Page 7 - April 11 2016
P. 7

Course teaches importance

of intercultural education

by Deanna Mitchener personally. One of the or Google alone, we
most important parts of need to learn from each
other," said Schmid.
the course is to find out
blind view Isolde Schmid and about our own identity, If you would like to
Diana Mora from
find out more on
biases, and all kinds of
Intercultural Education
Intercultural Education
window with Catholic Social assumptions we have you can contact Isolde
about people and their
Services in Edmonton
Schmid at 780-391-
behaviour. The more
were in Edson on April
3267 or email her at
we understand and are
fashions Conservative 5 giving a day long willing to learn the less isolde.schmid@cssalbe Ed McKay with the International Union of Operating Engineers Coal Valley
c o u r s e o n t h e
we will judge and end
i m p o r t a n c e o f
iews intercultural education communication," said Club. The money will be used to enrich the lives of seniors at Parkland
Council donates a cheque for $250 to Tom Smith with the Matamao Senior`s
within communities.
Lodge. photo Sue-Ann Common
As team leader, Schmid
Guest Column by Clyde Corser
people to understand
has worked with the "This course can help
each other better, it can
January 4, January 25 department of Catholic e n c o u r a g e
Social Services for
communication, and
more than four years.
February 15 Diana Mora has just s t e e r s a t t e n t i o n s
sometimes in a more
started assisting Isolde
open and positive
this past week and looks
direction. It is a journey
March 7, 28 iews forward to her new t o b e c o m e
c a r e e r w i t h
interculturally aware
I n t e r c u l t u r a l
and it is not only
April 18 Guest Column by Clyde Corser Schmid grew up in a v a l u a b l e f o r t h e
workplace but for life.
small town in southern
N o w a d a y s w e
Germany, close to
May 9, 30 Stuttgart. She moved to encounter immigrants
everywhere," said
Turkey, then the US
before coming to
June 20 Canada. Schmid said, "The best part about DATE CHANGE-LOCATION CHANGEATE CHANGE-LOCATION CHANGE
my job is that I can learn
" M y e d u c a t i o n
a lot from every
b a c k g r o u n d i s a
Masters in Cultural workshop, but what I
Weekly Anchor
July 11 Anthropology from r e a l l y e n j o y i s Weekly Anchor
connecting with people,
Germany, which I
sharing experiences
topped up with a
Spring Scavenger Hunt
August 1, 22 certificate from UBC and facilitating other Spring Scavenger Hunt
people's learning," said
V a n c o u v e r i n
Intercultural Studies.
at at
Sept. 12 But it was more my We are also involved in Kinsmen Park
o u r R e f u g e e
experience living in
Kinsmen Park
Orientation Program
different countries and
October 3, 24 marrying a man from where we have the May 28, 2016
May 28, 2016
o p p o r t u n i t y t o
Turkey who grew up
e x p e r i e n c e f r e s h
with a different culture
November 14 and religion than e x a m p l e s o f We have changed the date in order to have some warmer weather.
i n t e r c u l t u r a l
myself. This experience
communication with all
with the added children
in the mix can get really the challenges and
December 5, 26? intense to figure out my awareness courses are Melissa’s Bouncy House Fun,
Melissa’s Bouncy House Fun,
highlights. Intercultural
values, his values, and
Captain Red, Spray Park Fun,
make sense of some very helpful to increase Captain Red, Spray Park Fun,
compromises." i n t e r c u l t u r a l
Hot Dogs, Popcorn,
"In the intercultural competency, which is Hot Dogs, Popcorn,
Blind View awareness course we not a cognitive skill, but
builds on knowledge,
try to explain concepts
Juice, Face Painting,
Window Fashions about how cultures are attitude and empathy. Juice, Face Painting,
different, so people can I n t e r c u l t u r a l
understand and not take competence cannot be Colouring...
Custom Window Treatments different behaviour learned through books
Fun for the whole family!
since 1988 Fun for the whole family!
Accepting Donations for the Food Bank...ccepting Donations for the Food Bank...
780.723.5734 Julie Van Ember MATS & COVERALL A
SPACE FOR RENT If you would like to help sponsor contact Sue-Ann at 780-723-5787.
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Approximately 1,000 sq. ft. Watch for more details...atch for more details...
or call DAVID at 780-517-2727
108 50 Street, Edson
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