and learn new
involved with her fondly how she was skills.” strong communities ...

VOLUNTEERS spread kindness, change lives and make a
significant difference at EVERGREEN SCHOOL.

Thank you to our many school volunteers and
School Council members for supporting programs such as:
* Reading Programs * Book Fair
* Healthy Snack Program * Hot Lunches
* Ski Program * Special Events
* Field Trips

YOU help us grow!

Thank You

Evergreen School
5312 5th Ave., Edson, Alberta

and strong roots produce

beautiful leaves.

Thank You to the volunteers who
support the seniors at Sunshine Place

Lodge and in the community.
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